A WIP I got permission to show off. I joined Steel Komodo's initial funding group for Rouge upon the announcement that he had partnered with no1wammy to get sprites done. I'm one of four people pitching in. Sprites are done by the artist Countgate, and the color separation is done by yours truly.Rouge is in an insanely alpha state. What you see here is all she has done right now (minus dash anims I have yet to CS and implement, and a wall jump animation too).Still, I wanted to show it off. She will be joining this game as soon as possible, and will also be available for regular MUGEN upon completion as well. Just bear with us please, this stuff takes a lot of time so we're working as fast as we can!Palette concepts will be posted soon.
I think you should switch the walk forward with the walk backward animation and viceversa.Nice sprites!
X-Men's Rogue: OKKyanta 2's Rogue: OKPower Stone's Rogue:[MaximilianDood]LET'S FREAKING GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!![/MaximilianDood]
Glad you guys are liking this so far. <3We ARE gonna need voice clips for her eventually. We'll either need clips from Power Stone/PS2 or hire an all new VA for her.
087-B said, March 18, 2021, 05:13:44 amWe ARE gonna need voice clips for her eventually. We'll either need clips from Power Stone/PS2 or hire an all new VA for her.IIRC, those should actually pretty easy to find since they were included in a soundtrack release.
What I see is really promising.I never been a big fam of her, but he 2D appearance give her some real potential.Good luck with her, I know how hard it can be to work from scratch.Will you use 3D captures to replicate her moves?
Ohhh man, Gate is working on this version of Rouge??? I'm definitely looking forward to it, keep the good work guys! I'm taking a look right now at the board, nice to see how is everything going!
Momotaro said, December 08, 2021, 02:25:05 pmAwesome!Something to show?We're trying to figure that out at the moment. But you're gonna love it.
Momotaro said, December 08, 2021, 02:25:05 pmAwesome!Something to show?Well, I guess I can post the material I already showed in my social media
I think you can use the many pullum purna made for mugen to shadow or follow some models to recreate Rouge, There is a Rouge MVC, but only some people have her and the same wasn't leaked anyway.But your version has sprites really well done.
The sprites are based on the original game animations but using other characters including Pullum to plug the gaps of the 6 buttons of the MvC style.
The title is exactly what the video contains. No clickbait here.So far only 130+ sprites have been color separated and barely 100 anims have been done up. Rouge is a playable punching bag, but her basic attacks will be coming quite soon. They'll take some time, so for now, enjoy seeing her function like Sandbag from Smash Bros.Also yeah Alex is gonna be in this game. I had fun making him.
Happy to report that Rouge's CS is 50% complete, and all but two of her normal attacks have been fully implemented. Once the normals are done and I have a few other things added (perhaps a couple specials and a hyper) I'll make a new video.
Howdy folks, progress report -- Rouge's color separation is complete and she's coming along swell. I'm implementing her sounds finally, and finishing her special moves.But I need palettes. So here's a template. Run wild.First time ever making a palette template so I apologize if it's cruddy. First time ever CSing and organizing a palette too, so if it sucks... oops? I tried to organize things as best as possible.But yeah I really need palettes. Please help lol
Alright, time to get things rolling.Shantae (Power Change is the unused succubus form)EDIT: I just realised the pants were the wrong colour. Oof.
SkyDragonSliferEX said, February 14, 2022, 12:14:05 amAlright, time to get things rolling.Shantae (Power Change is the unused succubus form)Holy fuck that is gorgeous. Thank you!
PBRTODD101 said, February 14, 2022, 10:08:08 pmJohnny Bravo/Little Suzyhttps://imgur.com/tZRruraSimon Belmont and Richter Belmont from Aquapazzahttps://imgur.com/qiZ0gl1My favorite anime characters.
Those sprites for Rouge look so good, omg... Btw, great palettes everyone! Alright... let's start!Android 21Android 21 (True Form)
Holy fuckass how did I miss these.These are KILLER. I fucking love all of these. Jesus.It's gonna be hard including just 12 in the game lmao
Super delighted to say I finished coding Rouge tonight. She'll be playable next update.I will have more to say on the matter soon, it's 2 AM and I need sleep lol
https://streamable.com/w2s23pFinally installed and reconfigured OBS on my new computer. Sorry for the shitty quality, I'm still figuring it out with the new resolution. It's surprisingly difficult.But yeah, here's Rouge's level 3 in action. The final move in her repertoire. I'm proud. It ain't perfect but, I'm proud.She'll be undergoing a lot of polish and testing and stuff of course, so this might get more refined before release.
Seeing ya'll happy makes me happy. <3Can't wait for everyone to play her, I poured everything into her. Blood, sweat, tears, urine, Chemical X... the whole kitten caboodle.
Are palette submissions still accepted?It's just that, I couldn't resist on making this one :Rouge the Bat
NDSilva said, March 05, 2022, 07:30:54 pmAre palette submissions still accepted?It's just that, I couldn't resist on making this one :Rouge the BatYooo that's dope! Honestly surprised I didn't think of this one myself.Yeah they're still accepted -- I've got room for 10 more palettes, not including this one. I'll just have to start moving them over to the ja.Files for normal use.
Hello! I've made a few more palettes for Rouge: Jasmine (Disney's Aladdin)Pullum (Street Fighter EX / Fighting EX Layer)Christie (Tekken)Korra (Avatar series)Rogue (X-Men vs. Street Fighter / Marvel vs. Capcom)Rogue (X-Men: Evolution)
GTAguy said, June 17, 2022, 10:49:07 amIt's now on hold. Depends on Jake decision.Wow thanks for telling him that Jake's project is on hold without even asking Jake the status of the character.
You've been banned for this kind of shit in the past and I have no problem doing it again.Consider this the warning.
I'm very excited for this character! I love Power Stone and this looks very high quality, so I'm very happy to see this. The author can take the time they need to finish her up as good as possible, I feel.
Hey all -- quick bump to let ya'll know this project ain't dead, there's just been... VARIOUS THINGS that have taken my attention away from Rouge.Been working hard on the game though, in recent times, so you will see new Rouge footage soon. Proper gameplay and combos, as well as some new features coming to TTR itself. I'll be sure to keep posted.I just figured I would make this bump to assure everyone interested in Rouge that she is not dead in the water. I mean she's literally 95% done, I'd be stupid to throw her out that far in.EDIT: Also, thank you all for all the palettes, they all look insanely awesome and I never got to properly appreciate them. <3