
CVS2 Feilong Edit - World Heroes (Read 16247 times)

Started by Charles_2011, September 17, 2024, 02:27:56 pm
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CVS2 Feilong Edit - World Heroes
#1  September 17, 2024, 02:27:56 pm
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    • Peru
Re: CVS2 Feilong Edit - World Heroes
#2  September 17, 2024, 04:58:58 pm
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So basically is "Kim Dragon" with CVS gameplay ¿not?.
Re: CVS2 Feilong Edit - World Heroes
#3  September 17, 2024, 06:11:04 pm
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Hello Terrence.

For me this edition works in the same way of Captain America and US agent:

Its ´s a reference, a change of palettes to represent another character, like in MVC. The same idea goes for the other characters that you can find in link that I shared.
Re: CVS2 Feilong Edit - World Heroes
#4  September 19, 2024, 05:31:11 pm
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Keep in mind than if is only a Pallete with nothing more, you must use "Pallette filter" instead "Character filter".
By other way, the link is not working anymore.
Last Edit: September 19, 2024, 05:44:40 pm by terrence
Re: CVS2 Feilong Edit - World Heroes
#5  September 19, 2024, 06:54:43 pm
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    • Peru

the link is not working anymore

I used the link and downloaded the character right now.
Re: CVS2 Feilong Edit - World Heroes
#6  September 29, 2024, 05:15:26 pm
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Keep in mind than if is only a Pallete with nothing more, you must use "Pallette filter" instead "Character filter".
By other way, the link is not working anymore.
It's more like a skin for Fei Long than merely a paletteswap, just like the rest of his works. This is simple but effective and seems like a CVS Kim Dragon eventually, good job Charles ;)
Also, OneDrive asks you to be logged in your Microsoft account to access OD in general, so maybe that's the reason why you can't enter into the link