
Is there a way to add conditons like IfElse to [Victory Screen] p1.spr? (Read 4043 times)

Started by Kanfong, December 29, 2024, 07:05:33 pm
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Is there a way to add conditons like IfElse to [Victory Screen] p1.spr?
#1  December 29, 2024, 07:05:33 pm
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Like, if big portrait 9000,2 is unavailable, then big portrait 9000,1 will be used?

;Victory screen definition
;This is the screen that is shown when you win a match in arcade mode.
;It will not be displayed on the last match of arcade mode.
[Victory Screen]
enabled = 1
time = 765;300                ;Time to show screen
fadein.time = 8
fadeout.time = 15
;Winner's portrait and name
p1.offset = 402,48
p1.spr = 9000,1
p1.facing = 1
p1.scale = 1,1
p1.window = 402,48, 880,608 = 402,640 = 4,0,1

;Victory screen definition
;This is the screen that is shown when you win a match in arcade mode.
;It will not be displayed on the last match of arcade mode.
[Victory Screen]
enabled = 1
time = 765;300                ;Time to show screen
fadein.time = 8
fadeout.time = 15
;Winner's portrait and name
p1.offset = 402,48
p1.spr = 9000,2
p1.facing = 1
p1.scale = 1,1
p1.window = 402,48, 880,608 = 402,640 = 4,0,1
Last Edit: December 29, 2024, 08:11:00 pm by Kanfong
Re: Is there a way to add conditons like IfElse to [Victory Screen] p1.spr?
#2  December 29, 2024, 07:41:12 pm
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    • Portugal
You can only use expressions in char code. But it already does that (fall back to 9000,1) by default.
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Re: Is there a way to add conditons like IfElse to [Victory Screen] p1.spr?
#3  December 29, 2024, 08:08:43 pm
  • *
You can only use expressions in char code. But it already does that (fall back to 9000,1) by default.

Oh I didn't know about that!  Just tested with p1.spr = 9000,2 and with no big portrait 9000,2 just big portrait 9000,1, the victory screen can still display big portrait 9000,1, how cool, thank you so much Legendary PotS!