point us? what the fuck are you, venom?here's where i got the idea that you don't want any credits. i don't know why you're bringing up a post you made 5 months ago like i'm (or anyone else is) supposed to rememberQuoteI told to Cybaster to don't write me a paragraph or nothing in Freezer's creditsthis, to me, reads like you don't want a paragraph or anything in the readme. that you don't want to be mentioned. that you don't want to be credited. maybe you meant something else in that line, i chalk it up to your decidedly poor english. as far as i can tell you'll be credited in the freeza readme, because as far as i know cybaster credits all contributors. i am sure the list iced posted does not include everybody that contributed to the characters, and it's not supposed to be a list that mentions everybody. you're overreacting and being really fucking weird in general
sounds like a misunderstanding probably should have been handled in pm's because it brings unnecessary negativity to the thread.
You might confuse some people you're introducing your works to for the first time with that Dragonball-version of Yamcha, while the rest remain Z-related characters.Also thought the sample pack came with the screen pack and life bars and such shown in the video, not just a default Mugen with the 5 released characters. Might want to clarify that.Slightly unrelated, just noticed from the link to Balthazar's site. Saibamen's description has a typo. And Goku's become Vegeta.Otherwise, yeah, pretty epic looking, guys.
【MFG】Iced said, April 05, 2014, 07:32:57 pmRosh said, April 05, 2014, 07:00:24 pmJust linked it on the r/Fighters reddit. Good luck to you guys.thanks. I ask everyone to help us by sharing it as well. Spread it around.Aaaaaaaaaand shared across twitter, tumblr etc. : DLooks great guys!
Spoiler, click to toggle visibiltyடுந்க்ற்க்ţ said, April 06, 2014, 03:36:15 amThe fact I don't like you doesn't mean I don't deserve the credit. Freezer's bases weren't done magically by its own.Don't get me wrong, I told to Cybaster to don't write me a paragraph or nothing in Freezer's credits and I erased my useless posts because that's me. We knew you didn't want me in your team but that's not professional.Anyway I still think Gohan is a mere headswap, told that to Balthazar in his Bday, Piccolo's pants have different shading that doesn't make me take him seriously so I doubt he is a wip and Saibamen' sprites need a total revamp.I think the font in the first part isn't that classic, it looks way too modern with the glow, maybe is just for the promo, but if it is the game intro it could be different, something more pixelated.டுந்க்ற்க்ţ said, April 06, 2014, 04:56:38 amI know my attitude shows it so but please point us in which post I said so. I won't deny I didn't wanted to be un-credited but Im not that stupid, I was stupid enough like to help this team for nothing but not like to be un-credited.Point us where otherwise you have no proof. Not even in PMs I said that. It may look the otherwise but I value the things I do. The only thing I don't value are forum posts.Please analize this since it is the farthest you will get:டுந்க்ற்க்ţ said, October 12, 2013, 12:55:36 pmCybaster, now that Im on it, I remember you write a paragraph to thank the person you credit in your chars, for me, I politely ask you to just place my name on it and don't write me or nothing, I won't download Freezer, I told you I don't play mugen and it is preferable to stop showing interest for something I won't even play. See? Just my name, you don't have to write me nothing if you don't want.Sorry for the derailing but unless you show me where I explicitly wrote I wanted to be un-credited I see this as something not professional.And I must care since it took me a year doing the bases.(I did this post so that when Chamat deletes his posts at least we can read them)To Chamat:In the credits: "...and many more..." so you're also credited in some way.
It might sound stupid and probably also depends on how much sprites are also based on existing animations, but did you guys ever think about actually purchasing the Dragonball licence for this?- generating money over kickstarter then would cause no problem. There are some kickstarters where the teams actually purchased quite famous licences in order to make their project happen. If you'd make a kickstarter you could have goals be certain more characters - like Muten Roshi from DB for example.
Sure, how much would such a thing cost though, purchasing the DBZ licence? Like a million billion dollars?I'm not familiar with those kind of things.
Balthazar said, April 06, 2014, 01:00:26 pmSure, how much would such a thing cost though, purchasing the DBZ licence? Like a million billion dollars?I'm not familiar with those kind of things.https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/combitstudios/river-city-ransom-undergroundThey got the licence for example. I dont know about it either, but seeing that this very very famous game will be continued by fans with the licence makes me want to believe that it might be possible to get the licence for your game as well, defining it for example as a sequel to SB, HD or DragonballZ (for Arcade). While it all might sound like dreaming, doing some research in that matter wont hurt I think also is this for real?/from you guys? https://www.facebook.com/HyperDBZ
Balthazar said, April 06, 2014, 01:00:26 pmSure, how much would such a thing cost though, purchasing the DBZ licence? Like a million billion dollars?I'm not familiar with those kind of things.Don't do it. They'll only turn it into a mobile game.
【MFG】Iced said, April 05, 2014, 07:32:57 pmRosh said, April 05, 2014, 07:00:24 pmJust linked it on the r/Fighters reddit. Good luck to you guys.thanks. I ask everyone to help us by sharing it as well. Spread it around.i will do my part for helping you to have viewers.
Just No Point said, April 06, 2014, 06:29:04 pmWe should do a kickstarter so you can get the license so we can do a kickstarter!I 100% agree with this idea
voidednumb said, April 06, 2014, 02:29:07 pmalso is this for real?/from you guys? https://www.facebook.com/HyperDBZSame question.
Well, I can conform with a typical MUGEN fullgame with this, if you ask me I mean, there's enough material to ensemble a great fullgame here
Yes indeed. I was wondering the same thing. The discription has a note that this isn't a full game project but, there is a page wich leads to full game as hints. Maybe it's just to promote the Z2 style in general. It could be something like Choujin's DBZ and that Mugen DBZ Dream wich allows you to get all the files and with that, you can build your own game.