
Mortal Kombat 1 (2023) (Read 569357 times)

Started by Macaulyn97, February 24, 2023, 12:22:56 am
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Re: Mortal Kombat 12
#21  February 26, 2023, 09:49:56 am
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except Jarek, he's a lost cause.

I feel like Jarek could be salvaged by making him a loose cannon maniac who just really want people dead. Kinda like MK version of a more extreme Yamazaki.
Re: Mortal Kombat 12
#22  February 26, 2023, 10:44:05 am
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but can Hsu Hao be salvaged? ::)

I know Ed Boon really hates him, but what I am saying is: maybe he can still throw a bone to the 5 Hsu Hao fans that exist on this planet, just saying
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Re: Mortal Kombat 12
#23  February 26, 2023, 04:52:04 pm
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I honestly think all characters in the game can be salvaged, its just a question of trying. Its easy to go with the flow of "Hsu Hao is bad" logic that the community has and focus on the meme, but it takes more effort to rewrite the character into something interesting. I mean, Stryker was the worst looking and most uninteresting character of the original trilogy, but he looked so much cooler in MKA and MK9, it really sucks that they didn't do much with him (not to mention his MK9 fight intro did not age well at all). The problem is that NRS nowadays cannot keep characters consistent, at this point MK characters are names with one or two unique special moves, because even their gameplay doesn't stay similar from game to game, there is no attempt to keep their faces consistent and their stories can also randomly change. Like Skarlet in MK9 and the MKX comics was a construct like Ermac, except made of blood instead of souls, now she was a street urchin that was taught blood magic by Shao Kahn and wants to fuck him. Kung Jin used to be Kung Lao's... at this point I don't even remember, but it went from nephew to cousin or cousin to nephew, a change that literally had no reason behind it.

And older characters aren't safe from that either. The One Being was the most powerful being ever, now Kronika showed up out of nowhere with the "Titans" as an existing force above everyone, including the Elder Gods. Raiden was a god, now Cetrion refers to him as a demigod (which makes no logical sense, considering there is no evidence of Raiden having a mortal parent). Shao Kahn used to be an intelligent strategist who just happened to have the muscle and magical power to back up his own schemes, now he is a dumb gorilla that would go as far down as trusting someone like Shang Tsung and hitting on any woman that comes near him. Sindel used to be a loving mother that commited suicide after losing everything but her daughter, but came back to life and redeemed herself by actually fighting alongside her fellow Edenians, now she is Shao Kahn's traitorous bitch of a wife, who actually killed her former husband and cares nothing for her daughter (btw, turning a woman who commited suicide because she couldn't endure being married to a monster and losing her entire kingdom into a backstabbing bitch who killed her former husband to be in a "power couple" with the evil guy is gross, to say the very least).

Its actually ridiculous how people at NRS have no respect for the material they have, I even remember one of the dumb fuck developers implying that they made Sindel evil because well, she was a goth lady that looked evil, so she had to be evil, which is such a shallow and pathetic view of a character and shows that the writers at NRS don't give a shit about the stories they have, because its not like they are trying to rewrite into something interesting, its just that they can't keep anything consistent, whether its older characters or the ones from this era, not to mention how in every game, they set up a continuation that is never paid off in the next one. MK9 sets up a Shinnok invasion in the next game, MKX had Shinnok's invasion last two seconds and we skip to the Kombat Kids, sure, Shinnok comes back, but he barely plays a role in the story besides being a final boss. MKX then sets up Kitana and Liu Kang as the main villains and Dark Raiden becoming a potential problem, but MK11 had Kronika coming out of nowhere, turning Evil Liu Kang and Evil Kitana into minions and Dark Raiden vanishing from the story forever. I truly truly hate the story in these games, and I would not be sad if they just threw away any plans for story and just made a massive roster in exchange.
Re: Mortal Kombat 12
#24  February 26, 2023, 05:01:00 pm
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    • Argentina
but can Hsu Hao be salvaged? ::)

I know Ed Boon really hates him, but what I am saying is: maybe he can still throw a bone to the 5 Hsu Hao fans that exist on this planet, just saying

If I remember correctly the "We hate Hsu Hao" was just a running gag and not a fact

I feel like Jarek could be salvaged by making him a loose cannon maniac who just really want people dead. Kinda like MK version of a more extreme Yamazaki.

That sounds good actually, but I feel like he has a role that can be filled by other characters, for example, he's one of the Red Drangon's members and Kano's left hand, that's something that Kabal can do, or fuck, Kobra can do it too (I really want Kobra to come back just for the gameplay, its the closes thing MK has to a MK vs SF)
Re: Mortal Kombat 12
#25  February 26, 2023, 05:06:48 pm
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No, a lot of people actually do hate Hsu Hao, because he is boring and worthless, but that doesn't mean he can't be salvaged. Jarek's thing honestly feels like people are just whiny because he was meant to be Kano's replacement in MK4 and people don't like when popular characters are replaced out of nowhere, specially when the new character feels so similar to the old one.
Re: Mortal Kombat 12
#26  February 27, 2023, 01:48:27 pm
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This is a Spanish YT channel dedicated to videogames (with special attention to FG and more specially Mortal Kombat) and he made some interesting speculations (mostly of them were true in past cases) I want to share with you:
-Ed Boon could be angered for the leaked conversation of the Warner CEO, and this partly joking tweet demonstrated it (posted between his photos with people who went to that private convention)
-He doesn't think NeterRealm would reveal something in any of the upcoming gaming events (EVO, E3, etc), but in YT as a unannounced trailer, so they get free publicity
-April is the main month of Warner, it's their 100th anniversary, the possible announce of a new streaming service and the 4th anniversary of MK11, so he speculed a possible teaser or trailer would be released there for sure, since Warner would want to get a lot of noise that month
-Based in part of what happened with MK11 (released 4 months after its first trailer), he speculed that the game would be released in July, for the northern summer and vacations... and even maybe in september, so they won't clash with the start of the school year (which is in august, exactly 4 months after the possible trailer). True or not, he's 100% sure that the game won't be released in the end of year

Not sure if all these speculations could be true, but as Agent Mulder says: "I want to believe", so I'll be waiting for something (in april)
Re: Mortal Kombat 12
#27  February 27, 2023, 02:43:07 pm
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I'm not sure if that tweet proves he is angry, but I do believe he'd be angry. Regardless, April is not too far away, but it feels like it's gonna take forever, I honestly hope they just take out their anger on the trailer and release it ASAP.
Re: Mortal Kombat 12
#28  May 01, 2023, 07:32:36 pm
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Potential teaser at the end of their 30 years video.

Re: Mortal Kombat 12
#29  May 01, 2023, 11:30:51 pm
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Shout Out to DashieXP & Tpindell :bjugoi:

30 years?!?! :yikes:
The Devil took Emerie's life and ruin it just to make it better :devil:
Re: Mortal Kombat (2023)
#30  May 10, 2023, 07:42:25 pm
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    • Brazil
So its not 12, huh?

Last Edit: May 10, 2023, 07:55:10 pm by Macaulyn97
Re: Mortal Kombat (2023)
#31  May 10, 2023, 08:11:17 pm
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Reboot of MK1 ?
Or alternate Title, not actually a number...
Re: Mortal Kombat (2023)
#32  May 10, 2023, 09:06:37 pm
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  • Let's Raise Hell
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The Devil took Emerie's life and ruin it just to make it better :devil:
Re: Mortal Kombat (2023)
#33  May 10, 2023, 09:16:53 pm
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Reboot of a reboot  :behead:

(And Hydro still won't be playable)
Last Edit: May 10, 2023, 09:25:44 pm by Kirishima
Re: Mortal Kombat (2023)
#34  May 10, 2023, 09:19:33 pm
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    • Brazil
Reboot of MK1 ?
Or alternate Title, not actually a number...
I think the fact that it specifically skips from 12, which is what we expected, to 1 means its not just an alternate title. Like, considering how the story is pure garbage, rebooting would be a good idea... if they actually rewrite the damn thing well this time. Some people are bringing up the fact that 12 was "highlighted" since it was the only number that wasn't shown, but like, using a clock to skip from 11 to 1 is way too much of a hint that they're going back to the start.
Re: Mortal Kombat (2023)
#35  May 10, 2023, 11:56:49 pm
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Considering we had a lot of time travel in 11 and, of course, that ending, I'm not surprised.
Re: Mortal Kombat (2023)
#36  May 11, 2023, 03:30:23 pm
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Re: Mortal Kombat (2023)
#37  May 11, 2023, 04:02:13 pm
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i don't recall any of the fighting games have this sort of reboot, i was hoping it could be like great kung lao becoming a playable character where liu kang in his fire thunder god status mentoring him and making his defeating goro where the great kung lao is the new main protagonist for this new mortal kombat reboot

My real life is coming soon........!
Re: Mortal Kombat (2023)
#38  May 11, 2023, 04:54:21 pm
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Re: Mortal Kombat (2023)
#39  May 11, 2023, 05:23:46 pm
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All these rumors and crap like that is just that: rumors.

I'm not trusting some random yahoo on Twitter for information here. I'm waiting for an actual trailer and actual game play.
Re: Mortal Kombat (2023)
#40  May 11, 2023, 07:54:18 pm
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  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
i don't recall any of the fighting games have this sort of reboot, i was hoping it could be like great kung lao becoming a playable character where liu kang in his fire thunder god status mentoring him and making his defeating goro where the great kung lao is the new main protagonist for this new mortal kombat reboot

That would be actually very interesting. Some sort of prequel to the original Mortal Kombat, but with the timeline changes like you mentioned. I think besides Mythologies Sub-Zero we didn't get any prequel MK game, so... I'd be invested. :P