* Important : [KOF Arrange style], my own KOF, is an "if character" different from the original. If you don't like damaging the original, I recommend not taking this character. This character only works with mugen 1.0 or higher.[Download]https://1drv.ms/f/s!AlorPNOPutQ_j2LLplwN_ac5ICqGoriginal author = Deuce + Sander 71113Editer = Ramkun(Anomi Polis)
great to see your back, I was checking out your stuffs about months ago and was sad that they were all offline. I am looking forward to see more works from you in future if possible
Ramkun[AP] said, January 01, 2022, 02:52:35 am[youtube]https://youtu.be/gbuqLoORi3I[/youtube]Vanessa Arrange Style 2022/01/01 UpdateNice one!! Any chance Shermie have her turn too?Just a suggestion.Thanks for Vanessa update.
Long time no see. I did a fresh update on 13.07.23. It is not very different from the previous version, but the basic system has been improved or added.
Long time no see. I did a fresh update on 06.08.23. 1. The damage of mod-only skills has been increased. Also, mod-only skills have been changed so that their power does not increase.2. Removed AI difficulty control code. AI difficulty can now be adjusted with the Mugen option - Difficulty. However, the character became unusable in Winmugen. (by using the AILEVEL trigger)
I did a fresh update on 23.08.23. 1. Critical effect change.2. Short-hit Super Special Moves and Super Special Moves that maintain rigidity apply a blinking white light and a brief time stop.
I did a fresh update on 2023/09/21.There have been minor updates to AI. So far, few people have downloaded the character, so we have quietly patched it, but this time we would like to inform you of the news.
I did a fresh update on 2023/12/10.1. The starting frame of close range Y attacks has been reduced from 4 frames to 3 frames.2. The starting frame of close range B attacks has been reduced from 6 frames to 4 frames.3. The starting frame of the sitting X attack has been reduced from 3 frames to 2 frames.