
Playable alpha - the release thread  (Read 43837 times)

Started by mr_bourrepalestick, May 07, 2017, 12:43:49 pm
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Playable alpha - the release thread
#1  May 07, 2017, 12:43:49 pm
  • **
    • France
Below, you'll find links to the .zip folders for each version, for both Mugen and Ikemen releases.
This post will be edited every time a new release is available with a fresh new link.
I'll try to keep track of changes with a clean changelog post starting from current version (V-17-04-B).

Previous builds

Another Blade V-24-01
Ikemen - Another Blade V-24-01
Ikemen GO - Another Blade V-24-01
Another Blade V-17-08-B
Ikemen - Another B-17-08-B
Another Blade V-17-08-A]
Ikemen - Another B-17-08-A
Another Blade V-17-04-B
Ikemen - Another B-17-04-B
Another Blade V-17-02
Another Blade V-17-01-A
Another Blade V-16-11-B
Another Blade V-16-11-A
Another Blade V-16-10-B
Another Blade V-16-10-A
Another Blade V-16-09-bis
Another Blade V-16-09
Another Blade V-16-07
- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Last Edit: November 10, 2024, 11:29:19 am by mr_bourrepalestick
Re: Playable alpha - the release thread
#2  August 15, 2017, 12:55:06 pm
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    • France
Hi everyone.
A fresh release for Another Blade (17-08-A) is available ! For both Mugen and Ikemen engines !
Check the 1st post for the download links.

Quite difficult to list all changes. Seems like my promise to make a clean changelog is hard to keep at this stage. I'd have to dig into all my handwritten notes, on small pieces of paper here and there, and check which elements have made it through.
But let me try, if I remember :

General stuff
  • ground tech - invincible only at the start (8 frames), vulnerable till the end of the animation
  • 18 juggle points - most attacks use 1 point. Launcher-type attacks (and throws) use 5 points.
  • Reduced all guard pushbacks -> punishes are now more consistent

  • Phoenix dive - (air A+B) is now a special attack. Can be canceled into from air normals, and is an overhead
  • Has lost his command grab. His regular throw deals more damage
  • Has gained a static fire projectile : Qcb - A/B . Each version serves a different purpose.
  • His jab (back +A) is no longer an overhead. It is more useful at close range.

  • air qcb + A/B  : air projectiles
  • air qcb+C : dive kick
  • special hop (uses 1meter) :  qcf+Z  from neutral, up direction to cancel from a normal attack
  • air specials are available during the special hop
  • f-d-df + A/B : dragon punch attack (uses 1 special meter)

- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Re: Playable alpha - the release thread
#3  August 24, 2017, 08:03:48 pm
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    • France
Updated 1st post with the latest links.

A quick fix to missing hurtboxes on Kagami's  Qcb + A  special move.
Thanks to Filthy Casual   for the feedback on this one !!
- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Re: Playable alpha - the release thread
#4  January 02, 2024, 05:09:18 pm
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    • France
Long time no see.

Updated first post with last version of the game on MUGEN 1.0 and IKEMEN 2017.05 engines.

Corrected/adjusted many things after feedback from some IRL sessions.

In general
  • hurtboxes >> made more consistent
  • hitboxes >> many moves were too powerful
  • more recovery on throw & parry attempts

Also, new control layout
A : Kick
B : Parry
C : Roll

X : Light slash
Y : Medium slash
Z : Heavy slash (or X+Y)

A + (any of X/Y/Z) = throw

Sweep = crouching Heavy

New mechanics :
  • normal moves can now be Fwd Roll cancelled by pressing "ROLL" on hit >> need 2 slots of "special meter"
  • last frames of forward roll can be canceled into crouch attacks (and DPs)
  • Roll cancelling on hit resets the damage reduce >> can be very rewarding if you manage to land a nice combo

You still need to have at least 1 slot of "special" meter to perform special moves.
There are now 3 levels of special moves :
X = Light version
Y = Medium version
Z = EX version > consumes 1 "special" meter slot

Added also chip damage :
  • normal slashes deal chip damage but cannot kill
  • special moves deal chip damage and can kill

Air recovery : you'll need to have and spend 2 special meter slots if you want to escape juggle combos

Juggle & special meter mechanics have been made a bit more complex :
some moves are better for juggling but they provide less meter and give more meter to the opponent.

I wanted to implement some changes to the parry mechanic aswell to make it more relevant in the special meter loss/gain game, but it will be for some next update.

The main character specific changes :

QCF + slash : projectile > 3 versions   (and  qcf+kick = fake)
DP + slash : DP > 3 versions

adjusted/added some normal moves & combo routes
QCF + slash : 2 versions (light & medium)
then > 3 different followup projectiles : Light / Medium / Heavy

QCB + slash : "100 slashes" >> 3 versions ( qcb+kick = fake)

adjusted/added some normal moves & combo routes
QCB + slash : "100 slashes" >> 3 versions
DP + slash : DP > 3 versions

adjusted/added some normal moves & combo routes
AIR - qcb + slash : projectile > 3 versions
AIR - qcb+kick = dive kick

QCF + kick : special hop
>> alternative way : hold UP direction on move contact (on hit/on block )
DP + slash : DP > 3 versions

adjusted/added some normal moves & combo routes
AIR + down + Heavy = dive kick > need no meter , not cancelable from air normals
DP + slash : DP > 3 versions

regular throw can be cancelled into a STAB : hcf + kick (need 1 special meter to perform it, costs 1/2 special meter)
then > 3 different followups :
qcf + kick  or qcb + kick  for 1 more special meter
or do nothing (costs no meter)

Hope you guys enjoy.
- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade


Re: Playable alpha - the release thread
#5  January 04, 2024, 04:41:23 pm
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  • 1-800-SUICIDE
It's alive!! And as I tried it feels more refined, indeed. I just hope there will be new versions in future.
(Man, I missed the game, hadn't played for a lot of time, missed how it plays, how it sounds, how it feels. Now refreshing the memory I'd wish more people would be involved with this project for active development and way more people enjoyed it)
"Where greyness prevails, the black always take the power." (c) "Its Hard to be God" - brothers Strugatskie.
Re: Playable alpha - the release thread
#6  January 06, 2024, 08:15:08 pm
  • **
    • France
It's alive!! And as I tried it feels more refined, indeed. I just hope there will be new versions in future.
(Man, I missed the game, hadn't played for a lot of time, missed how it plays, how it sounds, how it feels. Now refreshing the memory I'd wish more people would be involved with this project for active development and way more people enjoyed it)

Thank you so much for the kind words and the feedback !
I'm so happy that you still enjoy it :)

I was working on polishing things for the last couple years during some sparetime, and there were like 4-5 "intermediate versions" i couldn't find time to publish. Working on the developpement part seemed priority to me. But I promised myself I would publish a stable version at the start of 2024 during my winter leave.

For next steps, i think adding new characters prior to any new mechanic in the game.
- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Re: Playable alpha - the release thread
#7  March 12, 2024, 09:43:20 pm
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    • USA
I just looked into this and it seems interesting. I think I'll be playing Kaede.
Re: Playable alpha - the release thread
#8  April 06, 2024, 10:52:34 am
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    • France
I just looked into this and it seems interesting. I think I'll be playing Kaede.

I'm very glad the game got your interest !
I hope you'll have fun with Kaede. Me's got many combo routes. I'll post a chart in the character topic (after i'm done some cleaning in it).
- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Re: Playable alpha - the release thread
#9  November 10, 2024, 11:23:06 am
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    • France
Releasing a new update (>> links  in the 1st sticky post)

Main work for the past months was about making a basic Ikemen Go version of the game, as the legacy Ikemen 2017 engine is not being updated anymore (and mostly Ikemen GO having some nice features).

I also made some new palettes for the current 5 characters, so each character has now 12 palettes.
(each palette is inspired by the corresponding button color on Xbox controller).

Some other general tweaks from last version :
  • EX DP attacks : invicibility during all startup (until last hitbox is activated)
  • air recovery : back to -1 Special meter upon air recovery (if you want to escape a deadly juggle)

Kagami has been revamped. He has some nice ranged tools, he can be dangerous if he finds an opening but still has some weak sides on the other hand.
  • he has now fireballs (QCF + slash), each version meant to have a different purpose
  • I got rid of his command grab, it did not match character's style
  • forward throw and back throw are now different
  • air normals changed, his air Heavy being now his diving attack

I hope you guys enjoy this release.
Every feedback is appreciated !

- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade