
(IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters (Read 166170 times)

Started by dreadedpotato, February 17, 2024, 07:00:26 am
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(IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#1  February 17, 2024, 07:00:26 am
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    • USA
(These movelists only work in IKEMEN. If you ask me how to use these in MUGEN I will make fun of you)

This is a collection of movelists for characters that use OHMSBY's BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle-inspired system designed from the ground up for in-game use in the IKEMEN engine. The data from these movelists is adapted from the Movelist.png files included in the character folder in addition to descriptions of a character's unique mechanics as detailed in their respective Read Me files.
I know I'm not the first person to do something like this, but I decided I'd pick up the slack seeing as how I couldn't find any that had been updated within the last few months and had already put a fair bit of time into these. I've already been talking with OHMSBY about having these directly added to their official releases (as you'd know if you've been reading their thread as of late), but I'm setting up a thread that makes them available independently for the folks who don't want to redownload 70+ full characters just for some sub-10 kilobyte movelist files. I intend to make movelists like these for the libraries of every creator to use this style, so I figured having a central hub to find them all would be convenient.

[UPDATE - 1/30/25] The movelist for TornilloOxiado's newly released Dante has been updated to add a few moves that were missing from the initial release. More specifically:
  • Added the Million Carats follow up to Crystal in Special Moves.
  • Added EX Rising Dragon to Force Breaks.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Currently, movelists are available for all characters released by the following creators.
Additionally, movelists for the following characters are available in the Miscellaneous section.
Joey S.' Kim Kaphwan
RagingRowen's Cloud Strife

Here are some images that demonstrate what you can expect from these movelists as of the big May Update. (I'm aware there's a color-coding error in one of the images with Ragna in it; this issue has been fixed in-game.)

And of course, here's the link to the full collection!
Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 11:46:57 am by dreadedpotato
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#2  February 22, 2024, 05:33:56 pm
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    • USA
Movelists for Vinnie's library of characters are done!
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#3  February 22, 2024, 06:21:58 pm
  • **
    • Canada
nice job, quick question, think you can have a zip file with all the character movelists, cause holy shit there are a lot of OHMSBY-styled characters
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#4  February 28, 2024, 01:33:48 pm
  • **
    • USA
nice job, quick question, think you can have a zip file with all the character movelists, cause holy shit there are a lot of OHMSBY-styled characters

Thanks a bunch! The download link was just swapped from Mediafire to Google Drive for the sake of user convenience, so you should be able to download each folder all at once. I'm afraid I can't do a folder that just has every creator's movelists in the same single folder since that would lead to issues with certain characters like Asuna, who's been made by both OHMSBY and Vinnie.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#5  February 28, 2024, 01:40:21 pm
  • ***
  • the Suicidal Bastard
  • "I want to see and understand the world outside."
    • Philippines
For some reason it leads to a request edit access on my end.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#6  February 28, 2024, 05:25:49 pm
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    • USA
For some reason it leads to a request edit access on my end.

Should be good now. I forgot to set it so anyone with the link could access it.
[Edit] Had to fix the fix like twice because I kept selecting the wrong file. Man, today is just not my day.
Last Edit: February 28, 2024, 05:30:14 pm by dreadedpotato
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#7  February 28, 2024, 11:44:50 pm
  • **
    • Canada
nice job, quick question, think you can have a zip file with all the character movelists, cause holy shit there are a lot of OHMSBY-styled characters

Thanks a bunch! The download link was just swapped from Mediafire to Google Drive for the sake of user convenience, so you should be able to download each folder all at once. I'm afraid I can't do a folder that just has every creator's movelists in the same single folder since that would lead to issues with certain characters like Asuna, who's been made by both OHMSBY and Vinnie.

Thank you
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#8  February 29, 2024, 01:17:44 am
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    • USA
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#9  February 29, 2024, 01:57:16 am
  • ***
  • the Suicidal Bastard
  • "I want to see and understand the world outside."
    • Philippines
Hey, just a question.

I'm not sure if you count me as an OHMSBY-Styled creator, as most of my content is just edits of the originals, but do you also plan to add a movelist for Josuke Fuyuhito (my version of Ragna)?

It can be in the miscellaneous section if you want.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#10  March 03, 2024, 08:13:01 am
  • *
Why not use the glyphs for quarter circle inputs?
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#11  March 03, 2024, 12:53:46 pm
  • **
    • USA
Hey, just a question.

I'm not sure if you count me as an OHMSBY-Styled creator, as most of my content is just edits of the originals, but do you also plan to add a movelist for Josuke Fuyuhito (my version of Ragna)?

It can be in the miscellaneous section if you want.

I'll consider it! If I do end up deciding to do so, I'll probably end up doing each character in the Webs of Freedom lineup as doing just one would feel a bit odd to me and it'll be after the other creators in the roadmap at the earliest.

Why not use the glyphs for quarter circle inputs?

Honestly, I'm just not a fan of how it looks. It's pretty much exclusively a nit-picky preference. That's kind of also why I intentionally remove numpad notation when adapting information from character Read Me files, though the main reason is that my laptop doesn't have a numpad and therefore I can never remember it off the top of my head.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#12  March 03, 2024, 01:10:57 pm
  • ******
    • Portugal
I share the same feelings about the QCF glyphs. Using arrows instead also makes everything look consistent.

You could open all the movelists in Notepad++ and replace the arrow patterns you want with the corresponding glyphs in one go. Should take like a minute for each glyph type.
You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
My Mugen and Ikemen content can also be found here.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#13  March 10, 2024, 02:41:26 am
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    • USA
A movelist for the newly-released Nimue has been added to Vinnie's collection.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#14  March 10, 2024, 02:36:24 pm
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    • USA
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#15  March 11, 2024, 10:49:06 pm
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    • USA
Another day, another update! Movelists for Yamaneko Arthur and Nero Claudius have been added to TornilloOxiado's collection. (Incidentally, I had planned on waiting until these two were out to release the full collection, but ultimately decided to release them as soon as they were done since I didn't want to keep people waiting. Turns out it didn't actually make much of a difference, ha ha...)
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#16  March 21, 2024, 07:56:55 pm
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    • USA
A major update for today: everyone that had yet to be added as detailed in the OP is now available! That includes:
  • Forla's library
  • DigitalJinny's library
  • ZolidSone's Gunvolt and Shovel Knight P2
  • Joey S.'s Kim Kaphwan
  • RagingRowan's Cloud Strife
You can grab them all at usual full collection link in my signature.
I guess it could be said that this is the last "major" update for the foreseeable future given that I've finally caught up with all the characters that have been released in this style up until this point, but I'll still be popping in now and again to update the thread when new characters release or changes are made to the released movelists (if any).
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#17  March 23, 2024, 10:12:50 pm
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    • Canada
The Enigma by Resentone does not have a move list in their folder, I think you missed one
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#18  March 23, 2024, 10:38:06 pm
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    • USA
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#19  March 24, 2024, 03:18:44 pm
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    • Canada
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#20  March 24, 2024, 05:38:18 pm
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    • USA
thanks, Also funny Resentone just updated his characters and added Botan, Tao, Yuzuriha

 Major ones
- Icon change for Terminal Horizon.
- Changed Exceed Accel move into "Initiator's Ability: Bunny Hop".
- Added a second intro.
- Changed Exceed Accel move into "4th Primogenitor: Familiar Summoning".

Movelists for the new releases have been added, and the movelists for Rentaro and Yukina have been updated. Funny how this is already the second time a set of new releases goes live right after the thread is updated, which [insert two nickels joke].
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#21  March 30, 2024, 04:43:47 pm
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    • Canada
well NESTS KYO got a new move
-NEW DISTORTION DRIVE: 123 Shiki Shaku En (D,DF,A/B command)
About this move:

->Only usable when 125 Shiki Nanase hits succesfully.
->This super move is from The King Of Fighters XI where the conditions to make this attack are the same.

-Saishu Kessen Ougi Mushiki can be Super Canceled into 123 Shiki Shaku En.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#22  March 30, 2024, 05:06:11 pm
  • **
    • USA
well NESTS KYO got a new move
-NEW DISTORTION DRIVE: 123 Shiki Shaku En (D,DF,A/B command)
About this move:

->Only usable when 125 Shiki Nanase hits succesfully.
->This super move is from The King Of Fighters XI where the conditions to make this attack are the same.

-Saishu Kessen Ougi Mushiki can be Super Canceled into 123 Shiki Shaku En.

NESTS Kyo's movelist was updated to include this move last night, as TornilloOxiado themselves reached out about this.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#23  April 04, 2024, 07:08:38 pm
  • **
    • USA
The movelist for Vinnie's Yosuke had been updated to fix a few errors with his Tentarafoo attack. I should also mention that Vinnie and I have been in touch regarding the movelists for the upcoming Minazuki/Shadow Yosuke dual release and you can expect to have movelists for them packed in with their initial launch. I'll still be adding their movelists to the collection once the characters are officially released, but you won't need to wait for me to do so this time around.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#24  April 06, 2024, 07:47:54 pm
  • **
    • USA
The movelist for Vinnie's Yosuke had been updated to fix a few errors with his Tentarafoo attack.

Yosuke's movelist was just updated again because it turns out the move is called Mirage Slash and not Tentarafoo. Still trying to figure out how I got that mixed up, honestly...
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#25  April 13, 2024, 05:50:40 am
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    • USA
Movelists for Vinnie's newly released Minazuki and Shadow Yosuke have been added. While my movelists are already present in their initial release versions, I decided to make them publicly available anyway just in case. Also, Miyuki's movelist has been updated to reflect her new rework.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#26  April 13, 2024, 03:40:57 pm
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    • USA
Quick and dirty little update for Minazuki and Shadow Yosuke to fix a few mistakes. More details can be found in the initial post.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#27  April 18, 2024, 10:10:55 pm
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    • Canada
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#28  April 19, 2024, 12:38:30 am
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    • USA
Little late but Forla released 4 new characters

Movelists for the first three have been added, but Mika's isn't ready to go yet. As to the reason why, the short answer is that there's an issue with their Force Breaks. To elaborate a bit, the Read Me files for several of Forla's characters have attacks with names written in Korean. These attack names cannot be used in IKEMEN, since it doesn't have any of the Korean characters (meaning symbols, not fighters) and therefore the names would be completely blank in-game. To avoid this, I take it upon myself to translate or localize the attack names myself via machine translation, which is both not the best option and the only one available to me as a non-Korean speaker. I do my best to stick to either references to the source material or localizations based on what the attack does. For example, I chose to change the name of Kona's Astral Heat from 최종 무기에 걸맞은 손 ("A hand worthy of the ultimate weapon") to "Maid's Skyward Circle Throw" as a literal explanation of what the move is while also maintaining the repeated uses of the phrases "Maid's" and "Throw" in her other moves. That tangent aside, I can't do this for Mika's Force Breaks since another character appears for these moves and machine translation claims the character's name is "Tortilla". Given the extreme lack of available information for The Legend of Prince Van, I have no way to verify the accuracy of this translation or any means to determine the assist character's name. In the unlikely event that any readers of this post speak Korean or are familiar with The Legend of Prince Van, I would greatly appreciate it if you could reach out and help me resolve this particular issue.
TL;DR - Until I can find a way to translate the names of Mika's Force Breaks, her movelist will be unavailable.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#29  April 19, 2024, 01:39:05 am
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    • Canada
Understandable I will see if I can do anything to help.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#30  April 19, 2024, 05:11:25 am
  • ***
  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
Hello, here is just a sugestion but it is about my characters movelist, well those who have English voices (Makoto and the two Noels)
I saw that in their def files you had set the sound =, and that might caused problems for the people who previously downloaded the .def files included in your Drive (i know it's easy by just renaming it, i renamed those when i included your files in my character updates, but still).
I have no idea why the extension in your .def files have since the sound files are supposed to be .snd (just noticed this for the english voices, again, it is not big issue), but anyway, for the future releases it would be better to just leave them as the regular .snd file. (For example preferibly keeping them as Izayoi.snd instead of, as my characters always will have japanese voice by default and not english)
That's all, this isn't really necessary to be changed now since i already did these changes for Makoto and Noel in their updates, i just wanted to comment about it, even if i'm nort really a IKEMEN enjoyer, thanks for your work.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#31  April 25, 2024, 04:09:11 am
  • **
    • Canada
First, I believe Forla can only be reached out on his youtube account so you could ask him there for the names of mika's moves.
Also, he made another character

Update: he said the translation of Mika's force breaks is in the cmd file. (Value 1200 and 1201)
Last Edit: April 25, 2024, 05:27:10 am by bass30655
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#32  April 25, 2024, 08:00:37 am
  • **
    • USA
Movelists for Forla's Mika and Visaer have been added to their collection. Additionally, Na Yeon's movelist has been updated to fix some errors. More details about these fixes can be found in the first post.

First, I believe Forla can only be reached out on his youtube account so you could ask him there for the names of mika's moves.
Also, he made another character

Update: he said the translation of Mika's force breaks is in the cmd file. (Value 1200 and 1201)

Thanks for the assist on this! I'd considered reaching out via YouTube, but didn't have much confidence in them responding given that they never resumed posting here after returning from their hiatus.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#33  May 09, 2024, 11:07:05 pm
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    • USA
I'm working on a relatively big update for the collection in an effort to clean up some messier stuff that I hadn't bothered to fix until now. I'd like to have it all out at the same time as Enkidu's release since that should be coming up pretty soon here, but I don't know for sure if that's going to happen since I've only finished reviewing OHMSBY's characters so far. Most of the updated movelists are only getting some formatting changes, but there will be bigger changes and error corrections as well.

Here are some screenshots showing off some of the more notable changes for those who are curious.

Again, I'm not going to put a date on this or anything (especially since I'll be away from home this weekend for my birthday/Mother's Day so I have no idea how much I'll end up working on the update if at all), but you shouldn't have to wait too long. Even if Enkidu releases before the update is ready, his movelist will be up and ready to go as usual.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#34  May 10, 2024, 02:46:16 pm
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    • USA
That big update I just mentioned yesterday is now live. There are far too many changes for me to list in a single post, so I've written up a big changelog detailing every movelist that was altered and added it to the collection alongside each creator's own folders.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#35  May 12, 2024, 04:29:38 am
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    • USA
Enkidu's movelist is now available. Vinnie made one themselves for the launch version, but the one that's up in the collection has a few little tweaks/corrections here and there.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#36  May 16, 2024, 05:11:25 pm
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    • USA
A small update for Vinnie and TornilloOxiado's collections has gone up fixing an error with the Guard Reject mechanic.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#37  May 19, 2024, 12:33:12 am
  • **
    • USA
A movelist for TornilloOxiado's latest release, Izayoi, is now available in their collection.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#38  June 03, 2024, 01:12:47 am
  • **
    • USA
A movelist for OWO's latest release, Annie, is now available. The character has their own movelist built in, but the version available here is a modified version that has some formatting tweaks, color coding adjustments and rewritten descriptions for Star Power and Reflection Nebula.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#39  June 09, 2024, 04:52:25 am
  • **
    • USA
A movelist for Vinnie's newest release, Black Rock Shooter, has been added.  Vinnie included their own movelist once again with this character, but the version available here has a few minor tweaks from me. Unless people want me to continue to do so, I don't plan on specifying when a newly released character comes with their own movelist out of the box and will instead just list the edits I've made to their movelist (if any). Even if there does come a time where there isn't a need for me to post my own take on a creator's own movelist, I'll still be adding them to the collection anyway since it was made to serve as a sort of central hub for OHMSBY-styled movelists. This means that a public version will always be available should something happen to an individual user's movelist(s).
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#40  June 21, 2024, 03:28:19 am
  • **
    • USA
The movelist for Vinnie's Kirino has been updated to fix a few things. Namely:
  • The Follow Up actions for Athlete Dash have been updated to be more descriptive. The names for each Follow Up are derived from Kirino's page on Mizuumi's DBFC wiki.
  • A description for each of the items that can be thrown by Misplaced Anger has been added. This was done to bring it more in line with OHMSBY's Faust, whose movelist already had a detailed breakdown of his throwable items.
  • Fixed an error where the EX Misplaced Anger Force Break was incorrectly labeled EX Beach Strike.
Unrelated, but I've decided how to proceed in regards to new releases with built-in movelists.
Unless people want me to continue to do so, I don't plan on specifying when a newly released character comes with their own movelist out of the box and will instead just list the edits I've made to their movelist (if any).
This particular bit here was very poorly thought out, so I'd like to revise the plan going forward. Rather than not crediting the creator for making their own movelists (which would be both incredibly stupid and very rude), I'll instead acknowledge the creator before breaking down what exactly has been changed just like I did earlier in this post with Kirino. In the event that nothing needs to be changed or tweaked, I'll simply add it to the collection as is and make my doing so clear here.

Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#41  June 24, 2024, 02:03:04 am
  • **
    • USA
Movelists for Resentone's newly released Hyde (UNI2), Lucario and Reimu are now available. Additionally, Eltnum's movelist has been updated to reflect the recent changes she received. Those changes are:
  • Added Eltnum's new crouching C to Command Normals and Basic Chains.
  • Etherlite Ground has been updated to indicate the move's B version can now be held.
Movelists for Forla's latest releases (Julielle, Noroko and Yuna) are also available. These would have been out a bit sooner, but localizing the movelists of their Korean characters takes extra time. More details on the localization process for Julielle and Yuna can be found in the spoiler below for those who are curious.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#42  July 09, 2024, 12:32:09 am
  • **
    • USA
Movelists for TornilloOxiado's newly released Black Battler and Zeta are now available.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#43  July 21, 2024, 02:47:51 am
  • **
    • USA
Several movelists for OHMSBY's characters have been updated to reflect changes made in their recent additions to the official releases. Additionally, the movelist for Vinnie's Akiha was updated. Details on the changes can be found in the OHMSBY Update Changelog document that was added to the collection.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#44  August 09, 2024, 03:52:43 pm
  • **
    • USA
Feels like it's been a while, huh? A movelist for TornilloOxiado's newly released Galacta Knight is now available. I've also been working on a movelist for DigitalJinny's Gran who released a few weeks back, but progress has been slow because I can't figure out his wind level mechanic. From the testing I've been doing, it doesn't appear to do anything in any capacity, but if that's the case then why does he have a Distortion Drive to raise it? And if it does actually do something, what is it? If anyone is willing to clear this up for me, it would be much appreciated.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#45  August 09, 2024, 07:11:06 pm
  • ***
  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
Feels like it's been a while, huh? A movelist for TornilloOxiado's newly released Galacta Knight is now available. I've also been working on a movelist for DigitalJinny's Gran who released a few weeks back, but progress has been slow because I can't figure out his wind level mechanic. From the testing I've been doing, it doesn't appear to do anything in any capacity, but if that's the case then why does he have a Distortion Drive to raise it? And if it does actually do something, what is it? If anyone is willing to clear this up for me, it would be much appreciated.

You need to press / hold B+C to charge Power Raise levels, once you release the button Gran does said attack, the attack is stronger depending on the level, it's up to 4 levels.
By pressing A at the same time you're holding B+C, Gran will automatically go into neutral state and the Wind Level is storaged for the next time you press B+C.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#46  August 09, 2024, 09:44:27 pm
  • **
    • USA
You need to press / hold B+C to charge Power Raise levels, once you release the button Gran does said attack, the attack is stronger depending on the level, it's up to 4 levels.
By pressing A at the same time you're holding B+C, Gran will automatically go into neutral state and the Wind Level is storaged for the next time you press B+C.
Thanks for the help! Movelists for Gran and EX Gran are now available in Digital Jinny's collection.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#47  August 16, 2024, 08:32:32 am
  • **
    • USA
The movelists for Vinnie's Asuna and Selvaria have been updated to reflect their new Exceed Accel attacks.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#48  September 16, 2024, 09:59:26 pm
  • **
    • USA
A movelist for OHMSBY's Kiryu Coco is now available. Changes from the release version can be found in the spoiler below.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Additionally, the movelists for Maid Taiga and ZolidSone's Gunvolt have been updated. Specifically, Baseball Bat has been added to Maid Taiga's Character-Specific Mechanics and Gunvolt's movelist has been updated to reflect the recent update that changed his standing A combo.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#49  September 17, 2024, 01:47:58 pm
  • ****
  • I'm 100% Team OHMSBY now.
    • USA
To be completely honest, I did look at the command list before updating him and noticed you forgot one more A icon on his standing A combo. Although it was fine since it worked in my favor as there were two reasons behind it's removal. I took the inspiration of Resentone's Yuzuriha to make it work that way. The 2nd reason is if 5AAAAA gets blocked, it would've made him completely vulnerable until the animation ends. That way, you won't accidentally press it again and leave him wide open for a counter attack from the opponent. However, it makes sense for 66A to be like that as it's a rush move and there would be more risk involved.

Gunvolt has been updated again with your updated movelist, but I won't announce it in my edits thread as I won't count as an official one.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#50  October 05, 2024, 09:17:00 am
  • **
    • USA
A movelist for Vinnie's UNI2-styled Wagner is now available. The edits that have been made to the movelist included with her initial release are as follows:
  • Color coding has been added for Lohen Schneide.
  • The description for Lohen Schneide in Character-Specific Mechanics has been edited to be more concise and fix some minor grammatical errors.
  • Indicators for Special Moves that can be held have been changed slightly to make them consistent with the other movelists I've worked on.
Sorry it wasn't out a bit sooner. I didn't realized Wagner had been available for several days until roughly 20ish minutes before I wrote this post.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#51  October 06, 2024, 06:19:34 am
  • **
    • USA
The movelist for Vinnie's Wagner just got a microscopic update where the name of her command grab special has been changed from Filthy Dog! to "Filthy dog!". This was done to bring it in line with OHMSBY's Wagner and other similarly named attacks like Kohaku's "Look what I grew!".
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#52  October 19, 2024, 05:21:15 pm
  • **
    • USA
Movelists for Resentone's Vergil and Forla's The Magician are now available. Notes on the localization for The Magician can be found below for those who are interested.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
In more general news, I'm going to put forth a more legitimate effort in keeping track of new releases going forward, as this isn't the first time I've been late in publishing movelists because I genuinely am not aware of new releases. That being said, if a week goes by and a movelist for a newly released character has yet to appear, feel free to reach out to me about it just in case.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#53  October 19, 2024, 09:49:53 pm
  • *
  • English is not my first language.
Notes on the localization for The Magician can be found below for those who are interested.

For various reasons, it is forbid create and publish a ikemen's movelist of my characters.
That includes the move lists of all my characters that have been created by you.
Please understand.
Last Edit: October 19, 2024, 11:26:09 pm by Forla
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#54  October 20, 2024, 12:49:09 am
  • **
  • R.I.P Mugen 1999-202X
    • USA
Notes on the localization for The Magician can be found below for those who are interested.

For various reasons, it is forbid create and publish a ikemen's movelist of my characters.
That includes the move lists of all my characters that have been created by you.
Please understand.

Can you tell us what some of the reasons are? It is hard to understand why something is forbidden if the reasons are not mentioned.
Hopefully someday I'll be able to make the little puffball on my profile pic.
(Sprite edited from Scrollboss' sprite)
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#55  October 20, 2024, 01:48:50 am
  • ***
  • music rules
  • hi
    • USA
For various reasons, it is forbid create and publish a ikemen's movelist of my characters.
That includes the move lists of all my characters that have been created by you.
Please understand.

I'm sorry, what?
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#56  October 20, 2024, 07:13:34 am
  • *
  • English is not my first language.
Last Edit: October 20, 2024, 07:53:36 am by Forla
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#57  October 20, 2024, 06:55:03 pm
  • **
  • R.I.P Mugen 1999-202X
    • USA
Hopefully someday I'll be able to make the little puffball on my profile pic.
(Sprite edited from Scrollboss' sprite)
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#58  October 20, 2024, 07:22:04 pm
  • *
  • English is not my first language.
I understand that someone giving you a bad experience causes trauma, but it's better to get mad at the person instead of the abstract idea of movelists.

I understand, I'm sorry.
dreadedpotato is fine with making Movelist without worrying about me.
Last Edit: October 20, 2024, 08:18:13 pm by Forla
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#59  October 23, 2024, 05:14:07 pm
  • **
    • USA
A movelist for Forla's Jill Stingray is now available. Some notes on the move names can be found below for those who find the subject interesting.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

dreadedpotato is fine with making Movelist without worrying about me.
No worries. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the movelists I release for your characters. It might take me a few days to get back to you, but I'll make sure to reply.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#60  October 27, 2024, 02:46:36 pm
  • **
    • USA
The movelist for OHMSBY's Kirito just received an update that made the following changes.
  • Fixed an error where the DP motion glyph for Snake Bite's input didn't display in-game.
  • Fixed some spacing errors related to moves that interact with the Dual Wield mechanic.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#61  November 03, 2024, 02:54:48 pm
  • **
    • USA
The movelist for Resentone's Vergil was just updated to fix an error in which the Guard Reject and Bonus Strike mechanics were incorrectly included in his Character-Specific Mechanics.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#62  November 11, 2024, 08:32:39 pm
  • **
    • USA
Movelists for TornilloOxiado's Tomoka and Forla's Niko are now available. The movelists for Centralfiction, Okita and Zeta were also updated in accordance with their recent gameplay changes.
Notes on Niko's movelist for those who are interested can be found below, as is usual for Forla's characters.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#63  November 16, 2024, 03:00:58 am
  • *
  • English is not my first language.
This is a suggestion, but regarding my character's movelist that you created, can you please change the names of my character's moves (Specific Mechanics (including description), Command normals, Specials, force breaks, Distortion drives, Exceed accel, and astral heat) back to what they were before the change.
I have kept the names simple so that someone can easily imagine and understand what kind of techniques they are. And I have mixed feelings when they are changed without my permission. Whatever the reason for changing the name. (and those feelings are personal, but I can't help but notice that you are changing the name of the technique).
I'm not an English-speaking person, but I prefer simple names. (this is my personal opinion)

Nighttime Maneuvers is a reference to the game's soundtrack as any fan would likely notice,

I am a fan of VA-11-halla, but I actually never knew about the origin of your Exceed accel of Jill (soundtrack). lol
Last Edit: November 17, 2024, 02:01:26 am by Forla
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#64  January 24, 2025, 02:54:48 am
  • **
    • USA
Been a while, huh? A quick thanks for 100k views on the thread (which still doesn't feel real to me) and an even quicker Happy New Year before we get back to business with 2025's first update. My edit for the movelist of OWO's newly released Doraemon is now available. The spoiler below has details on what was changed for those who are curious. Movelists for Forla's Angelica and OWO's Skul should be coming along within the next week or so.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

On to more general updates, the order of the Drive folders has changed a bit now that OWO has more than a few characters released. They've been bumped into the main collection and out of the Miscellaneous section, taking the 8th spot for itself while Miscellaneous now takes a new 9th spot. I've also decided to set up a new Previous Updates section at the top of the post for any updates that come out this year. This should (in theory) make parsing past thread updates a little bit easier. Last on the general update itinerary: I'm now in the MFG's official Discord server under the name bonzi. I've actually been using that name everywhere else for quite a long time now, but I haven't bothered to figure out how to change it here. This doesn't mean I'm taking on requests for movelists or palettes (which I have a thread for, you should check it out) or anything like that, but if you have any questions for me feel free to reach out over there.

I understand why you prefer more simple and easy to understand move names, but I must respectfully decline your request.  I want to take this opportunity to say I put a great deal of care into the function of a move as well as the names you chose for them before deciding to make any revisions, and I don't just start making pointless changes for the sake of it.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#65  January 25, 2025, 06:43:24 pm
  • *
  • English is not my first language.
I want to take this opportunity to say I put a great deal of care into the function of a move as well as the names you chose for them before deciding to make any revisions, and I don't just start making pointless changes for the sake of it.
I didn't request you to do that revision in the first place. I don't know if you don't like the original name and description after all, but if you really don't want to go back to it, I don't have a choice.

However, I would like you to leave the creation of my character's Movelist to me. I want to manage everything about my character by myself. And I want you to concentrate on creating Movelists for other authors. I want to lighten your workload.
Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 06:57:24 pm by Forla
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#66  January 25, 2025, 07:03:41 pm
  • ***
I have a solution: make a movelist with Forla's names and another with custom names. That's more work, but i think it can please both of you.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#67  January 25, 2025, 10:24:30 pm
  • **
    • USA
Movelists for Forla's Ananzi and Angelica as well as OWO's Skul are now available. While Skul didn't include a movelist in his initial release, both of Forla's characters did and as such the ones in the collection are my edits as per usual. Details on the changes can be found in the spoiler below.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

And I want you to concentrate on creating Movelists for other authors. I want to lighten your workload.
I appreciate the gesture, but my movelists are generally made in response to a character's release. If other OHMSBY-style authors don't have any new releases on the horizon, I don't have anything to do. Therefore, making my edits doesn't take much out of me or force me to put other projects on the bench because I don't have any other projects. Angelica's movelist in particular was pretty fun to put together, as I was surprised by how mechanically dense she was once I got started. Well done!

I have a solution: make a movelist with Forla's names and another with custom names. That's more work, but i think it can please both of you.
I don't think that's necessary. Considering the facts that these movelists are only usable in IKEMEN in the first place and that I don't advertise my movelists anywhere but here (and the MFG Discord server as of two days ago), I would assume that most people who download Forla's characters aren't going to make their way over here looking for a movelist. This seems even less likely to me given that Forla already includes their own movelist with their releases, eliminating the need to go looking for one somewhere else. I also don't consider my movelists superior to Forla's own custom built ones, if that wasn't already clear. My edits are just that: edits made to suit my own personal preferences. I think the most effective path forward is for Forla and I to just keep doing things as we have been while allowing the individual users to decide what they want to do in regards to movelists.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#68  January 29, 2025, 10:44:24 pm
  • *
  • English is not my first language.
I have learned of your many thoughts, but after all, I can't stand it, so, I really need you to change the names and descriptions of the moves back to what they were before the change. There are also my various circumstances. I beg you please. Sorry to keep repeating myself, though.
I'm not one to talk, and I understand that you have no other projects, but you don't have to stick to Movelist too much.
Last Edit: January 29, 2025, 11:37:14 pm by Forla
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#69  January 30, 2025, 03:12:30 am
  • **
    • USA
A movelist for TornilloOxiado's newly released Dante is now available. Do let me know if I missed anything, as some of Dante's moves weren't documented in his Readme file.

I have learned of your many thoughts, but after all, I can't stand it, so, I really need you to change the names and descriptions of the moves back to what they were before the change.
Once again, I must respectfully decline. I understand that you disagree with some of the choices I make while editing your movelists, but I don't believe any harm is being done by making edits to the movelists included with your characters. My edited versions don't diminish the hard work and effort you put into making your characters from the custom sprites to the actual designs of their movesets, which is by far the most important part. I also want to reiterate that my edits aren't meant to be "superior" versions of the movelists that you make yourself and I don't make any effort to promote my movelists (original or edited) anywhere but this website and their official Discord server. I don't mean any disrespect by continuing to edit your movelists, but I also have no intention of stopping.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#70  January 30, 2025, 03:45:25 am
  • *
  • English is not my first language.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#71  January 30, 2025, 08:26:00 am
  • ***
  • 仮面ライダーグランドジオウ
  • The Scavenging Time and Space God
    • USA
A movelist for TornilloOxiado's newly released Dante is now available. Do let me know if I missed anything, as some of Dante's moves weren't documented in his Readme file.

Rising Dragon has an EX version that isn't mentioned.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#72  January 30, 2025, 11:42:08 am
  • **
    • USA
Rising Dragon has an EX version that isn't mentioned.
Fixed! Also added Million Carats as a follow up to Crystal, which I discovered while doing some extra testing. I don't think he has any other missing moves now that these have been added, but do let me know if you end up spotting anything else.
I understand. I'm sorry for everything.
Don't worry, no harm done.

Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#73  January 31, 2025, 08:18:06 am
  • ***
  • 仮面ライダーグランドジオウ
  • The Scavenging Time and Space God
    • USA
Also appears that Release can also be done in the air, too. Dang, Tornillo must've been in a hurry to release this.
Re: (IKEMEN Only) Command Lists for OHMSBY-styled characters
#74  January 31, 2025, 11:12:02 am
  • **
    • USA
Also appears that Release can also be done in the air, too. Dang, Tornillo must've been in a hurry to release this.
The movelist was just updated to fix this. If he was in a hurry to ship Dante out, there won't be any judgement from me on it. Making characters for MUGEN/IKEMEN is so much harder than what I do to make movelists that I don't think I can accurately convey it with words, and that's even more true when one factors in the possibility of external factors and real-life happenings getting in the way of the production process.