
MUGEN Crashes Compilation (Read 78207 times)

Started by Noctis, February 22, 2016, 08:08:27 pm
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MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#1  February 22, 2016, 08:08:27 pm
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This thread will be used for discussing and compiling all the known and newly found reasons for MUGEN crashing. Anyone willing to contribute, go right ahead and post. It can be what caused your MUGEN to crash or a new type of MUGEN crash not yet compiled here. Thanks!
I'll update this post as often as I can.

Types of known crashes
  • Typo's
  • Missing files
  • Broken or corrupted files
  • Infinite changestates
  • Non-existent coding (i.e wrong MUGEN version)
  • Broken limits (commands, group number, etc.)
  • Improper coding
  • Clashing coding


Typo (You absolutely must have trigger1. Always.)
[state 0, velset]
type = velset
trigger2 = !time
x = 1
y = 1

Missing files (You absolutely must have 1 of these files available even if it's gonna be blank.)
Cmd      = Player.cmd
Cns      =
St       = Player.cns
StCommon = Basics.cns
Sprite   = Player.sff
Anim     = Player.air
Sound    = Player.snd

Broken or corrupted files (Example is unavailable. If anyone has an image perhaps of a broken or corrupted file, leave a post below.)
Broken or corrupted files have practically become a thing of the past with the release of Fighter Factory 3

Infinite Changestates (This can be difficult to explain because there's so many ways for this to occur, but basically one way to avoid this is do NOT send yourself into a state with a command that continuously triggers if that state is going to send you back to the state you were just in.)
; stand
[statedef 0]
type = s
physics = s
sprpriority = 0

[state 0, changestate]
type = changestate
trigger1 = command = "holddown"
value = 10

; stand to crouch
[statedef 10]
type    = c
physics = c
anim = 10

[state 10, changestate]
type = changestate
trigger1 = command = "holddown"
value = 0

Non-existent coding (A piece of coding being used in the wrong version of MUGEN is just one type of example for this type of crash. VolumeScale was not implemented until MUGEN 1.0 hence the crash when used in WinMugen.)
MUGEN Version used = WinMugen

[state 0, playsnd]
type = playsnd
trigger1 = !time
value = s0,0
volumescale = 255

Broken limits (There are many limits to break in MUGEN. One of which is having too many commands. Keep it to a minimum to avoid crashing and if you NEED said many commands, then your character probably needs to be scaled down a bit. :D)
name = "AI-0"
command = a, a
time = 0

name = "AI-1"
command = a, b
time = 0

name = "AI-2"
command = a, c
time = 0
name = "AI-299"
command = a, b, c, x, y, x, U, D, F, B
time = 0

Improper coding (Many examples can be made, but the easiest one to notice is the difference between Vars and FVars. Vars are for whole numbers ONLY much like most of everything else number related in MUGEN. FVars are for decimals AND whole numbers and can be used without much of anything breaking, but most of the time it will need to be floored because while FVars can be used for either type of number, it greatly depends on what it's being used for. Like Power for example. Power does not use decimals so the FVar would need to be floored.)
[state 0, varset]
type = varset
trigger1 = !var(0)
var(0) = 1.1

[state 0, varset]
type = varset
trigger1 = !fvar(0)
fvar(1) = 1001.9514

[state 0, powerset]
type = powerset
trigger1 = !fvar(0)
value = fvar(1)

Clashing coding (Basically, there's seemingly no reason for the crash and sometimes there won't even be an error message. The only way to find it is to backtrack as far as you can by removing everything you recently added until it stops crashing. Then you add it all back one by one while also testing testing out MUGEN each time something is added until it crashes. Once you've found the culprit and nothing's wrong with the culprit itself, then it's related to an interfering piece of coding somewhere else. Now, we leave what we think is the culprit and repeat the process again. Remove, add back one by one, test in MUGEN one code at a time until culprit is found, repeat. Once you've found the clashes, figure out why it clashes.)
In the current build of PCEA (Project Catch 'Em All),
the game crashes without error whenever we try to use a SuperPause or Pause.
I'm not sure why this is yet,
but it could have something to do with having a heavily-edited common1.cns file.
I've seen most of this kind of stuff in full games and the causes are extremely hard to track down because,
there's no error message or anything guiding you.

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"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 03:39:59 pm by Noctis
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#2  February 22, 2016, 08:41:05 pm
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In the current build of PCEA (Project Catch 'Em All), the game crashes without error whenever we try to use a SuperPause or Pause. I'm not sure why this is yet, but it could have something to do with having a heavily-edited common1.cns file. I've seen most of this kind of stuff in full games and the causes are extremely hard to track down because there's no error message or anything guiding you.

-[Все слова это только слова.]-
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#3  February 23, 2016, 04:58:56 pm
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Setting power to 0 under Data crashes MUGEN without an error message. However, setting it to -1 doesn't crash MUGEN and the powerbar is considered full. I'm not sure how this interferes with characters attempting to control your powerbar. I released a character with -1 power yesterday. Now we wait for the results.

Also, setting Life to anything less than or equal to 0 crashes MUGEN without warning.

Actually, pretty much doing anything out of the ordinary under Data creates weird results or unannounced crashes.

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"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#4  March 06, 2016, 08:50:42 am
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idk how to word this properly, but from my recent screenpack testing, having the cursor start on a cell thats technically non-existent will make mugen crash without error once you try to move, or even sometimes as soon as you reach the select screen. I even got it to crash once i moved down on the main menu.
I should mention you can have the option to move over empty boxes on and it'll still happen.

2OS had a thread with things that cause crashes in 1.0 without errors and how to fix them somewhere. Might be worth adding to this thread.
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#5  April 04, 2016, 10:38:46 pm
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In Mugen 1.0, setting the character's internal name (not the displayname parameter) past a certain character limit will cause the character to be automatically KOed at the beginning of a match, among other issues.

Typo example: forgetting to close parenthesis in triggers:
[State 200, CS]
type = changestate
trigger1 = (var(20)=1 ;note that the first set of parenthesis is left often
value = 0
Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 10:42:38 pm by Ricepigeon
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#6  April 05, 2016, 09:43:54 am
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In the current build of PCEA (Project Catch 'Em All), the game crashes without error whenever we try to use a SuperPause or Pause. I'm not sure why this is yet, but it could have something to do with having a heavily-edited common1.cns file. I've seen most of this kind of stuff in full games and the causes are extremely hard to track down because there's no error message or anything guiding you.

What happens if you just run with the regular common1.cns in a standard game of mugen? That narrows it down, you can then add in the fancy one. Here i wouldn't be overly surprised if someone used the elecbyte template and is experiencing that particular issue.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#7  April 22, 2016, 05:44:25 pm
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    • USA
In Mugen 1.0, setting the character's internal name (not the displayname parameter) past a certain character limit will cause the character to be automatically KOed at the beginning of a match, among other issues.

Typo example: forgetting to close parenthesis in triggers:
[State 200, CS]
type = changestate
trigger1 = (var(20)=1 ;note that the first set of parenthesis is left often
value = 0

I've had situations where I have one worthless parenthesis in a bit of coding and it doesn't crash MUGEN and it work's just fine as well without error.
Kinda like what you've got written up there now, but with a lot more codes and shit.
Also, you mean
name        = "Alena" ;<-- this one?
displayname = "Alena"

Haha that's weird. Added about 100 A's and my character became invincible. She could only be killed through the Mugen's F commands. She remained at 1 hp no matter what I did.
I wonder if this could be used in some way to our benefit... what happens in Training Mode I wonder.

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"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#8  April 23, 2016, 03:22:57 am
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Nope, totally useless. It does that for YOU. For someone else, the character just died. I saw one where the lifebar duplicated for them, but when i tried it i had 1 health and died after a single hit. Same character.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#9  July 05, 2017, 11:35:56 pm
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Using a command that doesn't exist outside of the .cmd will crash MUGEN without error.
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#10  January 21, 2018, 10:02:52 pm
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This is an old topic but I finally made a piece of code that crashes MUGEN 1.0 with no errors. The idea is to use this in a pause menu. Quit Game

;Crash Game with no errors by Inktrebuchet
[state -2, Quit Game]
type = DisplayToClipboard
trigger1 = command = "s" ; test trigger
text = "99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999%d "
params =  0
Last Edit: January 21, 2018, 10:43:44 pm by ink
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#11  January 30, 2018, 03:53:40 am
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Hopefully someday I'll be able to make the little puffball on my profile pic.
(Sprite edited from Scrollboss' sprite)
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#12  March 23, 2020, 02:06:59 am
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This causes mugen to not respond if you have more than one target.
[state n] 
type = targetveladd
trigger1 = numtarget
x = target,vel x

The problem comes from mugen not knowing what target,vel x to use for x.
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#13  March 26, 2020, 07:08:51 am
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In Mugen 1.0, setting the character's internal name (not the displayname parameter) past a certain character limit will cause the character to be automatically KOed at the beginning of a match, among other issues.

Typo example: forgetting to close parenthesis in triggers:
[State 200, CS]
type = changestate
trigger1 = (var(20)=1 ;note that the first set of parenthesis is left often
value = 0

I don't think the character internal name did any crash. In the mugen memory, any character in the field i have only one space to store value, including internal name, and i have to say that the internal name has a same space with displayname and authorname, and that space does not include any pointer in there. so there is no reason that chars internal name can crashed mugen.
------Tremble Mortal and Despair. Doom has come to this world------
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#14  March 26, 2020, 11:28:38 am
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I didn't discover it, but I made use of it with that N.E.T.G.E.N joke I did last year.

You have an anim (let's say 99999 for the sake of this example) with a single frame that displays for 0 ticks, then you attempt to use ChangeAnim to switch to that anim like so:
[State n, ChangeAnim]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 =
value = 99999 ;Your anim number
elem = animelemno(0) ;This bit is important

M.U.G.E.N will crash without error, simply saying that it stopped responding.

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#15  April 24, 2020, 09:17:13 pm
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Setting power to 0 under Data crashes MUGEN without an error message.

Slight funny thing to add to this is that MUGEN will only crash if the lifebars are shown; flag a nobardisplay AssertSpecial and it won't crash, but the moment you disable the flag, it will.

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#16  August 19, 2020, 10:43:20 pm
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In MUGEN 1.0, ParentVarAdd and ParentVarSet with no variables defined will cause MUGEN to crash without error upon selecting the character. Somehow this doesn't apply to VarSet and VarAdd (which will only do it once it loads the character into the fight and then throw a proper error.)
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Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#17  March 04, 2022, 11:38:28 pm
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Couple of interesting ones -

`PlayerSCtrlApplyElem not recognised` - 1.1 only
[State ]

This one crashes with a 'rare' error message, I think this is the only way to hit it normally across all versions. Cause of the issue is use of the `Tag` sctrl, which MUGEN 1.1 can parse, but not run. Therefore, the character can load with this sctrl, but as soon as it triggers, the game will crash.

[State ]

This one crashes with no error message. Cause of the issue is, of course, the %%n - complicated issue, but basically this will try to apply as a normal %n, causing the OS to close the application silently.

Of course these aren't realistic to hit in a character, just kind of novelties.
Re: MUGEN Crashes Compilation
#18  June 25, 2023, 11:15:09 pm
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Setting state 52's physics to A will cause MUGEN to hang.

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.