
KOF Anthology All Characters Pack (Updated 25.01.17) (Read 15680283 times)

Started by dura7ll3ur, September 13, 2015, 01:14:18 am
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Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#21  October 11, 2015, 01:12:08 am
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    • Argentina
This is insane!
Excellent work!
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#22  October 20, 2015, 01:32:34 am
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    • France
Update 15.10.08 :  25 -D- characters.
Check first post.
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#23  October 20, 2015, 08:54:59 pm
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    • Belgium
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#24  October 20, 2015, 10:26:00 pm
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where can i find the big custom portraits for all the chars for this screenpack?
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#25  October 22, 2015, 02:00:34 pm
  • *****
  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Thanks for the hardwork Dura!
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#26  October 27, 2015, 10:26:10 pm
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    • France
where can i find the big custom portraits for all the chars for this screenpack?

Portraits will change with the v3 screenpack. I'm thinking about making it wide 480p.
But I will work on it when all characters are done. And it's not for today...

Update 15.10.27 :  10 -E- characters.
Check first post.
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#27  October 31, 2015, 11:07:43 pm
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    • UK
I finally got the time to try out Christian and he's pretty much the same as his pre-edit counterpart, only with some of his rage mode moves/states taken out. For instance, a lot of his flaws are present from the original, such as the ability to perform his ridiculously easy (but surprisingly slightly less of) infinite combos, his insanely overpowered supers that drains 70% of the opponent's lifebar and even his over the top fatalities/instant KO rage state supers are left intact.
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#28  November 07, 2015, 04:10:44 pm
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Recently found about this, and I gotta' say, this is some good stuff man. I've got a question though: Are you just using characters that have a KoF graphical style, or are you also including characters that don't have that style but still have KoF gameplay? Because in that case, I know a few extra characters that you could add in, if you're interested. Either way though, this still looks great, and I'll be looking forward to the whole thing. Good job, seriously.
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#29  November 08, 2015, 08:22:49 pm
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    • France
I finally got the time to try out Christian and he's pretty much the same as his pre-edit counterpart, only with some of his rage mode moves/states taken out. For instance, a lot of his flaws are present from the original, such as the ability to perform his ridiculously easy (but surprisingly slightly less of) infinite combos, his insanely overpowered supers that drains 70% of the opponent's lifebar and even his over the top fatalities/instant KO rage state supers are left intact.

Duracelleur said:
I've made things to work the fastest possible. It won't be perfect for some characters, remain basic (but well sprited...)... but I tried to fix the most I could.

Yeah, I'ts a f*cking overpowered boss character. But I like the character. Points of views...

Recently found about this, and I gotta' say, this is some good stuff man. I've got a question though: Are you just using characters that have a KoF graphical style, or are you also including characters that don't have that style but still have KoF gameplay? Because in that case, I know a few extra characters that you could add in, if you're interested. Either way though, this still looks great, and I'll be looking forward to the whole thing. Good job, seriously.

Thanks man.
Yep KOF graphical style (with some minor exceptions...)
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#30  November 08, 2015, 11:50:39 pm
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I finally got the time to try out Christian and he's pretty much the same as his pre-edit counterpart, only with some of his rage mode moves/states taken out. For instance, a lot of his flaws are present from the original, such as the ability to perform his ridiculously easy (but surprisingly slightly less of) infinite combos, his insanely overpowered supers that drains 70% of the opponent's lifebar and even his over the top fatalities/instant KO rage state supers are left intact.

Duracelleur said:
I've made things to work the fastest possible. It won't be perfect for some characters, remain basic (but well sprited...)... but I tried to fix the most I could.

Yeah, I'ts a f*cking overpowered boss character. But I like the character. Points of views...

Recently found about this, and I gotta' say, this is some good stuff man. I've got a question though: Are you just using characters that have a KoF graphical style, or are you also including characters that don't have that style but still have KoF gameplay? Because in that case, I know a few extra characters that you could add in, if you're interested. Either way though, this still looks great, and I'll be looking forward to the whole thing. Good job, seriously.

Thanks man.
Yep KOF graphical style (with some minor exceptions...)

Ah, okay. That's a bit of a shame. However, if I find some characters with a KoF graphical style that you don't already have, I'll let you know. Still looking forward to it regardless.

Also, I was looking at your WIP select screen, and I noticed that Franco Bash is on it. Is he one of the exceptions you mentioned? Because I don't think he ever really had a KoF graphical style or edit, but he appears to be in it anyway. I'm not complaining, as I love Franco Bash; I'm just wondering is all.

EDIT: I think I found someone; Ares from Marvel Comics, available here: http://BLACKLISTED Like Drax and that Mr.Fantastic you found, he uses a KoF edit (Krauser,) and art style, so he might be what you're looking for.
Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 11:29:04 pm by kkhohoho
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#31  November 09, 2015, 11:39:08 pm
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    • France
Yeah Franco is one of the minor exceptions...  (coming in the next pack)
Some Last Blade characters like Lee Recca, Setsuna or Hibiki too.
The last select screen I've posted is not definitive.

Forget this poor Ares.
Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 12:16:43 pm by duracelleur
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#32  November 18, 2015, 12:09:35 pm
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    • France
Update 15.11.18 :  13 -F- characters.
Check first post.
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#33  November 30, 2015, 02:25:22 am
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    • USA
Been waiting for this, thanks!
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#34  November 30, 2015, 02:19:34 pm
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Great work and i'm looking forward to the v3 compilation. This looks like it will be the definitive KOF collection when it's finished. Thanks
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#35  December 16, 2015, 10:07:57 pm
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    • France
Update 15.12.16 :  22 -G- characters.
Check first post.
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack (Updated 15.12.16)
#36  December 16, 2015, 10:37:37 pm
  • *****
  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
The project is progressing well!
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack (Updated 15.12.16)
#37  December 17, 2015, 09:42:40 pm
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  • Mugen museum creator
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    • Belgium
Spoiler: G....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese! (click to see content)

Spoiler: better choice for Goku, dude ;) (click to see content)
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack (Updated 15.12.16)
#38  December 25, 2015, 05:33:32 am
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Spoiler: G....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese! (click to see content)

Spoiler: better choice for Goku, dude ;) (click to see content)

Sure, it's a better Goku, but it's not really a KoF-styled Goku, which is what the author's trying to go for here.
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack (Updated 15.12.16)
#39  December 25, 2015, 11:07:16 pm
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  • The Yatagarasu will be coming in any moment.
Exactly. Even though Goku looks CVS-ish in graphics-wise, the colors are KOF-ish. I just wish he was really converted to true KOF style. But I guess it's okay.
Titiln said:
focus more and stop thinking about things like the internet or titties

Whatever happened to sex, drugs, and Rock. Nowadays, it's whores, AIDS, and Hip-Hop.
Re: KOF Anthology All Characters Pack
#40  January 01, 2016, 12:19:05 am
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    • France
Update 15.12.31 : Added Constans, Corpse and Gladiator to their respective letter.
HNY guys!