
Movelist Brainstorming Thread (Read 46903 times)

Started by A$AP Buckus, April 11, 2014, 05:41:35 pm
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Movelist Brainstorming Thread
New #1  April 11, 2014, 05:41:35 pm
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  • ^First attempt ain't so bad......
Title explains what the thread is for. If you have suggestions on how a char should play in this style of game/ what moves they should have or a pre-planned movelist, please post your input. Ryu, Chun-Li and Alex are set in stone, so no need to post about them. Any char ideas are fine as all of them have a chance of getting in at some point, but if it helps, here's the demo roster:

Street Fighter 1
- Ryu
- Adon

Street Fighter 2
- Chun-Li
- Dhalsim

Street Fighter Alpha
- Rose
- Charlie

Street Fighter 3
- Alex
- Q

Street Fighter 4
- C. Viper
- Gouken

Final Fight (Enough chars have crossed over to SF, so IMO it gets a category)
- Guy
- Cody
Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 10:29:11 pm by A$AP Buckus
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#2  April 11, 2014, 06:03:57 pm
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All I know is Chun-Li better have her Air Super Kick! >:[ I think for Guy you should add that one-hand fireball like move he had in FF3. Seen edits for it, though never seen anyone implement it. Maybe it'd be best as a super.
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#3  April 11, 2014, 06:29:22 pm
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What exactly are you asking for here? Many of the characters have really only had 1 moveset. Are you asking how their moves should be adapted to a Marvel playstyle? Otherwise for many of them I'd just be copy pasting their move list and changing the inputs :P

Adon should probably be able to do all of his moves in the air. Or at least Jaguar Tooth and Jaguar Knee.  You might give him the rapid punch from his super move as a special attack as well because the ender to that super will probably be more flashy in a marvel style.
He could gain a super kind of like Maximum Spider where he does several Jaguar Tooth attacks all over the screen.

For Boxer I might give him the Juggernaut/Hulk armor on his dash attacks. Where it takes 2 hits to knock him out of it.
He could have a super where his punching bag falls, he does his rush punch and it launches across the screen. On hit it could knock the opponent into a juggle state off the wall for set up.
His Ultra 2 from SF4 could also leave the opponent in a set up. Maybe do low damage but be an instant dizzy move (since there is no dizzy meter in these games)

Alternatively for the punching bag super it could stay on screen for a while and anytime it gets hit it moves back and forth and while doing so it can hit the opponent.

Rose's Soul Throw could have LP = low MP = higher HP = her LVL2 version from SFA where she uppercuts on the ground 1st then does the move.
She could do the soul throw in the air. Perhaps having one that goes horizontal as well.
Supers would be
Ultra 1 from SF4 but the scarf acts more like a beam and goes full screen.
Ultra 2 but faster acting more like Strider's satellite orbs
Soul Illusion

Charlie. Pick Charlie :P He's also already in the marvel series so his move list is pretty solid

Alex's movelist should come from TvC
Q - uhhh, I am not a Q player. He's one of my least favorites in that game. Don't hit me DX

Viper MVC3
Gouken should get a beam similar to Cyclop's super where he controls the optic blast's direction. Maybe only going in the three levels his fireballs go. Give him the double fireball all the time. Make it so that you control the second fireball by pressing D, neutral, or Up while firing the 1st.
His DP move should also be a launcher
Other supers Denjin, Shin ShoRyuken, and maybe a super counter move

Guy should have all his run attacks be done by simply dashing. Maybe give him more options from his run like pressing
 LP = straight up punch (like the 1st punch of his rising super move in SFA/SF4)
 MP = his leap and grab/elbow attack
HP = Shoulder Slam
jump while running for super jump

That's all I got atm. I'm not the most avid versus series player so if I said anything crazy discard any and all of it =p
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#4  April 11, 2014, 07:27:18 pm
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I think a barrage of fireballs suits Gouken more than a controllable beam imo.
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#5  April 11, 2014, 07:34:50 pm
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Are you asking how their moves should be adapted to a Marvel playstyle?

This is what I meant. Guess that would've been easier to say  --;. I like your Adon ideas. Super armor with Boxer's dash moves also crossed my mind, but I think I'd limit it to hard versions of specials. Soul Ouroboros is cool. With Gouken, I was thinking of giving him the multi-fireball supers and giving Akuma the beams. The controlled angle would be awesome with that.

All I know is Chun-Li better have her Air Super Kick! >:[ I think for Guy you should add that one-hand fireball like move he had in FF3. Seen edits for it, though never seen anyone implement it. Maybe it'd be best as a super.

I'm gonna make a poll on that. You must really like the seizure kick  :P
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#6  April 17, 2014, 09:20:56 pm
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Updated first post as it was a lil unclear. I'm asking for suggestions on movelists/how chars should play in this style. Of course their original movesets will be used, but what properties should change to adapt? Also, took Poison out of the beta choice after looking through the sff. Also forgot Rolento, so he was added instead. I'll add a poll later for the undecided chars for the demo.
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#7  April 18, 2014, 08:30:33 am
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As far as Karin goes, her guren slide could otg. Her hosho could wall bounce. Her qcf+k could be air ok. She is already juggle heavy so she doesn't need much.

Keep Qs taunt boost or make it a super. He seems like the armor type imo.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#8  April 18, 2014, 03:12:33 pm
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Don't forget to simplify Karin's QCF, UF + K motion
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#9  April 19, 2014, 07:57:28 am
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I forgot that I changed that input. I meant the anti air special :p.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#10  April 19, 2014, 08:13:55 pm
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  • ^First attempt ain't so bad......
I like Q's taunt idea. Sort of like Colossus right?
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#11  April 20, 2014, 02:04:10 am
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I picture Q with alot of super armored moves, a bit slow, and low combo ability, but with high defense and damage. He's all about that raw damage, right?

I think the last part of Deadly Double Combination would double as a special move, or maybe use it for another command grab.

As stated before, a high armor super sounds like a good idea, like Colossus
Maybe more moves revolved around his explosion gimmick?
Stomp move maybe? It would probably just act as 'combo ender/extra hit' with no otg properties

Move changes:
Capture and Deadly blow could be super jump cancelable, kinda like Haggar
Dashing Head Attack causes groundbounce
Dashing Straight causes enough hitstun to continue comboing
Dashing Leg Attack could cause them to get knocked high enough to juggle afterwards?
High Speed Barrage could stay the same

Honestly im really glad Q is getting added to this, he's pretty underrated. Could Twelve get in on this too? He'd fit well with this type of engine
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#12  April 22, 2014, 09:58:28 pm
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  • ^First attempt ain't so bad......
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. This helps out a lot. As far as Karin, I would take cues from Beximus' Karin in Capcom Universe, which is similar to what everyone is saying ironically.

Also, I added a poll to the general progress thread, so please vote!!!
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#13  April 25, 2014, 12:41:00 pm
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What would Charlie get btw? Ground bounce moonsault(forgot the air reverse flash kick's name). He seemed weak in the few vs style crossovers he was in(everyone was weak outside of like 8 guys in mvc2 though). He doesn't really have wall bounce looking moves(his super maybe?) And he doesn't exactly seem like an air specialist?

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#14  April 25, 2014, 07:16:50 pm
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  • ^First attempt ain't so bad......
I plan on giving his moon sault ground bounce properties. Not sure about wall bounce.....maybe make his F+HK jump kick chargeable? Also, maybe an air dash for more mobility than Guile.
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#15  June 10, 2014, 09:30:21 pm
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So I'm starting Charlie and Cody this week. I have an idea on what I want to do with them (especially Charlie), but I'm kinda in a loop about how to incorporate Cody's knife in this style of game. I was thinking make the knife pickup a command move(as in he pulls it out instead of having to pick it up). Kinda like Strider summoning the robot-thingy that he shoots as a projectile. I'll keep the limitations on it (drops when hit or super move and can throw it), and have a grace period between when he can pull it out again. Like usf4, it'd be cancel-able mid-combo.

How does this sound? I'd really like suggestions on this. If any other suggestions for Cody or Charlie, please feel free to post them here.
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#16  June 11, 2014, 02:21:02 am
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You should buff the knife holding moves a bit. Make it so getting hit will not make him drop the knife. He pulls it out and it uses a super bar. Has a limited time to use. Adds knife throw as a special. Each time he throws a knife he just pulls out another one till time runs out.

Alternatively go the MegaMan route and have him call out some stuff. Knife, pipe, glass bottle? Each item can give him new attributes.
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#17  June 11, 2014, 09:30:23 pm
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  • ^First attempt ain't so bad......
That was literally my second option. Now hearing someone else say it makes it seem more reasonable.
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#18  June 11, 2014, 09:32:22 pm
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Which one? Super, or MegaMan?
Re: Movelist Brainstorming Thread
#19  June 11, 2014, 09:38:26 pm
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  • ^First attempt ain't so bad......
Super. The MegaMan version would require more spriting.