
Looking for voice over for an announcer.  (Read 38042 times)

Started by Neocide, March 30, 2013, 05:44:15 am
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Looking for voice over for an announcer.
#1  March 30, 2013, 05:44:15 am
  • *****
  • Smooches
    • USA
    • Skype - Neocide
I'm looking for someone who can do a good announcer's voice. I'm not looking for anything in particular for a voice over, but something that stands out and is clear, should carry some kind of charisma to it. With an upbeat mood to them. sort of a "bombastic" voice.

if you're up to it you can try these lines for try out.

"Round 1"
"Round 2"
"Final Round!"
"Are you ready?"
"Fight For Victory!"
"You Win!"

I'll make a list of quotes and everything once I find someone.
Re: Looking for voice over for an announcer.
#2  March 30, 2013, 01:19:09 pm
  • ***
You mean something like the Street Fighter Zero/Alpha 3 announcer or something, right?
Re: Looking for voice over for an announcer.
#3  March 30, 2013, 01:20:09 pm
  • *****
  • Smooches
    • USA
    • Skype - Neocide
something like that, has to be custom though, for everyone's name and other stuff
Re: Looking for voice over for an announcer.
#4  March 30, 2013, 10:43:47 pm
  • ***
  • #1 Boss Lady
    • UK
Re: Looking for voice over for an announcer.
#5  March 31, 2013, 12:32:46 am
  • *
    • USA
I'll come up with something for you.

Re: Looking for voice over for an announcer.
#6  March 31, 2013, 04:00:30 am
  • *****
  • Smooches
    • USA
    • Skype - Neocide
Re: Looking for voice over for an announcer.
#7  March 31, 2013, 05:28:02 am
  • ***
  • #1 Boss Lady
    • UK
Re-recording asap, thanks for listening!
Re: Looking for voice over for an announcer.
#8  March 31, 2013, 05:55:27 am
  • *****
  • Smooches
    • USA
    • Skype - Neocide
Np. I should probably make another thread for this, but I'll keep it in here for now. I'm also going to be looking for people who can mimic the voices in the db abridged series for some secondary sound packs (basically a comedic version  for english voice samples) I thought of asking the actual dba guys, but from what I hear they are looking to get paid for their voices and I don't have money for that. Hell if this game goes over well with people and everyone wants more characters I might need donations to continue.

So I'll be taking samples for people who want to try that as well. If you are interested and are wondering who I need just ask.