
CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style) : BETA Released (Read 483314 times)

Started by TheDevil_44, March 31, 2021, 11:10:50 pm
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#41  May 04, 2023, 12:44:51 am
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Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#42  May 04, 2023, 01:12:51 am
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That one was based on her MvC run animation.

The original is very jumpy, even somewhat comical but it still fits Chun-Li

I agree the run animation doesn't fit Dictator. But by all means you can do whatever you want, you don't owe us nothing. So, keep going. The animation itself is very good.

It will be interesting to see you realize the especial intro you have in mind.

It reminds me of Cody's win animation:

Or even Q's intro:

It can easily work vs Sakura, where both of them arrive late to the fight:

Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#43  May 04, 2023, 04:01:12 am
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  • "I'm Bal... I'm Veg...*Sigh* Just call me 'Claw'."
That one was based on her MvC run animation.

The original is very jumpy, even somewhat comical but it still fits Chun-Li

I agree the run animation doesn't fit Dictator. But by all means you can do whatever you want, you don't owe us nothing. So, keep going. The animation itself is very good.

It will be interesting to see you realize the especial intro you have in mind.

It reminds me of Cody's win animation:

Or even Q's intro:

It can easily work vs Sakura, where both of them arrive late to the fight:

All this running is giving me some 'ideas'.  :devil:
"Remember kids; Curiosity created MUGEN!"

Check Out Cammy-Delta-Red-Development HERE
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#44  May 04, 2023, 03:30:23 pm
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Your powers shall feed my ambitions nicely!
Last Edit: May 04, 2023, 03:41:30 pm by Mr. Grunt
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#45  May 04, 2023, 04:02:37 pm
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  • Let's Raise Hell
  • Working for God

-Thx :mlol:


-Thx ;D

-My mind is EVERYWHERE... Idk what do sometimes :???:

-Can I use some sprites from you? :shocked2:


-Same :speechless:

Mr. Grunt

-LMAO :laugh3:

-That is soo funny :laugh3:
The Devil took Emerie's life and ruin it just to make it better :devil:
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#46  July 15, 2023, 07:17:33 pm
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Hi man you might be just interested if not it's okay

After seeing Dees post on Guile and Bison on twitter, I remember this thread that i have seen months ago

I was thinking about that running Bison, So I rewatching that two anime scene, if there could be an inspiration for his running and walking cycles

all i can think about is that there are *two state* of Bison mostly, Poise Bison(floating) and angry/serious/mad Bison(walking)

the typical Alpha Bison when poise, gracefully and confident that moves back and fort or something like Demitri,

thanos run?

for as running he likes to charge attack his opponent while dashing and running not just plain running. i could imagine him always doing what rugal does or what zangief does in (Dash Attack) pocket fighter or either what zangief does in mahvel games when dashing (Dash Grab)

he could either do something any of the route depending on button press, when his dashing forward

1. Drags the enemy on the corner
2. Juggle/Anti-Air
3. Knockdown state on enemy

His always on offensive when charging forward and has a glowing hands in SF2V, he does that to Ryu in 4 separate occasion even in SF2V anime and also to Ken when fighting him alone, while he always used his elbows to someone attacking on the back he did that to Ken, Ken always gets the elbow while Ryu is always on the facepalm

Bison is also FAST on moving front and back of his enemies even without teleporting/translocation and having a slow movement when attacking

I remember Samurai Showdown 3 mechanic, "switching sides".

When not levitating and walking Thanos or Hulk walk state?

Last Edit: July 15, 2023, 11:41:39 pm by The Shakunetsu
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#47  July 16, 2023, 02:13:47 am
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  • "I'm Bal... I'm Veg...*Sigh* Just call me 'Claw'."

"Remember kids; Curiosity created MUGEN!"

Check Out Cammy-Delta-Red-Development HERE
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#48  July 16, 2023, 06:29:15 am
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  • Wandering....
Last Edit: July 16, 2023, 11:56:39 am by The Shakunetsu
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#49  July 18, 2023, 04:59:03 am
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  • "I'm Bal... I'm Veg...*Sigh* Just call me 'Claw'."
"Remember kids; Curiosity created MUGEN!"

Check Out Cammy-Delta-Red-Development HERE
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#50  July 21, 2023, 01:45:51 am
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  • Let's Raise Hell
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I was working on the Intro with Jmorphman but people keep calling me sprite swapper and it kind of ruin my motivation :ears:

He's done but not completely. All I have to do...

-Re-Code his Running Animations
-Fix Hitboxes
-Fix Shin Bison's Knee Press Nightmare (MAX)

Trololo... I tried my best. I know you might be disappointed because I didn't use the emulator but he's ready ;D

Jmorphman... I did not want to release him without the intro with your Guile. I feel like shit. I'll try again :sweatdrop:
The Devil took Emerie's life and ruin it just to make it better :devil:
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#51  July 21, 2023, 02:25:37 am
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  • Wandering....
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#52  July 21, 2023, 03:29:07 am
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  • Let's Raise Hell
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God told me when someone takes any template without re-coding. I forgot to re-code Quicksilver & Chun so that's why people keep calling me that. Dan & Bison was slightly re-coded. They're not sprite swaps because I worked very fuckin hard editing sprites. It's more like CvS to CPS2. I'm converting instead of spending years trying to figure out how to make characters while working on 10 games

Jmorphman said it's ok to sprite swap

Can someone please move this thread to Projects?

I didn't do this for attention. I did it for Jmorphman and Trololo

Also did it for my SFZ3/SFA3 & Vega/M.Bison fans

Gotta ask... who should be next? Akuma or Rose?
The Devil took Emerie's life and ruin it just to make it better :devil:
Last Edit: July 21, 2023, 07:33:15 am by Emerie The G.O.A.T
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#53  July 21, 2023, 03:35:46 am
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  • Wandering....
Thanks. so it literally not touching the template other than replacing the sprites assigned for the template.
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#54  July 21, 2023, 03:57:22 am
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Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#55  July 21, 2023, 05:15:30 am
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Heh. Well, if that's a release now, then congratulations... but I would wait with release until you'd try to fix at least the most basic inconsistencies with your hitboxes.

I understand that you're just starting out, so you need to take the baby steps like spriteswaps. But leaving the original hitboxes, in this case, kinda makes your edit disfunctional as a character. So, put some more work into Bison and fix the hitboxes before I can try and give it a legitimate feedback, OK?
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#56  July 21, 2023, 07:05:40 am
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  • Let's Raise Hell
  • Working for God
Thanks. so it literally not touching the template other than replacing the sprites assigned for the template.

Taking the template and just... swap the sprites. That's sprite swapping  :book:

I forget to fix some hitboxes because I don't won't y'all to wait too long :mcry:

OK!! :yippi:

The next update will be Great!! :smash:

I know your Ken update might take forever but we need you, bro :mcry:

My SFZ3 is almost done!! Want to add Evil Ken but he's OP :sweatdrop:

You're Ryu & Ken is Revolutionary!! :yuno:

I'll pay someone $400 on Cash App for the Color Separation :deal2:

I totally forgot about that :smoking:

I have don't have time some projects :mcry:
The Devil took Emerie's life and ruin it just to make it better :devil:
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#57  July 21, 2023, 07:14:43 am
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I'm not moving this mess into releases

Make a new thread there like everyone else does

Keep this one for you polls and random character thoughts or whatever
Nevermind, there's nothing I can do
Bet your life there's something killing you
It's a shame we have to die, my dear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
What a way to go, but have no fear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
It's a shame we have to disappear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time, this time, this time
Last Edit: July 21, 2023, 07:18:35 am by Speedpreacher
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style) : BETA Released
#58  July 21, 2023, 08:47:15 am
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  • Let's Raise Hell
  • Working for God
What about Projects? If not... Fine!!

It's not a mess... It's a concept of GREATNESS!!

The Devil took Emerie's life and ruin it just to make it better :devil:
Last Edit: July 21, 2023, 08:51:20 pm by Emerie The G.O.A.T
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style) : BETA Released
#59  July 21, 2023, 02:27:59 pm
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I forgot to re-code Quicksilver
I forget to fix some hitboxes

I don't understand how you take character A to use as a template, change it into character B, and "forgets" to change everything else other than the sprites.

I don't won't y'all to wait too long
I didn't do this for attention. I did it for Jmorphman and Trololo
Also did it for my SFZ3/SFA3 & Vega/M.Bison fans

If you allow me to give you and advice, don't do things for others, do it for yourself. Do what you want.
And repeating what other people already said, take your time, finish your current project before moving to the next one.
Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)
#60  July 21, 2023, 03:20:44 pm
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My real life is coming soon........!