Here's some .lua scripts for Bizhawk to attempt to help make it easier to rip character sprites (these won't work with older versions because they renamed the keybinds). These started off as simple constant/conditional writes because I suck at lua, but then I wanted my "press _ to _" conditionals to stop firing every frame, and that threw me down a rabbit hole. It resulted in me making it so you can switch various things on and off (repurposing unused RAM for all of this probably isn't the correct way to do this, but it works).
I'm going to copy/paste the key list from the .lua files. You're welcome to check the comments in the .lua files with a text editor to see if there's any passive effects I didn't mention (going by memory because the .doc I initially typed up got corrupted).
I used A, S, H, Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, P, 1-6, and 1-5 + direction keys for the conditional keys (I don't remember if anything's mapped to them by default, since I blanked whatever I didn't think I'd need and set everything else to Shift+_). Pressing ` will bring up a key list popup (do not hold it, unless you really like closing luacanvas windows). That's no longer an issue. I keep forgetting every time I use a new key, I have to add it to the "and not" list for the button press timer so I can use the conditional I made for it.
Use BSNES core for SNES games. The scripts won't work properly if you don't (anything using snes.setlayer_ won't work, and you'll get error messgages because there's no CGRAM in SNES9X core).
Spoiler: (SNES) Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Fighting Edition (click to see content)
HereSo, it turns that OBJ Test didn't show you all of the character sprites (sorry). This tries to remedy that by letting you cycle through all of them during a match. I couldn't stop the colors from changing on effects, but that's a non-issue.
A+S: Sends you to the OBJ test (title screen only)
T: Switch 1 on/off
Keys (if 1's on)
Q: -4 to P1 Sprite A
W: +4 to P1 Sprite A
E: -1 to Sprite B
R: +1 to Sprite B
T: -10 to P1 X Position
Y: +10 to P1 X Position
U: -10 to P1 Y Position
I: +10 to P1 Y Position
Spoiler: (Sega CD) Eternal Champions 2: Challenge From the Dark Side (click to see content)
HereIIRC, the passive effects were: "hide bars/timer", something to let you play as all of the characters in Vs if none were unlocked, and I think something that stops the music when you attempt to pause the game. I suggest Song Hong Delta for ripping character sprites (set the stage to P2 and select Dark EC).
Be careful with cycling through sprites, because the game will hardlock when you access a nonexistent sprite (so, if you were to get hardlocked at 012A, you'd resume cycling through sprites at 0200). Intro and stage kill sprites won't appear (you have to freeze the character during the intro. Dunno about the stage kill sprites though).
Position mods won't work while your character's animation time's frozen.
The sound player's kinda iffy because I never checked to see if there's more than 255 sounds, despite the values being 2 bytes. Maybe I should've set it up so you could go through the list of stored values and replay them like I did for Clayfigher 2.
1: Switch 1 on/off
2: Switch 2 on/off
3: Switch 3 on/off
4: Switch 4 on/off
Keys (if 1's on):
Q: -1 to P1 Sprite A
W: +1 to P1 Sprite A
E: -1 to P1 Sprite B
R: +1 to P1 Sprite B
T: -10 to P1 X Position
Y: +10 to P1 X Position
U: +10 to P1 Y Position
I: +10 to P1 Y Position
Switch 2 freezes P1's animations and repositions P2
Keys (if 3's on):
U: Recolor BG, P2
O: Hide BG 1
P: Hide BG 2
Keys (if 4's on):
I: Sets Sound Replayer value to 0
O: -1 to Sound Replayer
P: +1 to Sound Replayer
Switch 2 freezes P1's animations and Champion color shifting
Spoiler: (PSX) Samurai Deeper Kyo (click to see content)
HereI keep losing interest in finishing this, so I'll probably have to come back to this one again at some point. Despite that, you should be able to get a lot of the character's sprites (not assists though, because I don't care about them). There's 2 state mods because you use one of them to view the sprites, and both to make the state play normally. I set it up so you set the value to what you want ("stored for _") and then press another button to write that value directly to the state mod address. Also, I set up switch 4 strangely because of adding the choice to hide the elemental effect sprites/palfx (and because I like experimenting). Everything else is a simple on/off switch. 4 goes "0= off", "1= 4-1 on", and then "2= 4-2 on".
IIRC, the passive effects were: something to disable the dithering, something to let you play as all of the characters in Vs if none were unlocked and something to force you to play a specific stage. I went overboard with the switches for this one because of trying to make it easier for you to hide specific effects and to isolate sound channels (the stuff for this and EC2 were the reasons I got thrown down the rabbit hole).
There's nothing to change action frames or freeze the animation time because the 3 characters I checked had their own addresses for those despite all 3 using the same addresses for X and Y positions.
1-6: Switches 1-6 on/off.
Keys (if 1's on):
Q: -1 to Stored for P1 States.
W: +1 to Stored for P1 States.
E: -1 to Stored for UW P1 States.
R: +1 to Stored for P1 UW States.
T: Write stored value to P1 States.
Y: Write stored value to UW P1States.
Switch 2 gives infinite health/supers and stops envshake.
Keys (if 3's on):
U: -10 to P1 X Position
I: +10 to P1 X Position
O: -10 to P1 Y Position
P: +10 to P1 Y Position
Switch 4 triggers color mods. Some use I or O or turn on when 4 does.
Keys (if 5's on):
I: Attempts to enable music if you use O.
O: Attempts to disable music.
P: Adds 1 to Available Sound Channel (all but 1 is disabled passively)
Switch 6 stops assist characters.
Up, Down, Left, or Right + 1-5 hides various effects. 9 hides P1 or P2.
Spoiler: (SNES) Clayfighter 2: Judgement Clay (click to see content)
HereWhy not? It's probably useless now, but the repeat delay came about as a result of this. It uses the "stored for _" thing I came up with for Samurai Deeper Kyo so you don't hardlock the game trying to set values for the state mod (you'll probably use U, because T and Y may still cause it).
IIRC, the passive effects were: something to let you play as all of the characters.
There's a sound replayer function, but it'll stop all sounds from playing if you try to decrease the value below 00. I think you can use it to stop the music by making it replay the vs screen music, and then jumping repeatedly until the music value eventually gets overwritten with the landing sound.
1: Switch 1 on/off
2: Switch 2 on/off
I: Hide BG, recolor P2 and BG
O: Show/recolor BG
Keys (if 1's on):
Q: -1 to Stored for P1 StateA
W: +1 to Stored for P1 StateA
E: -1 to Stored for P1 StateB
R: +1 to Stored for P1 StateB
T: Write to P1 StateA
Y: Write to P1 StateB
U: Write to P1 StateA and B
Keys (if 2's on):
Q: -4 to stored sound player
W: +4 to stored sound player
E: play stored sound player
Spoiler: (PSX) Tatsunoko Fight (click to see content)
HereI was gonna do this one later, but then I decided to add it, because it was simple enough to convert my cheat list.
The state mod's (value's 1 or 2 bytes) easier to view the players sprites than the sprite mod I found (value's 4 bytes). Stage stuff got added afterwards because I got a request for them.
1-3: Switches 1-3 on/off.
Keys (if 1's on):
Q: -1 to P1 States.
W: +1 to P1 States.
E: -16 to P1 X Position.
R: +16 to P1 X Position.
T: -16 to P1 Y Position.
Y: +16 to P1 Y Position.
Keys (if 2's on):
I: Hides P2, Shadows, and Bars.
O: Hides Dust effects, and Sparks.
P: Hides P1.
Keys (if 3's on):
I: Hides BG1, recolor BG2, magenta.
Keys 4 and 5 affect the camera when turned on.
Spoiler: (GBA) Advance Guardian Heroes (click to see content)
HereIt's probably useless now, but you can use this to hide the text on the debug screen to make it easier to rip those sprites. Passive effects recolor the black BG magenta and give you access to the menu without have to enter the code.
Q+W: Hide the debug text
E+R: Attempt to show the debug text (because I took the values from a dump of the memory made a macro to turn it into 4 columns and then replaced each column to my hide values with them)
Spoiler: (SNES) Battle Master - Kyuukyoku no Senshi-tachi (click to see content)
1: Switch 1 on/off (freeze player anitime and y velocity is passively on once this is switched on)
I: Hide BG, recolor P2 and Black BG
O: Show BG/recolor Black BG
Keys (if 1's on):
Q: -1 to P1SFrame
W: -1 to P1SFrame
E: Reset P1SFrame value to 00
R: -10 to P1XPosA
T: +10 to P1XPosA
Y: -10 to P1YPosA
U: +10 to P1YPosA
Don't go to the Japan stage if you want to rip characters. Character unlock code is always on.
Spoiler: (SNES) Battle Tycoon Flash Hiders SFX 1.1 (click to see content)
1: Switch 1 on/off (freeze player anitime and y velocity is passively on once this is switched on)
I: Hide BG, recolor P2 and Black BG
O: Show BG/recolor Black BG
Keys (if 1's on):
Q: -1 to P1SFrame
W: -1 to P1SFrame
E: Reset P1SFrame value to 00
R: -10 to P1XPos
T: +10 to P1XPos
Y: -10 to P1YPos
U: +10 to P1YPos
Bottom Border's as low as it can go before the screen starts flickering black. Character unlock code is always on.
Spoiler: (SNES) Rushing Beat Ran (click to see content)
Switch 1: Freeze state and anitime for P1/Enemy1
Switch 4: Recolor P2/BG Magenta
Keys (if 2's on):
Q: -1 to P1SFrame
W: +1 to P1SFrame
E: -10 to P1 X Position
R: 10 to P1 X Position
T: +10 to P1 Z Position
Y: -10 to P1 Z Position
Keys (if 3's on):
Q: -1 to Enemy1SFrame
W: +1 to Enemy1SFrame
E: -10 to Enemy1 X Position
R: 10 to Enemy1 X Position
T: +10 to Enemy1 Z Position
Y: -10 to Enemy1 Z Position
U: -2 to Enemy1 character value
I: +2 to Enemy1 character value
Keys (if 4's on):
I: Hide BG Layers
O: Show BG Layers
passive effects are infinte health for P1 and Enemy 1.
This one's kind of a pain in the ass. I wasn't able to y position mod them, not that it matters because you can still reposition the charcter almost anywhere. The shadow colors are there because recoloring that recolors the character. The game may crash if you try to access a nonexistent frame, incorrectly use the enemy character mod, and possibly turn switch 1 on at the wrong time. I suggest changing the enemy value before spawning enemy 1 and then walk to the right just enough so that only they show up.
Spoiler: (Sega CD) Revengers of Vengeance (click to see content)
This is very barebones. Trying to mod the sprites caused the player to fly around the screen. There's also 4 bytes used to readjust the sprite as it goes through various animations, so it seems that you wouldn't be able to get perfect axis on the rips if I did find something that could cycle through the frames. No luck with sound mods either.
1: Switch 1 on/off
2: Switch 2 on/off
3: Switch 3 on/off
Keys (if 1's on):
Q: Snaps P2 into the floor
W: Snaps P2 to ground level
E: -10 to P1 X Position
R: +10 to P1 X Position
T: -10 to P1 Y Position
Y: +10 to P1 Y Position
Switch 2 Sets P1 to Jado on vs select screen
Switch 3 Sets P1 to Venum on vs select screen
Passive effects are infinite time, infinite health for both players, and the color mods. Speaking of which, they cause the game to freeze when you go to certain characters on the character select screen, so turn on the script when you have your cursor on who you want to play as. Also, the color mods only work on Sara and Algos' stages (you go to the stage of the 1st person who selected their character).
Spoiler: (Genesis) Eternal Champions (click to see content)
HereThis is very barebones unfortunately. I had no luck finding something to easily cycle through sprites. The address that it could've been isn't very useful. Try not to use anyone other than Shadow for P2. I don't know how the color mods will behave for the other players. Playing as EC might freeze on certain stages (which is why I'm forcing you to play on Midknight's stage where you don't have to worry about the color mods getting undone. Color/Tile mods only seem to work on static things). I had some tile mods in there before I realized you can disable layers with Bizhawk. Oh well.
1: Switch 1 on/off
2: Switch 2 on/off
3: Switch 3 on/off
4: Switch 4 on/off
5: Switch 5 on/off
Keys (if 1's on):
Q: Snap P2's Y Position into the sky
W: Snap P2's Y Position to ground level
Keys (if 2's on):
Q: -10 to P1 X Position
W: +10 to P1 X Position
E: +10 to P1 Y Position
R: +10 to P1 Y Position
Keys (if 3's on)
Q: Recolor BG
Switch 3 Attempts to hide lifebars
Switch 4 Forces P1 character to Eternal Champion on player select screen
Switch 5 Freezes color shift timers for RAX, Xavier and Eternal Champion:
Passive effect is vs stage is set to Midknight.
Edit: Updated Clayfighter 2 because the regular characters were locked as a side effect of unlocking the alt characters (there's an address for character slots and a bunch of unlock flag addresses for all of the characters. My script only had unlock flags for the alt characters because "why would you need to check the regular characters unlock flags? It's not like this script can force them to somehow be switched off, right?" ).