
Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links. (Read 117948 times)

Started by orochi_kyo, January 18, 2021, 02:03:27 am
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Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#1  January 18, 2021, 02:03:27 am
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I'm being developing small things for Ikemen Go for a year and a half, two Mugen to Ikemen Go ports and some small coding for TAG, stage intros, and Arcade coop(before it was made official).

I always shared all my stuff with others with no problem, the only thing I would like is to post those links to my work on social media and my youtube channel.

Still, for some reason, I'm being stalked by this guy who insists on putting the direct link on the posts I made in this forum because he has the personal opinion that this practice is "fishy" and it is forcing those poor people who are interested in my work to "forcing view" my video. He is not admin, mod, etc.

I just checked the rules and I can't see anything about links in other sites, social media or Youtube(any other video service provider), so I want to see if any mod or admin can answer if there is any specific policy against Mugen/Ikemen creators who use Youtube to promote and distribute their content.

If not, well I already made a report, if yes, well, then MugenGuild is not suitable for me and I have to move.

This is Youtube I'm talking about, not adfly or any other source of links to get revenue, my channel is very small and followed by just 120 persons, so not Youtube partner program and if there are any ads on my videos is part of the new Youtube policy of monetizing the platform all they want.

For the record, I have zero problems on Ikemen Discord and other forums, people there respect how creators want to distribute their content.

Thank you in advance.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#2  January 18, 2021, 02:07:13 am
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I just wanna say I really don't appreciate you saying I'm stalking you.

I literally have only messaged you once -- I bumped into your thread, saw no link, and kindly posted it in a reply for you.

I don't even know who you are and I think you're blowing this way out of proportion.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#3  January 18, 2021, 02:12:46 am
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Are you asking if it's okay for you to only post the download on your social media/youtube or are you saying that someone shouldn't be allowed to post the download in your same thread?

If you're just wanting to sharing a video, maybe use the video thread.
Last Edit: January 18, 2021, 02:31:23 am by inktrebuchet
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#4  January 18, 2021, 02:14:34 am
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I just wanna say I really don't appreciate you saying I'm stalking you.

I literally have only messaged you once -- I bumped into your thread, saw no link, and kindly posted it in a reply for you.

I don't even know who you are and I think you're blowing this way out of proportion.

I agree to disagree, I posted twice, you reposted the direct link twice. Now I would like to have an opinion from an admin or a mod to proceed according to the policies of the forum.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#5  January 18, 2021, 02:38:21 am
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Nope, and we also don't have any rule about someone posting the link of their own accord

Congratulations for garnering my attention,  next time it might be me

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Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#6  January 18, 2021, 03:52:35 am
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Nope, and we also don't have any rule about someone posting the link of their own accord

Congratulations for garnering my attention,  next time it might be me

Is threatening me of doing the same thing that this guy did part of your mod powers?

Just wonder what if this was about one of the known guys. They use their websites but someday maybe they could post a Twitter, Facebook or even Youtube.

It won't be next time, I promise.

Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#7  January 18, 2021, 03:55:57 am
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Is threatening me of doing the same thing that this guy did part of your mod powers?

Just wonder what if this was about one of the known guys. They use their websites but someday maybe they could post a Twitter, Facebook or even Youtube

Nope, it's part of my me powers
Nevermind, there's nothing I can do
Bet your life there's something killing you
It's a shame we have to die, my dear
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This time
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This time, this time, this time
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#8  January 18, 2021, 03:56:13 am
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Are you asking if it's okay for you to only post the download on your social media/youtube or are you saying that someone shouldn't be allowed to post the download in your same thread?

If you're just wanting to sharing a video, maybe use the video thread.

It is simple I don't have a website and I use my YT channel to distribute my content, I kill two birds with one rock, people can see what I'm offering before download and further instructions are added to the description so I don't have to copy-paste instructions all over the forums and sites.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#9  January 18, 2021, 03:58:43 am
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Is threatening me of doing the same thing that this guy did part of your mod powers?

Just wonder what if this was about one of the known guys. They use their websites but someday maybe they could post a Twitter, Facebook or even Youtube

Nope, it's part of my me powers

So you are just threatening me of stalking my posts, linking directly to my work, just because the site allows you to be a mean and leecher.

Good, way to go.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#10  January 18, 2021, 04:00:07 am
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Part of my mod powers is requesting that you edit instead of multiposting though
Nevermind, there's nothing I can do
Bet your life there's something killing you
It's a shame we have to die, my dear
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This time
What a way to go, but have no fear
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This time
It's a shame we have to disappear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time, this time, this time
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#11  January 18, 2021, 04:05:08 am
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Is threatening me of doing the same thing that this guy did part of your mod powers?

Just wonder what if this was about one of the known guys. They use their websites but someday maybe they could post a Twitter, Facebook or even Youtube

Nope, it's part of my me powers

So you are just threatening me of stalking my posts, linking directly to my work, just because the site allows you to be a mean and leecher.

Good, way to go.

i never liked getting involved with this mess but.. what are you even talking about? when did he become a mean, leeching moderator? when did he start threatening you? he was only trying to Warn you to stop being a dumbass.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#12  January 18, 2021, 04:11:31 am
  • *****
  • The story begins with who's gonna win
    • USA
Now now, I was mean and a leech long before my name was blue and I'll be mean and a leech long after
Nevermind, there's nothing I can do
Bet your life there's something killing you
It's a shame we have to die, my dear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
What a way to go, but have no fear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
It's a shame we have to disappear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time, this time, this time
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#13  January 18, 2021, 04:30:37 am
  • ****
    • USA
Are you asking if it's okay for you to only post the download on your social media/youtube or are you saying that someone shouldn't be allowed to post the download in your same thread?

If you're just wanting to sharing a video, maybe use the video thread.

It is simple I don't have a website and I use my YT channel to distribute my content, I kill two birds with one rock, people can see what I'm offering before download and further instructions are added to the description so I don't have to copy-paste instructions all over the forums and sites.

I don't understand what you are complaining about then. Your posts haven't changed, people will still follow your link if they are interested.

What do you want the mods to do, delete someones post if they have a direct link to what you are linking to? That doesn't seem fair.

It seems like everyone wins with how it is now, I'm not sure what you are complaining about.

Last Edit: January 18, 2021, 04:34:01 am by inktrebuchet
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#14  January 18, 2021, 06:06:09 am
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I'Still, for some reason, I'm being stalked by this guy who insists on putting the direct link on the posts I made in this forum because he has the personal opinion that this practice is "fishy" and it is forcing those poor people who are interested in my work to "forcing view" my video. He is not admin, mod, etc.

Maybe if you took a single look around this forum you'd realize that maybe making people watch your video/go to the video to download your stuff, which is forcing views, is frowned upon here? I know I'm late but you're not very observant otherwise.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#15  January 18, 2021, 06:11:47 am
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Maybe if you took a single look around this forum you'd realize that maybe making people watch your video/go to the video to download your stuff, which is forcing views, is frowned upon here? I know I'm late but you're not very observant otherwise.

I do want to point out, he even DM'd me saying he did it cause he wanted his channel to get more attention. I know this is over and done with but I wanted it to be made known anyhow that that was his intention.

Additionally I wanna say I wasn't stalking him... the first time I messaged, I left him a link in a reply. And the second time, I did it again cause he deleted the post and reposted.

I hope I don't get reported by him again for such things lol glad this could all be resolved.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#16  January 21, 2021, 03:12:05 am
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I dont see why he CANT do that, what if the author didnt want to share the direct link? Its not some wierd ass site he's linking to anyways, 
I was promoting BATTLEBORN on here and was met with straight up carnage like comments on here,  and thats an official game  , besides I want to  show Mugenguild more variety and get updated on various things too, so they keep going, i dont want to see the MugenGuild lost either, so what am i saying?

Look here to find out..
Yeah here
You should link your social media back to Mugenguild and your post, also drop a MugenGuild info as well
Genius eh?
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#17  January 21, 2021, 03:54:00 am
  • ******
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  • and you will quote everything I say
    • USA
What did any of that actually say because it doesn't really say anything

Even in this day and age some people have shitty connections and can't load Youtube just to get to a link, and you're also artificially inflating your viewcount on your video by forcing people to go to your video for the link. The TC isn't the first person to have the link edited into their post/posted in the thread by someone else, mod or not. I don't get what's so hard to understand.

Also this has nothing to do with Battleborn really.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#18  January 21, 2021, 03:54:59 am
  • ****
  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
what if the author didnt want to share the direct link?

What is the point of sharing something if you don't link direct to it? Think about those ads that people put in front of their links that pay them the more clicks they get, it's the same thing with youtube. You're clickbaiting people to dowload something. If you post your download link AND the youtube video link, people who are interested will watch it, you don't need to bait people into clicking your video.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#19  January 21, 2021, 04:13:47 am
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    • USA
Well Deathscythe, linking to Youtube is not bad , the link can be in his "more Info" area and not only that , he can  put in his socialmedia as well as he shares his creation, (while getting views) people will also see our forum, and what Mugen does,
 So he posts his link to youtube, and in description he can show directlink, and put and his post as well in it as an example. It shouldnt hurt us really

 OrochiGill , yeah i was showing whats going on .
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#20  January 21, 2021, 04:43:38 am
  • ******
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    • Chile
Unless the owner of the char (and for instance, the video) doesn't post his release in the forum, anyone else will do it, that's an unwritten rule of any content foum like this one. I find funnier that the owner of those chars and videos makes an account here to report why their releases have direct links instead of use the forum to public his releases

I don't know who's the OP and why such attitude, but he could make his own releases threads about his stuff instead of blaming other do it for him with the direct links. And who knows what kind of links he put in his videos, I assume probably they are links (which are forbidden here) and th posters use the direct link instead the shortened one
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#21  January 21, 2021, 05:11:30 am
  • ****
    • USA
No one said he couldn’t link to youtube. What he wants is for mods to delete direct links.

It’s easy to understand the problem with that.

Last Edit: January 21, 2021, 05:15:20 am by inktrebuchet
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#22  January 21, 2021, 05:32:21 am
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lmao at the battleborn guy salty that nobody cared about battleborn

re:  the actual topic, i can understand why you want to force views on your youtube channel, but that doesn't mean we have to give them to you
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#23  January 21, 2021, 05:03:05 pm
  • ******
  • SNK is life
OK, please hear me out:

- Back in the early 2000s we were supposed to post the Author's website, where the download link could be found. Authors would have VISIT COUNTERS (clout?) and these days they even have PATREON and PAYPAL Links. How is this "Visit my Youtube channel!" any different?

- I spoke privately with Orochi_Kyo. He's porting and heavily adapting Iron Mugen's Art of Fury to IKEMEN on an official level. He's the one publishing updates in Iron Mugen's own Art Of Fury Facebook Page. He explained to me, and in the opening post in this thread, that his channel isn't monetized to his advantage.

This is Youtube I'm talking about, not adfly or any other source of links to get revenue, my channel is very small and followed by just 120 persons, so not Youtube partner program and if there are any ads on my videos is part of the new Youtube policy of monetizing the platform all they want.

So I see a parallel of him wanting people to visit a place where he can keep track of his engagement, just like the old timey visit counters. In both cases it's just the Author's preference, and even back then we wouldn't EXTRACT the direct file download link from their website and post it here, as that would be considered disrespectful.

Orochi_Kyo made a great point in private as well - Sometime people making Youtube videos exclusively (not creating) are getting more traffic making videos about creations than the actual MUGEN content creators, and some of them are even actually monetizing their channels. How come they can get notoriety and traffic, but not the actual creators.

Times have changed. Maybe the forum's policy should be reviewed to get with the times.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#24  January 21, 2021, 06:03:24 pm
  • ****
    • USA
I had the same conversation with him. The thing is..
No one said he couldn’t link to youtube. What he wants is for mods to delete direct links.

It’s easy to understand the problem with that.

I think this whole thing is just an over reaction.

Last Edit: January 21, 2021, 06:14:10 pm by inktrebuchet
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#25  January 21, 2021, 06:45:38 pm
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Honestly that’s a pretty fair point — the only reason I sort of got on his case about it was cause I’ve seen it get shut down before with other people who haven’t provided direct links, regardless of their intent. The first time I just offered a direct post with his link but yeah, that’s when things spiraled.

So while I can respect the idea of a creator getting more notoriety through respectable means, I still kinda blame him for this getting blown out of proportion. All I can say now is best of luck to his endeavors and hopefully the idea of support like that does get reviewed cause it is an interesting topic to think about.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#26  January 21, 2021, 08:11:19 pm
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  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
As I said in my last post, if you post both the link and the video, people who are really interested will watch it. You're promoting your video without forcing views. In resume, people should click the video because they want, not because they are forced.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#27  January 22, 2021, 02:06:51 am
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    • Canada
Back in the early 2000s we were supposed to post the Author's website, where the download link could be found. Authors would have VISIT COUNTERS (clout?) and these days they even have PATREON and PAYPAL Links. How is this "Visit my Youtube channel!" any different?

Because cheezy JS view counters don't have a suggested videos algorithm nor potential monetary gain tided it unlike views on YT. Even if they did I doesn't have as much impact as YT.

Times have changed. Maybe the forum's policy should be reviewed to get with the times.

so you're saying we should

Spoiler: Getting with the times clearly (click to see content)

if anything there should be an update to policy that goes something along the lines of

"Any post under Your Releases 1.0+, Your releases Older Mugen, MFG Public Library, and Beyond Mugen that pertains to a release must not go through a YouTube or equivalent service in order to download the file. It must be as direct as possible"
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#28  January 22, 2021, 04:16:40 am
  • ******
  • SNK is life
so you're saying we should

  • Behaviour doesn't rub off
  • Sell M.U.G.E.N
  • Talk about warez
  • Lie, be dishonest, and present speculation and conjecture
  • Handle unexperienced without special patience. Ban them on sight, I'm sure that won't have any lasting impact :dizzy2:
  • If you find it difficult to stay calm after reading the same question for the fifth time in a week, get triggered as hell.
  • Use as much data as you want with your profile and signature, everyone has data to load your 5gb gif signature no problem
  • Any form of NSFW material is allowed no matter how illegal it is, no tags required
  • Shock images everywhere
  • All nudity in profiles and links
  • Request everything in unrelated threads
  • Necro bump every thread no matter how old
  • Write off people as worthless beings
  • Being honest and nice are mutually exclusive concepts
  • This isn't a discussion forum. Bootlicking is the only form input
  • Ad referral all day every day
  • Use hate speech an symbols everywhere
  • Don't post responsibly, treat other people like shit

Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#29  January 22, 2021, 04:49:10 am
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  • Working on MUGEN characters, 24/7.
    • Australia
I think there's an important question that needs to be asked. Is there really a difference between linking to a website that hosts the character or contains the link to them and linking to a YouTube video that has the character link in the description?

Regardless of the case, you are forced to go through a third party website to get the creation in question, and you are giving the site views and spending more bandwidth than needed by doing so. Yet you don't see people posting the direct link to a character in a release thread in the case of the former, and I would imagine any attempts to do so would be met with public ridicule (as it should be).

Why shouldn't that etiquette be extended to the latter as well? Unless something like is involved, I personally don't see a problem with it.
Last Edit: January 22, 2021, 04:54:03 am by Sir Ghostler
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#30  January 22, 2021, 05:02:51 am
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  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
Is there really a difference between linking to a website that hosts the character or contains the link to them and linking to a YouTube video that has the character link in the description?

Yes, it's one extra click and people are lazy!

I'm joking ofc. Anyway, it's still forcing views in my opinion. It's like those pages on fb or any other social media that forces you to share their post or like their page in order to access something else. Why do I need to click the video and THEN click the download link, giving the video one extra view count if I could just go direct to the download link? Idk, seems wrong to me.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#31  January 22, 2021, 05:06:30 am
  • ****
    • China
OK, please hear me out:

- Back in the early 2000s we were supposed to post the Author's website, where the download link could be found. Authors would have VISIT COUNTERS (clout?) and these days they even have PATREON and PAYPAL Links. How is this "Visit my Youtube channel!" any different?

I agree with this position.

YouTube is now a modern equivalent of a blog for many people. It should be treated like a regular website. Youtube is free and the information posted in it will never go down, unlike privately hosted websites.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#32  January 22, 2021, 05:09:15 am
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    • Australia
I'm joking ofc. Anyway, it's still forcing views in my opinion. It's like those pages on fb or any other social media that forces you to share their post or like their page in order to access something else. Why do I need to click the video and THEN click the download link, giving the video one extra view count if I could just go direct to the download link? Idk, seems wrong to me.

But you're forced to give a view regardless of the case, all that changes is where the view actually goes. This same logic can be applied to the case of the creator having a website.

"Why should you have to click their website then click the download link?"
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#33  January 22, 2021, 05:23:36 am
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    • Canada
so you're saying we should

  • Behaviour doesn't rub off
  • Sell M.U.G.E.N
  • Talk about warez
  • Lie, be dishonest, and present speculation and conjecture
  • Handle unexperienced without special patience. Ban them on sight, I'm sure that won't have any lasting impact :dizzy2:
  • If you find it difficult to stay calm after reading the same question for the fifth time in a week, get triggered as hell.
  • Use as much data as you want with your profile and signature, everyone has data to load your 5gb gif signature no problem
  • Any form of NSFW material is allowed no matter how illegal it is, no tags required
  • Shock images everywhere
  • All nudity in profiles and links
  • Request everything in unrelated threads
  • Necro bump every thread no matter how old
  • Write off people as worthless beings
  • Being honest and nice are mutually exclusive concepts
  • This isn't a discussion forum. Bootlicking is the only form input
  • Ad referral all day every day
  • Use hate speech an symbols everywhere
  • Don't post responsibly, treat other people like shit

Not sure how my joke of MFG's rules inverse is slippery slope at all

I'm joking ofc. Anyway, it's still forcing views in my opinion. It's like those pages on fb or any other social media that forces you to share their post or like their page in order to access something else. Why do I need to click the video and THEN click the download link, giving the video one extra view count if I could just go direct to the download link? Idk, seems wrong to me.

But you're forced to give a view regardless of the case, all that changes is where the view actually goes. This same logic can be applied to the case of the creator having a website.

"Why should you have to click their website then click the download link?"

Because cheezy JS view counters don't have a suggested videos algorithm nor potential monetary gain tided it unlike views on YT. Even if they did I doesn't have as much impact as YT.

Wasn't there a thread recently that someone was exactly doing this to gain views
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#34  January 22, 2021, 05:31:26 am
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I would listen to Vans and walt. These guys are pretty OG and know certain etiquette about from an era and in many ways hasn't aged at all. Also, ignore Speed he's kind of an asshole anyway.
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Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#35  January 22, 2021, 05:40:05 am
  • *****
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Born and bred
Nevermind, there's nothing I can do
Bet your life there's something killing you
It's a shame we have to die, my dear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
What a way to go, but have no fear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
It's a shame we have to disappear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time, this time, this time
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#36  January 22, 2021, 05:56:03 am
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  • Behaviour doesn't rub off
  • Sell M.U.G.E.N
  • Talk about warez
  • Lie, be dishonest, and present speculation and conjecture
  • Handle unexperienced without special patience. Ban them on sight, I'm sure that won't have any lasting impact :dizzy2:
  • If you find it difficult to stay calm after reading the same question for the fifth time in a week, get triggered as hell.
  • Use as much data as you want with your profile and signature, everyone has data to load your 5gb gif signature no problem
  • Any form of NSFW material is allowed no matter how illegal it is, no tags required
  • Shock images everywhere
  • All nudity in profiles and links
  • Request everything in unrelated threads
  • Necro bump every thread no matter how old
  • Write off people as worthless beings
  • Being honest and nice are mutually exclusive concepts
  • This isn't a discussion forum. Bootlicking is the only form input
  • Ad referral all day every day
  • Use hate speech an symbols everywhere
  • Don't post responsibly, treat other people like shit

I mean... your DP isn't really child-friendly if you get my drift... Nothing wrong with that.
It's just ironic cuz you seem to enjoy risque avatars yourself and yet you seem so adamant on altering a few policies here and there without not being extreme.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#37  January 22, 2021, 06:27:43 am
  • *****
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#38  January 22, 2021, 06:56:07 am
  • ***
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    • Colombia
Yeah, that's not how the meme is used.

About using youtube links, this is a interesting topic.

On one hand one could monetize the views on Youtube.
But one can do the same and on personal blogs/sites via ads and Youtube does not force registrations or is intrusive like
But the extra views can affect the algorithm
But that only matters if the video/channel is monetized on the first place.

Reading the posts... I think that maybe this has been blown out of proportion.
But wait!! We haven't made the Suave Dude character yet!!
Last Edit: January 22, 2021, 07:03:23 am by Gacel
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#39  January 22, 2021, 08:45:49 am
  • ****
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  • "I hope you're ready for a beating!"
    • USA
I agree on this whole thing being blown out of proportion.

The thread that got linked earlier, that had been deleted and re-added constantly to avoid having the direct link posted, was the main reason I pointed out that orochi_kyo forgot his link (well, I assumed he forgot it -- I posted it so his thread wouldn't get taken down).

His response thereafter did blow this out of proportion and, yeah.

In terms of the issue with him... he overreacted and I don't care anymore. In terms of the discussion over direct links vs youtube/social media/website links, it's interesting.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#40  January 22, 2021, 02:24:00 pm
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Orochi (which is a great creator) blew this completely out of proportion and took it personally, and people posting the direct links when he specifically asked them not to were kind of dicks.

Embedding your videos into your posts and adding a direct link will usually get the views you want.

Acting so desperate to get views is not a good strategy; keep creating stuff and eventually you'll get followers/fans/views.
For my latest stage pack release, go here:

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Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#41  January 22, 2021, 03:38:08 pm
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i know this is entirely irrelevant to the topic at hand but i feel like you completely missed the point of this meme format walt
No time to be subtle when the densensess levels in the thread are so off the charts, but didn't want to pass on this opportunity to shitpost.

Thanks for keeping this thread at the top guys. Hopefully something constructive could come out of this talk.

Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#42  January 22, 2021, 05:04:25 pm
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people posting the direct links when he specifically asked them not to were kind of dicks.

Nah I disagree here.

The first time I did it was cause his initial post did not have one and he made no indication of not wanting one. Additionally after what happened with the other thread I didn’t want to see that happen again so I kindly provided the link.

He took it personally after that first time so I definitely do not agree that I was being a dick whatsoever, especially given most other people frown upon linking through YouTube only around here.

If I have any fault in the situation at all, it is most certainly not because I posted a direct link.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#43  January 22, 2021, 05:36:59 pm
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Orochi (which is a great creator) blew this completely out of proportion and took it personally
This. As I said before, if he wants to post his releases with the YouTube link instead the direct link, then he should post his releases himself instead of protesting about his releases being posted by someone else
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#44  January 22, 2021, 05:57:58 pm
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If a person wants to link their stuff through a yt video no skin off my back. It's no different than navigating confusing garbled up Japanese blogs.

At the same time though, like with that example other users should have the option of just sharing the direct link if someone requests it for whatever reason. I understand YouTube videos are a less confusing example than what I brought up, but it's happened a few times here with no issue up until now.
might as well shill:
the streams are here:
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#45  January 22, 2021, 06:18:17 pm
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    • Brazil
Since people mentioned websites.... I see websites or blogs more like a way to keep all the author's creations in one place.

For example, if an author made 10 chars and is releasing a new one, and you don't know this author yet and don't know their past works, by visiting their website you'll find all his other chars and everything will (hopefully) be up to date.

Or, using another example, you already know this author and want to download all his chars, you'll find them easier in their website than looking through each individual topic they made here.

Using youtube for this is just... not the same. I see youtube videos serving like a screenshot in a release thread, it's a preview and people can watch it even if you post the link in the topic instead of in the video description. If you don't have a website, make a topic with all your creations on it and update the first post regularly as you release content.

Well, in the end this is not even a big deal. They CAN just post the youtube link if they want, but someone (even mods sometimes) will post the direct link in the topic eventually, it's always been like that.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#46  January 22, 2021, 08:37:57 pm
  • *****
If a person wants to link their stuff through a yt video no skin off my back. It's no different than navigating confusing garbled up Japanese blogs.

At the same time though, like with that example other users should have the option of just sharing the direct link if someone requests it for whatever reason. I understand YouTube videos are a less confusing example than what I brought up, but it's happened a few times here with no issue up until now.
This is the stance I agree with but I think it shouldn't need to be prompted- people can post the link if they reasonably judge that its too obscured in other ancillary content. For me, that includes having to load a Youtube video. I have been on some shitty wifi in college, and I know why people want to avoid youtube if possible.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#47  January 22, 2021, 09:48:03 pm
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That's my stake in this. Besides the artificial inflation of your videos' viewcount, even in this day and age some people are stuck with really bad connections, or metered connections. When those sorts have to go to YT, it can be a rough time.

Also, definitely noteworthy is just how non-permanent a YT video is. It's strikingly easy to have a video blocked in certain countries or pulled due to something unassuming like the music used or whatnot. If this happens, with it goes the link for the download.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#48  January 22, 2021, 10:28:19 pm
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Regarding Non Permancy - It's no different than not renewing a web domain, with the difference is that if the author gets it right (not copyright stuck down) it would be even more permanent than a renewable Web Domain.

Moreover, the video could be used as a showcase of what you'd be getting (why screenshot when you can vid?) and the link being readily available in the description if you like what you see. Showcase Window and Point of Purchase would be literally pixels away from each other, and Youtube is mostly accessible by everyone, so much so that this forum coded integration for it so very long ago.
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#49  January 22, 2021, 10:53:11 pm
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But if you embed a video can’t you just click to watch it from here without having to go over there?
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#50  January 23, 2021, 12:22:14 am
  • *****
  • Hick-spanic
  • the dawn away
    • Puerto Rico
But if you embed a video can’t you just click to watch it from here without having to go over there?
Sure if you just want the video. But if you want whatever link you have to go to YT since it's in either the description or comments.
might as well shill:
the streams are here:
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#51  January 23, 2021, 01:10:57 am
  • ******
  • SNK is life
But if you embed a video can’t you just click to watch it from here without having to go over there?
My point isn't accessibility for the link from this forum, but the general free accesibility of Youtube in general, and its widespread acceptance. You can even access Youtube videos without necessarily having to have an account.

This is an interesting site - Youtube Revenue Calculator.
For example, let's take this video from GUI SANTOS showcasing Jmorphman's Ken.

Gui Santos is a prominent Mugen Content Video producer roaming around this very forum, and the video for Jmorphman's Ken video is one of the ones with the most views in his channel - 1.4K
The tool estimates that with some luck this video might have generated $3 in revenue. Revenue that goes to the video maker. It wouldn't be so bad if creators themselves could buy a Snickers bar themselves :P

Another example would be the HDBZ Indigo Build Trailer with 132K views, which according to the tool could have generated around USD $240 USD if Balthazar's account was in the Youtube Partner program. Which would be totally earned IMO, because whatever hype surrounds this project is well earned given that most if not all assets are original. $240 Doesn't even begin to cost however much the game has cost over the years and the amount of time and effort artists have put into it. Hell, it probably wouldn't even cover half of what one of Blathazar's character spriteset would cost.

I'd hardly say anybody is GETTING RICH OMG from having monetized videos, but we all could ride the wave should the opportunity present itself without demonizing creators. And again, given that these mugen videos prominently showcase Capcom or Anime Studios, they probably won't have the opportunity to be monetized anyway.

Last Edit: January 23, 2021, 01:36:26 am by walt
Re: Does this site has any rule against Youtube and social media links.
#52  January 23, 2021, 08:28:52 pm
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i don't agree that posting links to characters to avoid clicks is a "demonization" of creators

this topic itself feels a little bit of a nonissue to me if we're talking about respecting user wishes- we currently have a website (MA) that not only bypasses any websites or videos, they download the character and rehost it regardless of the author's wishes and put it in a highly monetized warehouse. this method at least still allows you to get the characters from the source.