
General HDBZ Discussion topic (Read 1226228 times)

Started by Iced, May 15, 2015, 11:27:53 am
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Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#41  May 30, 2015, 07:32:51 pm
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Babidi Z2, huh?
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Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#42  May 30, 2015, 08:54:29 pm
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I personnaly really liked him he is fun and great to play with
He feel somewhat like judgement in jjba
And he actually have a pretty unique fighting style compare to the other character
it be cool to see other suprise like that
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#43  May 30, 2015, 09:04:57 pm
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I like the character a lot, but i won't play with him at all. I only like to fight against him.

I guess i never liked to play with this type of characters, but they are fun in their unique ways.
Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 09:14:24 pm by Jh0nnY2k
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#44  May 30, 2015, 09:23:25 pm
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I know you guys have been extremely hyped by the Majin Vegeta release, but we would also like to hear your opinion on Babidi. The little guy has been quite an experiment for Team Z2 in which we have tried different gaming gimmicks and strategies, so now it's your time to have a voice!

Is the final result ok? Is Babidi a character to love or hate? Do you find it fun to play with or against him? What would you change in the current character's concept or how would you have made Babidi if you were part of Team Z2?
Would you be interested in more characters such as Babidi, which may add more flavor and variety to the HDBZ roster, in both character development and gameplay, despite having a reduced spritesheet and moves?

Feel free to voice your opinions and suggestions. Your feedback will help us on improving our characters and future WIPs and ensuring that the material we release will please the majority of you.

In my opinion, Babidi would make a good unplayable boss character. He would be better off made in a manner similar to Death 13 in Heritage For The Future, where the latter would fly around the screen. I'd say give him an unpredictable A.I and movelist, and he'll be a sure challenge for us.

For character choices, maybe Dabura, Cell or Raditz, I guess.

I'd like to also ask if there are any free spots for beta-testers, because I would love to beta test anything you guys make. :)

Good luck. I think I'll go and remake my palettes now.

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Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 09:32:22 pm by Black Hatter
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#45  May 30, 2015, 09:25:08 pm
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In my opinion, Babidi would make a good unplayable boss character. He would be better off made in a manner similar to Death 13 in Heritage For The Future, where the latter would fly around the screen. I'd say give him an unpredictable A.I and movelist, and he'll be a sure challenge for us.

For character choices, I'd prefer to see Babidi as I described him before, and maybe add Dabura, Cell (IDK is he in this?? :S), or Raditz to make it off-beat.

I think you must be confused, babidi was already released.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#46  May 30, 2015, 09:31:45 pm
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I think you must be confused, babidi was already released.

Woop your right. My bad, I'll go fix my last post. But I still stand by the idea of Babidi being similar in Death 13 in terms of being an extra unplayable mid boss

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Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#47  May 30, 2015, 09:37:07 pm
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but what did you think of his current version? when fighting against him?
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#48  May 30, 2015, 09:50:40 pm
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I like weird characters so I actually like using Babidi. But he's really ineffective. He can't really combo and his attacks have little knockback, so he gets totally destroyed if anyone gets close to him. Since all the other Z2 characters are built for a fast game, they can all close the distance really quickly. On top of that, he doesn't anything to deal with a barrage of projectiles either, so Vegeta can totally wreck him from across the screen as well.

Dragonball fans gravitate towards the strong characters so he'll obviously never get as much attention as the Saiyans, but it might improve if he was a more "regular" character. Most of his attacks aren't that broken - I'm not sure why he has to be a boss type. I think if you decrease the lag on his moves and let him have two crystals on screen at once, he could have some decent combos and damage output.

On other hand, it seems like he's reliant on his supers for damage, and the only time he's really safe to charge is when his opponent is frozen or transformed. And those states last long enough for Babidi to fill his entire meter. So right now, the best way to attack is to use Curse Skull, charge to max, then use the Ice Bullet and Super Enchanter. Seems like it would be annoying fighting a good Babidi because you'd rarely be able to move. If Babidi's normal and special attacks get too powerful, I think you should reduce the timers and damage on those moves.

(Note my skills aren't all that great, so maybe he's way better than I give him credit for.)
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#49  May 30, 2015, 10:08:43 pm
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I like Babidi; in my opinion it feels more like Mr Satan and Saibaimen, a bonus character. I don't mean it in a negative way. Also, I wanted to say something about his gameplay, but Thammy beat me to it.
What throws me a bit off is the consistency of the sprites, not all look the same (in terms of shading, anti-aliasing) so an update like Chamat did for the Saibaimen would be more than appreciated.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#50  May 30, 2015, 10:10:23 pm
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originally i considered giving him a projectile absorption move, that allowed him to suck up projectiles and then spew them out later on.

We ended up not adding that as he already had a few good defensive moves.

He cant combo however, and he is completely reliant on some moves.
his teleport goes a long way into making him dangerous, and I personally have some trouble facing him in arcade =P
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#51  May 30, 2015, 10:34:08 pm
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I like Babidi; in my opinion it feels more like Mr Satan and Saibaimen, a bonus character. I don't mean it in a negative way. Also, I wanted to say something about his gameplay, but Thammy beat me to it.
What throws me a bit off is the consistency of the sprites, not all look the same (in terms of shading, anti-aliasing) so an update like Chamat did for the Saibaimen would be more than appreciated.

Most people probably think like that, just see Black Hatter's comments above. But unlike Satan or Saibaman, Babidi's got a full set of normals, supers, focus attacks, pretty much everything except an emotion mode and finishers.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#52  May 30, 2015, 11:12:39 pm
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I think my biggest problem with Babidi is the animations for the moves. I mean I understand about having the orbs come out, but I think it would really add something if he at least had some animation when sending them out. It doesn't have to be too fancy (ie: maybe just him changing poses or something ala Kakyoin's taunt in JJBA), just something to acknowledge that Babidi is sending them out. Also I guess make the balls move a little quicker, as if they were mimicking a standard punch/kick scheme, because right now I think it looks too slow to be convincing.

It would be pretty cool to have different Z2 style characters outside of the "normal ones," but I imagine most of the difference would have to come from the game system (ie: all of Guilty Gears' little system differences between characters)
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#53  May 30, 2015, 11:25:48 pm
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IDK peeps, Babidi doesn't strike me as a character that can put up a huge fight against the rest of the Z2 cast. Like Alex here, as a bonus character, or in my opinion, an unplayable mid boss who can be battled by completing certain requirements (like Death 13 in JJBA) would fit him really well.

I'm also saying this based on my knowledge of Babidi, and not by my testing of the character (going to do it, but he's not popping up on my MUGEN, even though I took the correct (or so I think) steps to install him).
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Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#54  May 31, 2015, 01:26:50 am
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On the contrary, I believe Babidi can be a playable "normal" character, he just needs more stuff for that (think Len from Melty Blood attacking with orbs). It's kinda like how Vanilla Ice in the JJBA arcade game barely moves as a boss character (it's mostly Cream doing a bunch of crazy attacks), but as a playable character his moveset is a lot more fleshed out.

As for characters that I'd like to see done... if we're doing traditional fighters, I know Paikuhan was anime only but I imagine one could edit him from Piccolo when he's done.  For non-traditional, Bulma using a bunch of gadgets to fight would be tits (figuratively AND literally), and Kid Goku with all his Dragonball moves would be super fun to use if done right. And if all else fails, Farmer with a Shotgun would be hilarious, even more so if his movelist was treated seriously.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#55  May 31, 2015, 01:31:39 am
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I would personnaly really like to see the ginyu force in action something like captain commando but with ginyu as the main character
Jamemba would also be pretty cool
Overall i would like to see another villain
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#56  May 31, 2015, 01:57:09 am
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I'd like to see the Ginyu Force too
Serious question, will you guys make Cell?

Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 02:00:32 am by QuickFist


Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#57  May 31, 2015, 08:20:15 am
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Babidi as character is alright. I still feel like I'm playing a bonus character rather than an actual character. You can do combos with Babidi which is pretty cool but I feel he's missing a lot of things (like a low, or proper aerials and normals). He's still a lot better than Satan and Saibamen though.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#58  May 31, 2015, 11:23:28 am
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Babidi is a good Character. Majin Vegeta excists because of him. His gameplay is unique and funny. He is a good mid-boss type of Character but it doesnt mean you should use him as a boss only Character for The Game. I'm sure that some people like to play with such Characters. He gameplay is similiar like Kamek from Super Mario and Ivan Ooze from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. If you compare them, they are all important Characters. Good job with it guys.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#59  May 31, 2015, 06:55:40 pm
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The Game.
I just lost it, and now you all have as well.
But seriously, Babidi makes a good character. Offers some much-needed variation from the standard Z2 playstyle, and he does seem like he would make a good mid boss, as others have said

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Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#60  May 31, 2015, 08:45:57 pm
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I'd like to see the Ginyu Force too
Serious question, will you guys make Cell?

I would personnaly really like to see the ginyu force in action something like captain commando but with ginyu as the main character
Jamemba would also be pretty cool
Overall i would like to see another villain

If any Ginyu Force member should be a fighter, it should be Recoome. Ginyu's pretty boring aside from Body Change. Recoome is one of the few Dragonball characters that would make sense as a grappler. He also uses a lot of strikes and Ki attacks, so he could be a more balanced one, like an Alex with projectiles. But I don't think Balthazar and all need character suggestions by now. I'm sure they've gotten plenty off of YouTube, etc.