
KOF Raiden WIP (Read 432249 times)

Started by swipergod, June 20, 2009, 10:03:05 pm
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Re: SNK Raiden
#41  July 07, 2009, 03:14:10 am
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Thanks, I'm still working on it, cause it has to look pretty well...

last "update" for now... I'm starting to edit the chest and our right leg...

to be honest, maybe on a gift doesn't look good, but in mugen, it looks pretty nice (I like it)...

later I will change the face to the one with the beard.
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: SNK Raiden
#42  July 07, 2009, 04:44:22 am
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You still have a lot to reshade, of course, but what's been done now is very well detailed, and Raiden is impressively fluid. Though, you might want to add a small amount of movement in the feet.
Re: SNK Raiden
#43  July 07, 2009, 06:27:09 am
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If swipergod wants the KOF XII look you're going for, please leave it as it is. If not, then you're free to change it to anyhting that you want.
Re: SNK Raiden
#44  July 07, 2009, 06:35:18 am
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yeah, I need to change a lot of things... I think it's at a 50% done...

here's what I have so far...

also, the face depends on what the team decide (sprac team and swipergod of course)...
but I think it's looking good
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: SNK Raiden
#45  July 07, 2009, 11:02:23 am
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standing looks cool but his left(artists right) leg expands and that really does look wierd

Monkey D. Luffy W.I.P Thanks to C.R.O.M Lando
Re: SNK Raiden
#46  July 07, 2009, 11:39:13 am
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Let's compare

The thighs seem to throb since they moving without really moving at all. Do you see how in the original sprite's left knee*, rear, and crotch area all moving up and down? Compare to how nio's sprite stays stagnant in those areas (joints) yet the actual body parts (ligaments) are expanding in all sorts of unnatural directions. Why does the right calf expand backward further that the knee itself bends forward? I think nio is trying too hard to interpret movement while forgetting to actually move the whole body.

Nio, I haven't really checked out your completed works in full and i know this is a work in progress, but this just reminded me of Lien Neville's throbbing breasts.

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Re: SNK Raiden
#47  July 08, 2009, 01:22:11 am
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Honestly, I think it's a great effort considering it's only at 40%-50%.  I spent some time staring at the newest stance at work today and figured I'd throw in my two cents for you.

I think a bounce in the legs might work better in the case of your animation.  Your stance is more subtle than the CVS one, so I wouldn't give it as much bounce (ie go as low as the CVS one), but I think bouncing would go with the animation little bit more.  I like the upper body movement, although I think the left arm (the high arm) descends a frame or two too quickly (that's something that I could fix though, so it's no biggy).  Also the light spot on the right elbow pad may want to slide up a bit as his arm reaches the full turn to make it look more animated.  Just a thought.

Hope that helps. :)
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Re: SNK Raiden
#48  July 08, 2009, 11:10:31 pm
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Re: SNK Raiden
#49  July 09, 2009, 12:19:38 am
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Nio's mentioned that he's already aware of the hand and the shading that needs to be done.  It'll be fixed in time. :)
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Re: SNK Raiden
#50  July 09, 2009, 03:05:42 am
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I knew Nio was going for the XII look. He's probably looking at your avarar for reference, swipergod.
^ Definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed
#51  July 09, 2009, 03:08:04 am
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Or maybe, Swipergod changed his avatar because he was inspired by his joint project with NiO! :D
Re: SNK Raiden
#52  July 09, 2009, 03:14:37 am
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I knew Nio was going for the XII look. He's probably looking at your avarar for reference, swipergod.

in fact, I think I was looking at this avatar when I saw the face!!  :sugoi:
yesterday I was practicing with my band, so nothing new about Raiden...

today, maybe in a few hours I will give him a try again (I'm retouching an old sprite)

hands, head, legs and arms are not finished yet  :S
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: SNK Raiden
#53  July 09, 2009, 05:23:48 am
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Re: SNK Raiden
#54  July 09, 2009, 03:29:24 pm
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Re: SNK Raiden
#55  July 09, 2009, 09:12:40 pm
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I didn't so it can help to get ideas

thanks!  :sugoi:
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: SNK Raiden
#56  July 15, 2009, 01:38:30 am
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Lol he is so alive nice job, fix left cvs hand xd
Re: SNK Raiden
#57  July 16, 2009, 03:37:02 am
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Sorry for the lack of updates here.  Had to finish Vice and touch up a few things in KOFE.  Added in Raiden's knockdown attack.  Also changed his new DM so that the Dropkick is now the finish.  I'll have a vid up and you can compare which is better.  I just want to finish up his Firebreath DM and SDM and add an effect to the SDM version of the new move.  Also hoping to add in his throws.  Expect a vid for the weekend with a much more complete Raiden. :)
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Re: SNK Raiden
#58  July 18, 2009, 01:46:27 am
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Working out a few more things before a vid is ready.

Fire breath a la Chin.

His Shoulder charge DM now finishes with a dropkick instead of a punch.

SDM version of the shoulder charge DM has charge and big kick effects.

Still want to do his command attack and his basic throws before I post a vid.
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Re: SNK Raiden
#59  July 18, 2009, 06:11:43 pm
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Okay, posted Raiden's most recent update vid here:

Obviously still needs refining.  I have to fix the velocities on the anti-air throw, but at least the animation is there.  Here's a pic:

From the vid you can see the new dropkick finish to the DM.  Think it works for him?  Command move is coming and then I take a Raiden break to start Mature for KOFE.  When I get back I'll do Raiden's final moves and intro and victory poses!  Then all he'll need is the sprite conversion.  Cheers!
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Re: SNK Raiden
#60  July 18, 2009, 07:27:07 pm
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Anti-air looks nice, maybe it's attempt's vels could be faster, but the throw itself looks just fine.