
IKEMEN Table of Contents (Please Read First) (Read 78359 times)

Started by TheFclass97, August 01, 2016, 03:10:38 am
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IKEMEN Table of Contents (Please Read First)
New #1  August 01, 2016, 03:10:38 am
  • ****
  • Every night fucks every day up
  • Every day patches the night up
    • Puerto Rico
Welcome to the world of most likely best source for MUGEN ONLINE!!! New here? Veteran, but confused on some of the moved stuff? Well, here is a simple area to quickly find the stuff you're probably looking for! I will add on to this if there's anything needed to add on in the future. With that being said, please check out the following:

IKEMEN Download page(s) - with updated versions, and more!

IKEMEN (Vanilla) -
IKEMEN Plus (V.3) -
IKEMEN GO Plus (W.I.P) -

IKEMEN Discord - Check out our discord! With a nice and growing community, check out latest stuff on the IKEMEN engine, newest stuff on builds/compilations, find matches, find friends and more! Link is in the spoiler below.

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IKEMEN Releases - Showcase of full games and compilations, screenpacks, and more! Games already packed in for your playing pleasure...

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IKEMEN General Discussion & Help - Got a question? Need answers? Wanna find something either cool or to simply find? Look no further!

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HOW TO IKEMEN Series - A video series I created which answers most IKEMEN questions and requests. From the basics, to new and exclusive stuff that only IKEMEN can provide! The series is still on-going.

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IKEMEN Discussion Thread  - An area to discuss anything related to the engine (that doesn't need it's own topic). It also has an FAQ with Shin Rei on board. So don't be afraid to ask questions there...

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IKEMEN General Netplay Explanation - One of the possible first threads created in this section. Has some decent info on a few common things about IKEMEN. Note: some of the info given may be old and slightly outdated.

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Last Edit: July 21, 2018, 08:14:25 pm by TheFclass97