Hephaistos31 said, December 10, 2016, 12:41:15 amSabokee your skills are just EPIC.Good work, WekRiptor!! Lack of details on some areas. I mean, there really isn't much there on the source
That's because you are doing a straight-up JJBA > Z2 conversion w/o taking into account how things'll look in Z2. Its like a copy-paste of JJBA shading/detailing with little changes here and there, and thats wrong. Reference from the style you are converting to and take into account style specifics when doing conversions. Otherwise they wont look good.
It doesn't helps that it looks like Hol Horse Buu has boobs in that sprite, and I don't think anyone needs to point out what's wrong with his hands.
No.-Hat looks nothing like Hol Horse's, it looks likes something one would find in a dumpster rather than a commercial safari hat.-Hands look nothing remotely like Buu's, they are still devoid of detail and the shape doesn't remotely match that of Barker's sprite.-Lighting is pretty much fucked. That hanging part of the upper body, idk its name, shouldn't have that much lighting. Look at sabockee's Buu-Li to see what I mean. In addition, it doesn't look like fabric, just plastic because of how its lit and the lack of folds. Also check Buu-Li.-Right viewer arm looks broken. Its as if his forearm was forcibly twist. The forearm should have the same angle as the upper parts.-No anti-aliasing on the outlines whatsoever. Look at the pants (which you took from Barker's sprite), the way the outlines were handled, that's how you want it to look like, otherwise it'll look like an unfinished Z2 sprite.-Lighting on the arm is wrong as well (left viewer). Bicep shouldn't receive that much lighting. Also, in most of the parts you made, the light doesn't even hit Buu Horse correctly. why does the lighting on the left viewer fore arm, the hat, neck, and bracelets look like that? It should flow with the shape its hitting, not do... whatever it is that its doing.-More of a nitpick, but since you are doing a JJBA character, you should exaggerate the pose. Your's is devoid of any dynamism, and honestly looks boring. Also, he doesn't have that long hair Hol has.I made this, using Barker's Buu sprite and the official Capcom Hol Horse sprite as references:It's not perfect, but to an extent, it does address the problems stated above. Use it if you want. You'd benefit highly from working on your art fundamentals, because you really don't seem to have any sort of grasp on them. That, and maybe practice some fundamentals of pixel art too. Like anti-aliasing for example.
Well, ok then. I guess you sometimes need to be blunt to get your point across. Appreciate the feedback.
WekRiptor said, December 12, 2016, 12:53:42 amWell, ok then. I guess you sometimes need to be blunt to get your point across. Appreciate the feedback. You can do a better job, I know you can. Otherwise I would not have bothered to tell you anything.Try to give time to the art fundamentals, they'll def help you. I mean, my grasp on them are far from perfect, but you'll notice an improvement in your own art when you start practicing them and giving them mind in future art related stuff. That's what happened to me in some aspects. And it will happen to you too.And having references on hand is not a wrong thing. The best artists use references a lot.
Thank you, I'm working on it rn. I don't have the time for it next semester but Junior year I'll look into taking some art classes if I have the space.
That's a huge improvement. But there's still a lot of room to improve; the sprite looks father flat, especially the torso.
There are 2 official form in manga 1. Gotenks piccolo ansorbed and2. Gohan absorbed. Any sprites there for this?
XGargoyle said, October 30, 2016, 12:40:39 pmThis is a new collaborative contest, this time for Buu. As you know, Buu has the capability to absorb the enemies and take their form:Yes there are AumioFor all know z2 characters,maybe except Tien for now
is it too late to enter the competition I know its bad but I need the experience feedback so feel free to edit or tell me how to progressI present to the world Buurio http://imgur.com/a/MIPaa