Vital Info
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Age - 18 (January 10th)
Birthplace - United States (She doesn't remember the city)
Nationality - American (Mother)/Japanese (Father)
Height - 5'7" [170 cm]
Weight - 120 lbs [54 kg]
Eye Color - Purple/Violet
Hair Color - Chocolate Brown w/Blonde highlights
Blood Type - B-
Fighting Style - Her own form of Hakkyoku-ken [Bajiquan]
Hobbies - Practicing martial arts, Hairdressing
Likes - Butterflies, Motorcycles, Reading, Sparring
Dislikes - Cheese, Lazy people, The color green, Imperfections in her own actions
Favorite Food - Shrimp & Broccoli
Favorite Color(s) - Purple/Violet
Prized Possession(s) - Agrias butterfly hair clip, Various trophies and awards
Stage - N/A (At the moment)
Attack Value - 85
Defense Value - 100
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Midori was born to be great. At least, that's how she feels.
Raised alongside her adoptive sister Kitty, Midori always felt as if she were in the shadow of her sister. Kitty, being more engaging and extroverted, usually garnered more noticable attention. This lit the spark of jealousy in Midori. Throughout childhood and extending into the present day and beyond, Midori immediately began to throw herself into everything she attempted, hoping to be the best.
Not satisfied with having been class president in two different high schools, having nearly-perfect grades, being captain of every track & field team she joined, or even nearly-mastering Bajiquan (Hakkyoku-ken) by her early teenage years, Midori sought after more ways to prove herself to herself. Thus, she underwent intense training in Ninjutsu, Wing Chun, and Jeet Kune Do principle, even traveling to China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong to glean as much mastery as possible.
Upon returning to the United States, visibly matured yet still consumed by envy, Midori found out that her long-time martial arts instructor, Feng Xiao, had fallen ill. Rushing to his aid, he offered only this advice to the distraught Midori: "Cut your own path through life. Perfect what you have learned and become a master, one that rises above all expectations." After offering these words to Midori, Feng wished to bequeath his academy to her, but she was already off to follow her own interpretation of his advice. After hearing that her old schoolmate, Rin, was holding a test of skill gathering, Midori knew where to begin.
Unfortunately for fighters everywhere, Midori did not understand the true meaning of Feng's words; now, she seeks only to create the ultimate martial art, and destroy all others in the process.
PalettesSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
- Default Eggshell
- Player 2 Yellow
- Carnation Pink
- Mardi Gras Purple
- Chartreuse & Pink
- Ultramarine & Navy
- Shiki
- Akira Yuki
- Asuka Langley Soryu
- Yuko Asou
- Silver & Lavender
- Raine Swap
MovelistSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Command Normals
Houtei - df+LP (Must be guarded high)
Functions like an overhead attack, and can be jump cancelled. Try chaining it into other moves!
Rimon Chouchu - f, f+LP
A quick elbow attack that causes the most hitstun out of all of Midori's moves.
Yakuho Chouchu - f, f, f+HP
Much like the Rimon Chouchu attack, but a bit quicker and more powerful. Causes knockdown.Hachimon Kaida - LP, HP
Much like a Target Combo from Street Fighter. Simply chains Midori's punches together.Throws
Daiden Housui - LP+LK
Causes the opponent to fly a good distance into the air.
Youshi Senrin - b+LP+LK
Causes the opponent to travel across the screen in the opposite direction.Special Moves
Byakko Soushouda - charge down, then b, f+HP
Midori's most invulnerable special. Generally has priority over most other moves, but starts up slowly.
Tekken - d, df, f+P
The king of all fist attacks. While she stays stationary with LP, Midori travels forward very briefly with HP.
Tetsuzankou - b, f, f+LP+HP
Midori's most powerful attack... if she's within the proper distance. The further away she is, the less damage she does.
Utankyaku/Renkantai - d, df, f+K
Midori can launch the opponent with these kicks. Utankyaku is performed with LK, and Renkantai is performed with HK.
Hekisui - d, db, b+P (HP must be guarded high)
Midori's actual launcher, which can be jump cancelled from the second hit onward. HP moves Midori further forward, and does one extra hit.
Teishitsu Dantai - Press LK+HK, then quickly release HK within one frame
Possibly Midori's quickest attack, which pops the opponent high into the air. Scales down severely based on the amount of combo hits.
Tan'yokuchou - f, df, d, db, b+EX (In response to a high normal attack)
Upon activation, Midori flashes blue briefly. While she's blue, she catches any standing normal attacks. Some command normals cannot be countered with it, however.
Tenshi Souhousou -b, f+EX (During any attack, and/or in response to opponent's standing kick)
Upon activation, Midori flashes blue briefly. While she's blue, she catches any standing, non-overhead kicks. She can also perform the move once in a combo to pull the opponent back toward herself. If a move is countered by this attack, then it's able to be used once more in the same combo.Super Moves
Midori's Hontei Goko Tensetsukou - d, df, f x2+K
Midori rushes the opponent with a three-part attack, ending in a back check. Causes a limited wall bounce. Maybe she can cancel?Houken (
Level 3) - LP+HP+LK
Midori delivers a powerful palm strike that can be extended into a three-part attack! Can only be performed with 3 bars.Youshi Senrin Type II (
Level 3) - (During Houken) b, df+LP+HP
Midori quickly dashes behind the opponent and delivers a back check that puts them off-balance.Soushou [Hougeki Unshin Soukoshou] (
Level 3) - (During Youshi Senrin Type II) d, f -or- b+LP
The Coup de grĂ¢ce that completes Midori's Level 3 Super Move, which adds a final palm strike to blast the opponent away!
Win Quotes
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- "An eclectic style cannot have flaws. You could stand to learn that."
- "And here I thought you were gonna be worth my time... Come, training begins now."
- "Nothing can stop me, and no one can stop me; I. Never. Lose."
- "I like that technique! I'll show you how it looks when it's perfected!"
- "Too much for you? Go back to class: you've got a lot to learn."
- "You won't be able to beat me with that preschool fighting! So shameful!"
- "And you thought you could beat me? What has the world even come to?!"
- "And yet another victory! This is the era of Midori!"
- "It's hopeless! You don't stand a chance against my techniques."
- "An entire fight can be made or broken in 1/60th of a second. Think on that!"
Voice Acting Lines
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Voice Guidelines: Late teens (18 years-old), Confident, Honest, Hot-Blooded, Mid register (Mezzo-Soprano)
- Intro 1: "Heheheh. I'll show you what a winner looks like!"
- Intro 2: "Let's see if you can hit me at all with those pitiful punches."
- Win 1: "Don't underestimate me again!"
- Win 2: "Heh. Looks like you're 10 years below me."
- Time Up: "W-why?!"
- KO: "This isn't the end of Midori!!!"
- Chip KO: "I can't believe I lost to something like that..."
- Taunt: "Come on and fight!"
- Tan'yokuchou: "That was pathetic!"
- Tan'yokuchou Failure: "Crap..."
- Tenshi Souhousou: "Nice try!"
- Tenshi Souhousou (during combo): "Hey, get back here!"
- Midori's Hontei Goko Tensetsukou: "Time for you to learn Midori's way!"
- Houken: "You..."
- Youshi Senrin Type II: "Can't ever hope..."
- Soushou: "To stop me now!!!"
NEW Gameplay Synopsis
Midori is all about hitting fast, and hitting hard. Being the fastest runner in the game, Midori can close distance in the blink of an eye; she needs it, too, for she has nearly no viable on-screen range. To be effective, she has to be in the opponent's face at all times. Due to her overwhelming attacks, her Attack Value needed to be knocked down!
Midori has a wide range of attacks that have a good deal of variance between button strengths. Not only that, but her attacks chain into one another in various interesting ways, allowing a player to mix up her plan of attack very effectively! However, she doesn't have a very good way of closing distance aside from running straight ahead, and her moves have long windups on Heavy variations, and long recoveries on Light variations. She also has a hard time attacking low.
Kitty, Midori is chock-full of hard and soft knockdowns, allowing her to deal great damage through bounce combos. Her overhead is also very ambiguous, allowing her to gain momentum against less observant opponents, and chain into her damaging (albeit short) combos. Midori is the embodiment of
Ichigeki Hissatsu ideology; one hit, certain kill!
PROS:- Wide range of moves, therefore a wide range of options
- Can overwhelm the opponent with dashes and heavy strikes
- She's very fast...
CONS:- ... Maybe even a little too fast
- Little to no effective range; needs to be in the opponent's face
- Very, very linear