
Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted) (Read 155690 times)

Started by Neocide, March 27, 2013, 08:00:03 am
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Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#41  April 14, 2013, 03:14:51 am
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    • USA
I dunno if I'll go that far, sorta feels way too long for a super. but maybe something nice for a super bg finish.

That would be a cool super BG since the Z2 chars already use the super DBZ one.
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#42  April 16, 2013, 01:52:37 am
  • ****
It would look odd due the palette no?
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#43  April 16, 2013, 06:20:02 am
  • *****
  • Smooches
    • USA
    • Skype - Neocide

and random note, gonna do the ginyu force with a Mighty morph power ranger themed super, and super winpose with all 5 in the ranger outfits.
and maybe even the music.

Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 12:20:23 pm by Neocide
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#44  April 16, 2013, 06:03:40 pm
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    • Venezuela
    • Blacksight22@Yahoo.Com.Ve
    • Skype - sebastian.osio
That's gonna be funny, and it fits them

Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#45  April 16, 2013, 08:11:38 pm
  • ****
That's awesome. İ can't wait to see how that will look. The Ginyu force is basicly a parody of Japan's Super Sentai series wich is Power Rangers in the US. İt's great to include such cameo apperiances for games. İ support this for sure.
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#46  April 17, 2013, 02:37:16 am
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Sorry ba english =P
I mean that if you are goind to add a short video of a char like Goku it would look odd if you are using a blue palette on the char and he apear on the video with is normal colors imo also that due the 256 color limit of mugen...The small animation would have colorloss mostly.
(Again sorry for the english).

and random note, gonna do the ginyu force with a Mighty morph power ranger themed super, and super winpose with all 5 in the ranger outfits.
and maybe even the music.
Now that would look funny.
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#47  April 17, 2013, 02:41:21 am
  • *****
  • Smooches
    • USA
    • Skype - Neocide
oh I see what you mean, I'd keep the cutscenes to sprites, and they'll share the sprites palettes. It'd be too much work to do full on cutscenes plus it'd take you out of the element of the game. It's simple enough to do, just take some time out of my or a buddies day to do a few pixelated versions.
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#48  April 18, 2013, 01:30:06 pm
  • *****
  • Smooches
    • USA
    • Skype - Neocide
this just came to mind earlier and I thought I'd run it through.  I decided to expand on the supers system. as we know my system currently uses x y and z for supers, x being level ones, y being level 2's and z being level 3. This  new system expands to a b and c.

Secondary Super system - there will be 2 styles to the secondary supers system, dependent on character.

Offensive type - These will be supers that cause damage to the opponent.

A - Player dashes into the sky in a unique fashion, and then dashes in to attack the opponent. Pursuit attacks can chain from
    these supers, you can also cancel into a Zanzoken super

B - The Level one beam super moves here(moves like vegeta's galick ho).This will be used to do beam struggles.

C - Zanzoken based super Does a mini combo after a teleport in. Can also be cancelled from  the power super.

Attribute type - These will be supers that boost the players attributes.

A - Power increase

B - Ki Increase (chain more ki attacks then before)

C - zanzoken attacks increased by 2 (putting the total at 5)

each secondary super cost 1000 power to do.The only time that you will be able to have more than one attribute super at once on,is with a hidden super certain characters have. For example; Goku hidden attribute super would be super sayajin full power, which would give him a ki and zanzoken increase. Gohan and cell being the two strongest characters would both get attribute types with all 3. gohan's would be ssj2. and cell's would be super perfect mode.

The way to unlock the character's hidden super will be to cancel from the first to the second. and in some cases cancel again for a final time. As you will be able to cancel into different modes as soon as you obtain a power of 1000, for the hidden super you will need a starting 2000 for the cancel,and if it's a 3 based att, then the final cancel cost 1000, totaling 3000 for 2 att upgrade, and 4000 for 3 att upgrade.

This technically would put me up to 8 supers, but I'm calling the supers on a b and c basically sub-supers.They cost 1000 power to
do but don't take as much damage as a normal level 1 super does. Plus they might be specific for other things.

I haven't thought of how much time you'd be in the mode, and no, being hit wouldn't kick you out of it.
Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 01:36:14 pm by Neocide
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#49  April 19, 2013, 07:20:33 pm
  • ***
Do you intend to keep the attributes within each match or reset per round?
As I think it would take too long to charge everything and transform/power-up 2 or 3 times.

Powering up near the end of a battle seems useless as well.

Maybe you could make characters start with some or even a full powerbar.
This would increase the pace a bit, I guess.

Or you meant the powerbar to increase very fast by hitting your opponent.
Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#50  April 20, 2013, 03:01:54 am
  • *****
  • Smooches
    • USA
    • Skype - Neocide
eh? it takes no time to get to 1 power bar. the attributes reset every round. There is a meter you'll get that will slowly drain, it won't drain from your power bar though, but as soon as you do the attribute super your power bar drops by 1000 of course.

The power bar already goes up during basic and special hits.

Re: Extra gameplay features (Suggestions wanted)
#51  April 20, 2013, 11:20:04 am
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As long as it doesn't slow down the pace :p