On the subject of our edits section. We still get these compilations from time to time, and some of them say "Edit" but the only way to know for certain if anything was actually changed is to download them and lets face it, we don't like doing that. I would like to add a rule to the edits section. User should be required to list what they have changed in the initial post. If they don't we can just remove the topic. That way, we don't have to download junk to see if there was a change, we can just remove it and claim that it was not a release.I'm not just talking full games. I mean any changes to an existing creation should be listed. Thoughts?
What are the potential risks? Wouldnt actual edits be deleted alongside? Specially those posted by people without a good compreehension of english? Im afraid it could end up discouraging people to work when not understanding why their threads got deleted without any questions.What are the pros and cons of asking "what exactly did you edit on those?" .( I do see the good point of encouraging them to post what they edited down to the rules of the section, but im questioning if deleting them outright is a good venue of action towards the subject)
It's not like we can't send or recieve pms If we screwed it up and the the edit actually involved effort, we restore it and the user learns to read the rules before posting.If we were right and deleted the thread fast enough we prevent our beloved users to tell the original poster the same thing in a much less educated way.
Nazi Guile said, May 22, 2010, 09:09:19 pmIt's not like we can't send or recieve pms If we screwed and the edit actually involved effort, we're restore it and the user learns to read the rules before posting.If we were right and deleted the thread fast enough we prevent our beloved users to tell the original poster the same thing in a much less educated way.That sounds good, if a delete occurs, send a pm together with it and it should be fine. if its someone like vegetto sb3 they cant even read a thing we pm to him and no harm should be done.Tempest, stop loving people!!
add that rule to the sticky in edits. if they don't list changes then ask them to list the changes. if they don't do it then the thread should be shitcanned. outright deletion sounds like a bad idea
TempesT said, May 22, 2010, 09:25:08 pmAlso, the sticky should be renamed to something more eyegrabbing if there is an extra sub-rule now.http://mugenguild.com/forumx/index.php?topic=76599.msg647662#msg647662like so?
Keep in mind that people often register and post only to announce updates and releases, not being too active on the forum, some times not even on their own threads. They could easily ignore our first warning.Keeping recoird of which threads lack change lists would be troublesome, I think.