
Next Two Character Possibilities (Read 119292 times)

Started by Sean Altly, March 03, 2022, 10:08:26 pm
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Next Two Character Possibilities
#1  March 03, 2022, 10:08:26 pm
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So now that the game is out and people are playing, in between my focus on balance and bug fixes, I've started to plan two more characters for the game. One is set in stone, while the other I have a few options. I just thought I'd present them here and get some opinions. Here's the set in stone character:


Nation: Mexico(?)
Fighting Style: Lucha Libre
Bio: El Demonico is a mysterious luchador known for his quickness, strength, and "fire breath" ability.

The concept for El Demonico is simple. If Sasuke and Quavon are grappler versions of Ryu and Ken, Demonico is their Akuma (with a dash of Dan absurdity). ***BEFORE ANYONE POINTS IT OUT, I KNOW "EL DEMONICO" IS NOT ACTUALLY SPANISH FOR THE DEMON. IT'S INCORRECT ON PURPOSE.***



-Fire Breath - QCF+P - Breathes fire at his opponent. LP is straight forward and HP is an anti air. Functions similarly to Yoga Flame.
-Demonico Flip - DP+K - Exactly what it sounds like, his version of Akuma's Demon Flip, complete with followups.
  -Demonico Dropkick - Do nothing, and when he lands he flows right into a low dropkick
  -Demonico Spike - LK - A dive kick
  -Demonico Shoulder - LP - A shoulder thrust that doesn't change his trajectory
  -Demonico Palm - HP - An OH palm strike
  -Demonicanrana - HK when close - Catches his opponent in a headscissors and flips them over
-Psycho Driver - HCB+P - Grabs the opponent in a torture rack position, jumps up and drops them down like a piledriver
-Human Tornado - QCF+K - Performs a forward moving spinning double lariat that hits multiple times
-Snap Dragon - HCB+K - Runs forward and grabs, then transitions into a sharp, snap german suplex

OFFENSE DRIVE - Demon's Breath - QCFx2+P - A big ass version of his Fire Breath
DEFENSE DRIVE - Demon's Landing - QCFx2+K - Teleporting massive elbow drop (think Misogi)
MAXIMUM OD - El Demonio Furioso - QCFx2+S - Raging Demon of course, but it ends with a classic piledriver


As for the second character, here is some concept art for the other options. I'm pretty set on the first option, but if the other ones generate more interest I could change my mind.

Nation: Argentina
Fighting Style: Kickboxing
Bio: She was born with a rare heart condition that had her in and out of surgery for most of childhood. Despite this obstacle, she fought hard to become a champion kickboxer to prove that the human spirit is indomitable.

(three possible designs for the same character)
Nation: China
Fighting Style: Street Fighting
Bio: An orphan who never knew his parents, Boyo grew up on the streets of China having to fight for scraps with many other displaced children. He developed a unique fighting style and began to show it off at local unsanctioned bare-knuckle tournaments, and later in professional fights, which drew the attention of the Last Bout tournament.

Nation: Germany
Fighting Style: Not sure yet
Bio: Moritz is academically gifted and can be quite arrogant. He always excelled in school and became interested in martial arts to prove that size and strength didn't matter, only intelligence, and that any fighter who is smarter than their opponent can defeat them.

Nation: England
Fighting Style: Karate
Bio: Osgood is Bryce's father and the CEO of Infinitum, a media and tech conglomerate that sponsors the Last Bout tournament. He has an extremely pleasant outward demeanor that hides how skilled he is in the ring. He mentored Bryce in karate, but allowed him to branch off into Taekwondo at a young age to prove himself.

(two possible designs)
Nation: Ghana
Fighting Style: Judo
Bio: Strong and a bit hard-headed, YaaYaa is a Judo practitioner from Ghana who dreams of making it to the Olympics. For now she will have to settle on the Last Bout tournament, which she hopes to win so she can pay for an expensive and experimental surgery for her ailing twin brother Ekow.

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Last Edit: March 04, 2022, 06:15:07 pm by Sean Altly
Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#2  March 03, 2022, 10:18:43 pm
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I think a demon flip is a great idea, but adding those supers might make the reference too blatant.

As for the others, I can say the girls immediately clicked more with me. Especially the second one.
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Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#3  March 03, 2022, 10:35:57 pm
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¡Camila! :D

A small word of advice: her surname here is a very big State/city, which is spelled Córdoba. Add a reference to "Fernet con Coca" and give her a blatant Cordobés accent for a greater effect. ->
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Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#4  March 03, 2022, 10:47:09 pm
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I think a demon flip is a great idea, but adding those supers might make the reference too blatant.

As for the others, I can say the girls immediately clicked more with me. Especially the second one.

Good point, it's a bit on the nose, lol.

¡Camila! :D

A small word of advice: her surname here is a very big State/city, which is spelled Córdoba. Add a reference to "Fernet con Coca" and give her a blatant Cordobés accent for a greater effect. -> [youtube][/youtube]

So should I spell her name like that as well to be more accurate? Camila Córdoba? I made this mistake a long time ago with Castle and I'm open to changing it.

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Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#5  March 03, 2022, 11:11:38 pm
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Damn, Boyo Jun's looks give me serious Goro Majima vibes here, especially his third design. Any way to know, could there be any inspiration taken?
Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#6  March 03, 2022, 11:22:18 pm
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    • Germany
I'm very invested on this game as you probably know so I'm hyped af. I'm pushing for both Camila and Yaayaa. I feel Osgood would be good if the roster size was bigger.

Any basic ideas for movesets or archetypes for the characters to fill? I feel LB could use a setplay character.
Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#7  March 03, 2022, 11:29:36 pm
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Damn, Boyo Jun's looks give me serious Goro Majima vibes here, especially his third design. Any way to know, could there be any inspiration taken?

I just looked him up and I definitely see the resemblance. My only familiarity with the Yakuza games was when I looked into them recently while considering a commission, so it may have been subliminal. The general idea for the character started as a mix of Shen Woo and the real life wrestler Orange Cassidy. I think I was also rewatching Cowboy Bebop at the time and something in there influenced it but I can't remember what.

I'm very invested on this game as you probably know so I'm hyped af. I'm pushing for both Camila and Yaayaa. I feel Osgood would be good if the roster size was bigger.

Any basic ideas for movesets or archetypes for the characters to fill? I feel LB could use a setplay character.

What is an example of a setplay character? I sometimes lose track of fighting game jargon. I googled the term but can't really find a good example. I'm mainly familiar with Street Fighter and KoF, but I have passive experience with Guilty Gear, and very little experience with anime fighters.

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Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#8  March 03, 2022, 11:30:41 pm
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    • Mexico
I agree where changing the pronuntiation in Camila's last name would be more appropriate, as a spanish speaker.

And speaking of all designs, I like them. My personal favourite would be Moritz, since he stands out from a design perspective: a guy with a scholar attire in a place where almost everyone else dresses like a fighter. That said, they're all really cool, and any of them will offer something interesting down the line; I can imagine Camila having interesting winquotes/dialogues with Vidael and Silva, the former because she is a doctor and could lead both to talk about Camila's heart condition, the latter because they're MMA fighters.

El Demonico seems legit, and I like the fact that he pretty much completes a triad in wrestling styles: Quavon representing Canada-US wrestling, Sasuke Puroresu, and now Demonico as a luchador, they even do the whole Ryu-Ken-Akuma circle to a T. I'm sure gonna practice a deep voice for when auditions for him begin.
Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#9  March 03, 2022, 11:54:11 pm
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Are you going to do a poll for these characters? I need a good bit of Boyo in my life!
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Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#10  March 04, 2022, 12:03:41 am
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What is an example of a setplay character? I sometimes lose track of fighting game jargon. I googled the term but can't really find a good example. I'm mainly familiar with Street Fighter and KoF, but I have passive experience with Guilty Gear, and very little experience with anime fighters.
Setplay is broad but its usually used to refer to characters that have one move that lets them put some crap on the screen to limit your opponent's options. The prime example IMO is Millia from Guilty Gear, who pins you down with disc and forces you to guess on her high/low/left/right mixup. Another example is Mars People from SvC and NGBC who summons ufos and shit with the supers. I think Sub-Zero in MK9 abuses the ice clone copying the pose to deny the screen really bad.

Setplay characters usually need the knockdown to set up their shit, because the setplay moves have long startup. They also compensate the stronger okizeme with lower damage output; let's say brawler like GG Sol or SFV Boxer needs like 5 interactions to kill you, and a balance character (Ryu) needs 6 interactions, and a grappler needs 4. A setplay character may need 7 or 8 interactions to get the round, but their chances of winning the interactions are higher. The key to this archetype is the ability to snowball IMO.

I said setplay is broad because you could make a case for pre V-Shift Ibuki to fit this archetype (since she essentially got the knockdown and vortex their way into winning the round), but i'm specifically referring to the Millia type, with a slow move that lets them lock the opponent in blockstun and loop.

EDIT: Illian throwing Omnisphere on a knocked down opponent would be a good example of setplay, but the rest of his moveset leans towards the big body brawler archetype which doesn't really enable mixups a setplay character would usually enable.
EDIT2: This went on a tangent lol I hope you pick Camile and she has an OTG grab that alludes mma pins.
Last Edit: March 04, 2022, 10:36:55 am by KarmaCharmeleon
Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#11  March 04, 2022, 12:12:01 am
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El Demonico looks good. But I somewhat would prefer the next characters not to be a headswap of previous wrestlers.
Unless the process is really fast for you.

My main focus would go for CAMILA!
I cannot explain, but she is closer enough to what kind of female I would like to see in your game.

Even if my real main would be a fast grappler girl...
But I think you have no plans for something like that.

BTW your characters designs are good! Soem of them really makes me want to see them in action.

So, my choices : CAMILA and 2nd El Demonico
Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#12  March 04, 2022, 01:17:33 am
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Camila? Yes, please! Camila has always been one of my favorite girl names lol Just a suggestion, I would change her last name to "Córdoba" instead of "Córdova". It's more common to see it spelled that way in my country (we even have a province with that name).
Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#13  March 04, 2022, 05:35:34 am
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I think Camila is a great design, and I would love to see your take on a kickboxer.
Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#14  March 04, 2022, 07:16:07 am
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I just looked him up and I definitely see the resemblance. My only familiarity with the Yakuza games was when I looked into them recently while considering a commission, so it may have been subliminal. The general idea for the character started as a mix of Shen Woo and the real life wrestler Orange Cassidy. I think I was also rewatching Cowboy Bebop at the time and something in there influenced it but I can't remember what.

I see. Well, I don't even hope you could sneak in a couple of Majima's animations in there, his Thug style in Y0 might be a good inspiration. xD
Other than that, I'm also particularly interested in Moritz Wolff. I'm really looking forward to seeing your ideas for him and, maybe, making some suggestions when that'll come to.
Last Edit: March 04, 2022, 07:19:54 am by Trololo
Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#15  March 04, 2022, 11:25:02 pm
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Honestly torn between Moritz, Camila and Boyo. They're all really cool concepts and I'd love to see any one of them fleshed out more.

Also, I kinda had to stifle a laugh at El Demonico. I dig the idea of making the "Akuma" of the game a grappler instead of a shoto. Dunno how on the money I am with this interpretation, but I get the idea is that his big, scary personality is all bluff and he's really a big goofball under the mask. Can't wait to see him in action and wherever I was right or not :P
Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#16  March 06, 2022, 02:02:42 pm
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This is really difficult, since I really like all of the designs. I think the luchador fighter is a great idea. I still miss a "big" guy from your designs here, but it's all good, it's never a need. Of the designs, Camila is pretty good, the fighting style, while done to death is still a very popular one, and I tend to use these type of fighters in FG's anyways, so that's awesome.

The chinese guy reminds me of a mix between Gojima as mentioned earlier, and Hwoarang from Tekken, with some Yamazaki shenanigans, so that's always cool.

I LOVE Osgood. Probably one of my favourite idea out of these, but as somebody else mentioned, if the roster extends, then I hope the character makes it in at some point. Some Titus O'Neil ft. Steve Harvey lookin old master is an epic design.

Yayaa is my favourite design out of all of them, especially the first design of her. Judo is an interesting style I think we need to see more of, especially in 2D animation style. And, a character itself from Ghana is so cool.

Mortiz seems alright, a calm, collected and calculated fighter is cool. Reminds me a bit of Kyosuke from Rival Schools.
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Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#17  May 27, 2022, 02:24:05 pm
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El Demonico! El Demonico! El Demonico....and Osgood Lowe. 10!
Re: Next Two Character Possibilities
#18  June 19, 2022, 11:39:57 pm
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A little late to this topic, but I dig all of the characters so far.
I like CAMILA CORDOVA's hair if the bottom part is a different color?
BOYO JUN's 3rd design is super cool. I think the pants on 2 would be dope if the knee area was a second color. I like the flames on the 3rd. Not sure if the color separation on the 2nd pants is intentional

OSGOOD LOWE has some love too.

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