
Universal Fighting Engine: Does it worth a look? (Read 90125 times)

Started by Snowmeow, April 06, 2018, 03:13:07 am
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Universal Fighting Engine: Does it worth a look?
#1  April 06, 2018, 03:13:07 am
  • **
    • Brazil
So, EF-12 is not the only 3D fighting engine. There is Schwarzerblitz that, despite being a ready game, permits modding, and Universal Fighting Engine, the new hype among fighting game fans that deal with Unity.

Universal Fighting Engine (Or, simply, UFE) started umpretensious, but is gaining more and more visibility, mainly with the new games made with this sub-engine, notably Kings of Kung Fu and its sequel, Shaolin vs. Wutang. The team that was developing a game under 3D Game Studio restarted their project using UFE, and there are more than just a couple of ready games that use this engine that, despite using 3D models and animations, focus more in 2D action, remembering SFIV/SFV. MK9/MKX, Killer Instinct ONE and the incoming Fighting Layer EX.

For the people that is seeking a "3D Mugen" with 2D playability, it worths a look, doesn't it?
Re: Universal Fighting Engine: Does it worth a look?
#2  April 06, 2018, 05:08:45 am
  • *****
  • Estoy siempre listo para un desafĂ­o.
    • Puerto Rico
It does if your familiar with 3D models, it would be awesome if it
could use 2D sprites thou
Re: Universal Fighting Engine: Does it worth a look?
#3  November 10, 2019, 09:12:53 pm
    • Germany
We're creating a fighting game with that engine (UFE) in Unity. With the new UFE2.0-engine you can also use 2D Sprites instead of 3D Models. There is a tutorial on their website.
The engine itself is a great foundation for a 3D fighting game, but you'll be very soon at a point, where you need to customize some of the code for your own project. Therefor you have to buy the source-version.

Here are some screenshots of our game (so far). I hope it's ok to post them here  :)

You can find a small playable demo on our website:


Re: Universal Fighting Engine: Does it worth a look?
#4  November 11, 2019, 04:27:33 am
  • *****
  • Super Mario Fighters 3 resurrected.
    • USA
I'm interested so far, especially since I still never got to play EF-12. To defeat Mugen, you have to make sure it's much more accessible, and have Homer Simpson/Peter Griffin/Ronald to grab their attention.