Adon with Chain Combos, SFA Super Combo System and Modified Moveset.

Chain Combos, Combos from Special into Special, Custom Moves, LVL1 SUpers only with LVL3 Damage, Ultra Combo- and all of that without Damage Dampener. Yep, this Adon is IMBA in right hands.

Well, this is one of the Most Cheapass Akuma there ever was. Normal for his time CvS-MvC Gameplay with DOZENS of damage, nearly achieving instakill with his every super. Total IMBA. Why did I bring this monster up? AND WHY IN THE HELL DID I PUT HIM HERE, or, for example, saved him for MvC collection when someone will make one? Because he holds nostalgic value for me. Also, I think, some things can really be considered out of him.

Basara-Kun's edit of previous character. His Spit of Mockery on all of these Cheap Akumas: Shin Akuma with his original IMBA Potential... But SO LOW DAMAGE INPUT, that it's almost impossible to Win a match with him now. So, yeah, this is a Joke-Character.

Ryon's Unfinished Ryu. Chain Combos, LVL1-2 Supers and Customized moveset. Holds real value because of Baltazar's custom SFA Animations like SF3 Tatsumaki, SFEX Tatsumaki ot different Shoryuken.

...She is Custom, Allright? I can't really say, how much of different stuff is hidden here.

N-Mario's Attempt at "Pre-Alpha" Incarnations of Charlie: USA Cartoon and Movie, aka "Guile's Friend- Blanka before Mutation". Charlie-Blanka-Chun-Li with hints of N-Mario's own ideas makes his movelist pretty custom. Gameplaywise- plain SFA with Chain Combos.

Afro (or Latina) Sakura with Original, Blanka's and Chun-Li's moves. Gameplaywise it's the same Dragoon316.

Well... Evil Chun-Li for you. While she has a lots of customization, like new mover and animations, aside from Chains her gameplay is pretty faithful to SFA.

At first glance, this guy might look like quite faithful SFA Dhalsim... But when you'll do "QCFx2 + START", Dhalsim will change places with Cyber-Dhalsim, rendering this one from Honor of being Not-Edit.

This screenshot is worth a thousand words… and they all read "edit"!

That's kinda surprising for me, but for SO MANY YEARS this Evil Dan and upcoming Akuma by GK are the ONLY characters to actually attempt into Reu's Style. Sure, this style isn't for every character either, but I think we wouldn't lose a thing if we had more of badass edits like this, since even unfinished this Dan rocks and actually fits in the party.

...do I even need to say a thing here? If you don't know this Ken- then you must've lived in a cave for your whole life until today!

No. Just No. This one is edit alright...

While most of Felicity's chars at least try to be accurate to how they are in the games, even if they allow som edits, with Guy he overdid with new moves while forgot to add some fundamental moves of his. As a result, this one goes here.

Because this dumbass made a mistake and replaced the slot for this Ken with Guy by Felicity, while having the copy of Fei-Long's spot for that, the original description for this ken is lost forever. At least now you know that managing this kind of messages is a no easy task, kids!

Juli like Juli, albeit she got some new moves. Yes, that's all her description, she got enough to make her feel different from any normal version of Juli.

While this Sakura bears an "S.P.O." title and has an Evil-like Palette, her moveset is, while being custom enough, is resembling of Basic Sakura, without any REAL Satsui No Hadou moves and/or totally Joking Moveset, like "S.P.O. Ryu by Ricard" has. BTW, to be honest, this Sakura is an exception of my rule, because I really recognize here CvS Sakura. I just feel something of SFA here either.

This Ken is one of lesser edits. SFA-Like Supers System with MvC-Like Combo System and a couple of new moves.

Well, this Ken is a real Blast from the Past, as far as I know, since he is straight from DOSMugen times. Unfortunately, while he is being SOMEHOW adapted to WinMugen, he is still barely playable. While he is trying to play as SFA with MvC Styled Combo System, he is driven here for Custom Moves (With one of them, as you can see, isn't exactly appropriate...)

Well, while this is gameplay-wise a plain SFA Ken with some small customs, his REAL dealmaker is the ability to pull Ryu, Dan, and Sakura as helpers. Of course, to balance this out, they deplete your Power Bar, so keeping all 3 of them on the screen is possible only for 2 seconds. Has some small bugs, hut holds a REAL value, since that same Evil Ken by Reu is, actually, an edit of this exact Ken.

...just like that Karin by the same author, this Sakura has LOTS of surprises to hide from someone like me, who don't like to go deep to find them. But unlike the same Karin, she has more of them on the plain sight too.

Well, this is one hell of an interesting edit of Akuma. His main strength (if we're ignoring him being IMBA either...) is his absolutely crazy moveset, with a LOTS of moves from SNK and SF Characters.

Edit of Previous Akuma/Ogre. New moves, new commands, new effects, Zoom and stuff. Quite a nice update of Good Ol' Ogre.

Quite an attempt to make Sagat in SF3 Style. Of course, he is not even close to better of SF3 Chars, but still. He is made with 4:3 Resolution in mind, so you won't see his "Super Select" and Super Gauge with HD Resolution. If he only didn't have these Custom Moves...

Can't call this Dan THAT custom at least in moveset, quite accurate SFA gameplay even more proves that. The main difference here is some custom sprites...

Well... Here is Gen... And he is Transparent... And he got some new moves... Can't say much about him actually...

Shit, I even mentioned the guy here, but never actually added him to this collection. My bad.
At any rate, this Akuma is the only attempt at Reu Style for a LONG time, and let me tell you, GK did a good job on that. This Akuma is more than worthy of Reu's legacy.

Pretty interesting version of Guy. TBH, It's just like these good-old cheap edits, with teleport dashes and custom moves while not dwelling too much into them, keeping Guy still recognizable.

Now unlike previous Guy, this Balrog is not even Balrog anymore. This guy flashes around moves of other boxers, like Heavy D!, Axel Hawk, Micker Rogers and so on.

Presumably based on a boss version of Vega from "Cannon Spike" game, this Vega is yet another example of "so different it's not X anymore". Projectiles, super that freeze the enemy or flag him for a later teleport-in. Sure is interesting version of the character, albeit a bit wack.

Hey, kids! Did you ever want to see the E.Honda version of Shadow [Charlie] or Shadow Woman? Well, here he is, and let me tell you, the result is actually inspiring! Author clearly put some thoughts into his moveset, creating a character really fitting to the Shadow theme.
Well, at least most of the dolls in there are from 2. Some of then have weird numbers as Author names, but they're all in the same CvS2 style, meaning they're NOT other missing Dolls and they most likely ARE by the same guy.

Dumb me for whole time this collection exists didn't think to look MFFA for these missing edits. My bad. xD
At any rate, here starts the Trinity of Pullo's Dolls: pretty good versions of Shadaloo Dolls characters. And the first one comes Decapre. A fair warning: like most of her versions present, here one way or another, this one Decapre was made LONG before her debut in Ultra Street Fighter 4, meaning she is VERY custom here. Or, to be precise, she takes a lot of ideas from Jon Talbain from "Darkstalkers" series.

The second character in Pullo's dolls line: Noembulu. Being a Native American and all, her special power is.... being Native American (please, don't consider it a racist joke). So, Noembulu takes some inspiration from T.Hawk.

And the last of Pullo's dolls is Fevrier: Dolls' Weapon master. And this one can be seen in her throwing grenades around and outright using weapons (and donning a voice showing some serious mental illness). Since she doesn't have one concrete source of inspiration, she feels like the most original of the Pullo's dolls here.

TBH, after Pullo's dolls, Aoba's feel a bit boring, but they're still worthwhile, since, again, they're custom characters at this point. So, in Aoba's Fevrier we'll see a lot more of typical Doll moveset, and the weapory mixed in is limited by a rapid shot gun. Ironically, Street Fighter 5's Story Mode "the Shadow Falls" came out and showed official Fevrier being actually much closer to THIS interpretation of the character.

Xiayu is a Chinese doll. That's all I know. I guess, some nunchuck specials is really all she needs to be Xiayu... I guess, to fill the space here, I'll say, that both Aoba's dolls have a lot of CvS2 system sprites and animations in their files, but they don't actually use grooves. I guess, the grooves were patched out of the template Aoba used to make them.

And, finally, Decapre to destroy all Decapres. This one is fairly recent in compartion to all the previous Dolls (including the ones in the pack I didn't even try to explain). So, by that time Ultra Street Fighter 4 was released, and tJun took the matter of porting that Decapre in his hands. She has a lot of moves out of that game, obviously (though I can't vouch for her being 100% accurate, because I didn't play USF4). My wide screen resolution of MUGEN is hiding CvS2 grooves - it's one more character made on the CvS2 template.