
trying to change bernkastel's helpers to a smaller size but its not worjing (Read 15344 times)

Started by Gabomon09, August 28, 2022, 12:29:32 am
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trying to change bernkastel's helpers to a smaller size but its not worjing
#1  August 28, 2022, 12:29:32 am
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    • USA
So im trying to change bernkastel's helper size to .5,.5 but for some reason its not doing it, i managed to change it when you unlock their assists but when they attack they stay big. can anyone help me?

heres the folder with the character and a picture showing what im talking about:

to activate it first press the meter button then do a normal special with the Y button
Re: trying to change bernkastel's helpers to a smaller size but its not worjing
#2  August 28, 2022, 06:07:04 am
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You only changed the size of the explod, not the actual helper.  You need to change both to make it work.