
Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition (Read 788537 times)

Started by XGargoyle, October 30, 2016, 12:40:39 pm
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Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#1  October 30, 2016, 12:40:39 pm
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This is a new collaborative contest, this time for Buu. As you know, Buu has the capability to absorb the enemies and take their form:

We have the Z2 characters already sprited, but we need alternate forms when Buu absorbs non-Z2 characters such as Ryu, Kyo or Megaman.
Are you bad enough dude to draw them?

- Absorbed form could be a static sprite or a simple animation. By simple I mean that it stays on the same location, but some face or arms animation is accepted. We will not implement huge animations involving multiple objects/layers, as it will create a conflict with what we already have planned.
- Absorbed form must keep some of Buu's original palette, whether it's the pants or the skin. You can use the below sprite as a reference for Buu's main palette:

- Absorbed form must follow Z2 art style (outlines, shading, angle of light...)  or at least be closely related. Exceptions could be made if the original character has a radical different style, but then Buu's parts must have the same style as well.
- Size, body mass and overall pose can be altered, don't restrict your creativity to using the same pose as the above example
- Submitting an entry to the contest may not guarantee your sprite will be included in the final character build
- By submitting an entry, you are allowing us (Team Z2) to make slight edits or modification to the sprites as we believe it may look better in Buu's SFF file
- Despite what the title says, this is not a Halloween-theme related contest. It's just that Buu is a fan of candies and this is his favorite season of the year
XGargoyle: Battle posing since 1979  <-- Please click that link  <-- Donations welcome!
Last Edit: February 24, 2017, 05:24:33 pm by XGargoyle


Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#2  October 30, 2016, 03:58:23 pm
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Here's some quick concept idea for a Ryu - anybody feel free to work on it:
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#3  October 30, 2016, 05:25:17 pm
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Rurouni Buushin

One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

Did you play the new
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Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 03:06:20 pm by Speedster
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#4  October 30, 2016, 05:42:25 pm
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Here's some quick concept idea for a Ryu - anybody feel free to work on it:

im pretty sure that anyone that wants can figure out how to make a ryu buu without a base lol.

Guys remember that you can do random buu bodies that will be used at random, you dont have to do a specific character for he to fuse with.
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#5  October 30, 2016, 07:27:16 pm
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Last Edit: October 30, 2016, 09:42:00 pm by sabockee
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#6  October 30, 2016, 07:32:22 pm
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Bet I can challenge myself on making at least, like, 20 forms!
-Characters: Vera Trappz (OC)
-Stages: Springfield Town Square (Update)

-Characters: Mona-Lisa (OC), Danny Phantom, Betty Boop, Kim Possible, Aladdin, Oggy, NEW! Cartoon Guy
-Stages: Toon World (Cartoon Guy), End Of The World
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#7  October 30, 2016, 07:43:35 pm
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Sabockee I love what you've done!! :)
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#8  October 30, 2016, 07:51:45 pm
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Thanks, Heph! :D
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#9  October 30, 2016, 08:07:36 pm
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That M on Chun-Li's chest is pure gold! ;)
XGargoyle: Battle posing since 1979  <-- Please click that link  <-- Donations welcome!
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#10  October 30, 2016, 08:34:24 pm
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    • Bolivia
That’s when I thought, “good grief”
Just ain’t my belief
Until I saw the holes
Inside his hand
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#11  October 30, 2016, 09:35:00 pm
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man this is awesome too bad i cant sprite
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#12  October 30, 2016, 10:55:31 pm
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This is gonna be awesome X'D

EDIT: if I had spriting skills, I'd make Mario and Luigi for funsies XD
Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 01:01:09 am by The Sudden Rarity
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#13  October 31, 2016, 03:21:10 am
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was waiting for this thread, gonna come up with something :D
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#14  October 31, 2016, 03:32:17 am
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Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#15  October 31, 2016, 03:48:24 am
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im gonna bet that balmsold will do a either

a. yamcha
b. tien
c. frank west

absorbed forms for buu :P
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#16  October 31, 2016, 03:59:22 am
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I'm just hoping for Diepod to make a Buustreak
Formerly LunchPolice aka Quack
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#17  October 31, 2016, 06:55:31 am
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I love this idea, i'm probably gonna do way too many knowing me :P

JailBot anyone???

all it needs in terms of it being animated is it to move up and down a few pixels
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#18  October 31, 2016, 01:03:51 pm
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What has been seen, cannot be unseen.
Looks awesome!
I made a slight edit to his mouth which is just a suggestion
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His hover code is
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Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#19  October 31, 2016, 02:37:00 pm
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Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: Graphic contest: Buu's Absorbed forms! Trick or treat - 2016 Halloween edition
#20  October 31, 2016, 05:30:38 pm
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  • Born From the 93's
    • Puerto Rico
Starting with fat boy here; it's a little rushed the lineart tho

Still needs more work but I'm only previewing who I shall start with first!

(Havin a feelin' I might (or any of you) will take on the Black Heart characters as well)
-Characters: Vera Trappz (OC)
-Stages: Springfield Town Square (Update)

-Characters: Mona-Lisa (OC), Danny Phantom, Betty Boop, Kim Possible, Aladdin, Oggy, NEW! Cartoon Guy
-Stages: Toon World (Cartoon Guy), End Of The World