
King of Fighters E Intro and Roster (Read 348762 times)

Started by swipergod, May 08, 2010, 02:59:44 am
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#21  July 27, 2011, 07:50:23 am
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Topic updated with new cast and teams (although team names aren't final)

Hwa Jai and Oswald currently remain in limbo (depending on a release of Zillion's Hwa) and Silver is a possible longshot.
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#22  July 27, 2011, 10:57:30 am
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That Ryuhaku sprite shading almost looks like a kof twist on MVC3 shading lol. Seems kinda dark, but that can be tweaked with palettes though.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#23  August 23, 2011, 06:56:06 am
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That's an ambitious roster, I'll definitely have to keep an eye on this as well. Lot of cool full-game projects going on.
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#24  February 21, 2012, 11:32:29 pm
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Man... Is anyone else playing this on keyboard? The combos are kinda hard :/.

I would get a fight stick but I don't have to funds yet.
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#25  March 02, 2012, 11:29:34 am
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Keyboard's always harder to play.  Although this kinda stuff probably belongs in the feedback section.

Those who want Hwa in the game, I'm not promising anything at this point, but he and Duck may end up as boosters along with Silver.  Oswald is also a possibility.
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#26  March 09, 2012, 08:35:40 am
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I have some thoughts about the rosters that i wanted to share :)

I think raiden or John should be removed and Mary should be in the team instead ( Mary keeping an eye on the outlaws since she is an agent )
[Xiengfei fills her place in the Women fighting team] or [ Put another female fighter in like ( Hinako-Malin-Momoko... etc. )]
and Maybe instead of my first thought John crawley joins the upstarts team ( and Mary fills his slot ) , and Gato joins the Physco soldiers team to watch over his little sister ... ( Gato goes in Xiengfei's place if she fills Mary's place )

Thats all :)
Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 08:43:11 am by Lady in Magenta
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#27  March 11, 2012, 07:01:45 pm
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I have some thoughts about the rosters that i wanted to share :)

I think raiden or John should be removed and Mary should be in the team instead ( Mary keeping an eye on the outlaws since she is an agent )
[Xiengfei fills her place in the Women fighting team] or [ Put another female fighter in like ( Hinako-Malin-Momoko... etc. )]
and Maybe instead of my first thought John crawley joins the upstarts team ( and Mary fills his slot ) , and Gato joins the Physco soldiers team to watch over his little sister ... ( Gato goes in Xiengfei's place if she fills Mary's place )

Thats all :)

Does it really matter? Mary's going to be in the game anyway, so... what's your point?
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#28  March 11, 2012, 10:29:59 pm
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Also, gonna have to figure in Duck King and Hwa now who are joining the official roster. :)
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#29  March 13, 2012, 03:28:46 am
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#30  March 13, 2012, 11:35:15 am
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Great news!! even if I'm not fan of seeing Nameless in Orochi team (storywide, Goenitz or Yamazaki would fit better)
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#31  March 13, 2012, 07:06:00 pm
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I don't get why Ryuji Yamazaki is part of the Boss Team. He is not a boss.
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#32  March 13, 2012, 08:59:12 pm
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He is Fatal Fury 3's boss
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#33  March 13, 2012, 10:04:42 pm
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#34  September 26, 2015, 02:45:18 am
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Finally updated the topic updated with the final roster. John and Hwa are doable as full functioning characters, so they are in for sure. I'll look into them after I finish Heidern and Lee. Don't mind the teams it's the best I could do with the roster as is. I will also release the defaults that KOFE uses so others can make characters if they want.
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#35  September 26, 2015, 03:17:11 am
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which orochi are you using here? is that an edit you are doing?
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#36  September 26, 2015, 05:59:50 pm
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Orochi's already done. He uses sprites for 97 98UM and Mizuki from ngbc. I tried to use as many Mizuki sprites for the base as possible since they are better drawn.
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#37  October 05, 2015, 09:32:43 am
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Updated with the final roster addition. Goddess Athena or for the sake of being able to distinguish her from normal Athena, simply Goddess.
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#38  October 05, 2015, 08:18:38 pm
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I know this was posted 5 years ago but honestly I was expecting there to be a Masters team with Saisyu, Heidern, Takuma and Chin and Psycho Soldiers team to be consisted of Athena, Kensou, Momoko and Bao. Momoko barely appeared in the KOF franchise and it'd be nice seeing her but again, since this was posted  5 years ago I guess there's no chance seeing her in this game. :/
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#39  October 06, 2015, 03:47:53 am
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Well there's always a chance as a expansion character. The only reason why I have a "main roster" is to ensure that there are limited shared sprites, move duplication and to maintain balance between characters. 68 is a lot of new moves to create, sprite to steal and so on. That doesn't mean that more characters can't be added, they just wouldn't be balanced against anyone in the main roster. Lost Avenger has done a Hinako that will be released and I'm sure more will come. :)
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#40  October 06, 2015, 05:08:00 am
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Why is Orochi in the game in the first place? Wasn't Orochi sealed away?