
Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond (Read 62570 times)

Started by Iced, January 14, 2018, 05:56:43 pm
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Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#1  January 14, 2018, 05:56:43 pm
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With Gotenks released his Finisher 3 is now visible for everyone.

Gotenks will go through a bunch of forms as he plans ahead the best way to beat down the opponent. Here's where you can take part!

We've tried to have situations in most characters where other people can commit some work to be shown off, and this will be it.

Gotenks new super forms will be able to be submitted through this thread.

We will use the best ones that match the tone of the move, so if you think you got a few good ones, give it a go.
Please take a look first at those that already appear so that you are not repeating something that was already made.

Here are some of the forms that Gotenks takes during this move

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Depending on how your form is made we are using one of three choices.
1) an attack to the side
2) an uppercut-type attack
3) a non-attacking heroic pose - final form.
All of these need to be only 1 frame.

-If he has a mix of normal colours and then some extra stuff we have two files one with the new colours separated ( they are super imposed in game) and one that uses the pal template above.

-If he is full on new colours he just needs one file.

-If he only uses shared colours then he only needs one file that should fit the pal above.
Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#2  January 14, 2018, 10:13:04 pm
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The ultimate warrior will master the ultimate sword fighting style - Gotenks masters Ryu Tsui Sen: :mlol:

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One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

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Last Edit: January 25, 2018, 05:17:29 pm by Speedster
Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#3  January 15, 2018, 01:38:35 am
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Would you mind placing colors that use Gotenks palette on their own layer?

Also is that a final form or a launcher? I could see it as either one =p
Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#4  January 15, 2018, 02:39:09 am
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No problem, it's done  - edited post. I already indexed them just for the sake of it. :kugoi:
Honestly I thought you guys would use just for the final form, so yep - it's for the final form. But it's good to know for the future submissions.
Oh, just for curiosity, do you intend to accept sprites for the drawing on the board (level 2)?
One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

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Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#5  January 15, 2018, 03:01:19 am
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For your own char? I hadn't considered it but sure. I need 2 if it has words. Mirrored versions
Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#6  January 15, 2018, 03:10:37 am
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Oh, that's great. Thanks.
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One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

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Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#7  January 17, 2018, 04:59:57 am
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Decided to have a little try at this. Truth be told, I haven't practiced as much in this sort of style as I would want to, but I think I did well regardless.

Now then, you said one of the options could be an uppercut, so....

Layered version:
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I make things.
Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 05:00:25 am by BrawlersintheZone
Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#8  January 23, 2018, 07:07:28 pm
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The sprite is good, but it needs refining, there is too much light, his body needs to be duly shaded. And the anti-aliasing needs to be improved as well.

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One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

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Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#9  January 23, 2018, 08:19:15 pm
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Yeah, sadly the mario one doesn't meet the style. Ah cool this one looks like one of the alt straight attack forms!
Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#10  January 25, 2018, 02:06:24 am
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Hm, so this time I suppose it's better to post an uppercut attack.  :mlol:
A cosplay of the silent hero from FF3.

Ok, I wanted make a reference to Dean from FF3 and the SFF had such a perfect base for it, that I couldn't resist, I hope it's not a problem.
I could easily use all colors from the base palette but to make a better reference I've decided don't share some stuff.

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One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

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Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#11  January 25, 2018, 03:21:40 am
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Hah beautiful! Man, why are more people not jumping into this?! Also an update is coming pretty soon if you wanted to add something for the lvl2 finisher
Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#12  January 25, 2018, 04:09:43 pm
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That's a good question. There are a lot of talented spriters around here.
Well, until they show up, let's get to work:

Ergo Proxy's cutting blow - straight attack form.

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About the level 2 finisher, I'll have the drawings soon. I'm almost finishing the level 3 cameos that I want. :P
One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

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Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#13  January 25, 2018, 04:50:40 pm
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I was just adding these. The links to the layered sprites on the 1st one you made are dead :mcry:
Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#14  January 25, 2018, 05:18:55 pm
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It's back online, no more indexed though. PostImage is unstable and I had to use something else.
One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

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Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#15  January 27, 2018, 02:41:59 pm
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Sorry for the double post, but I'll make it worth with a double submission, ok, triple to be precise:

Ape Escape reference:

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I'm the fastest kid alive  :grin3:

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- They're all for the final form.
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Final Form - "Sesshoumaru"

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Levels 2 "drawings" - covering all Rurouni Kenshin Soul and Sword characters

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One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

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Last Edit: January 29, 2018, 09:33:25 pm by Speedster
Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#16  January 31, 2018, 06:09:18 pm
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Last form - Shishio's Kaguzuchi.

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The next will be the last one.
See ya.
One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

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Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#17  January 31, 2018, 06:20:42 pm
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Wish more people would join in but really glad to get more cool forms!
Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#18  February 03, 2018, 03:38:36 pm
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Well, to close my contributions - Gundam Wing:

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Mai's hair shares Goten's shoes colors while Gotenk's shoes use Trunks' boots colors.

I've made the sprite this big just to make sure it would fit in wide screens.
That's it. I hope you guys like it.
One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

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Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#19  February 17, 2018, 03:30:49 pm
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Amazing, that surely deserves a spot!
Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#20  February 17, 2018, 09:02:00 pm
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Thank you very much, man.  :hyo:
One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

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Re: Graphic Contest: Gotenks goes further beyond
#21  February 19, 2018, 06:40:07 am
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it looks great