
Vs screen sprites (Read 471418 times)

Started by Melcore, November 07, 2015, 06:22:27 pm
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Re: Vs screen sprites
#21  November 26, 2015, 01:54:38 pm
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The majority of those feel really nicely done, and I specially like how you changed the color scheme for Kim's kids... I would just make Shermie not lose so much of her clothes, though.

Re: Vs screen sprites
#22  December 01, 2015, 11:11:20 am
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The majority of those feel really nicely done, and I specially like how you changed the color scheme for Kim's kids... I would just make Shermie not lose so much of her clothes, though.

thanks man, I am not sure who made the Kim one you spoke of but it was not me :/ stone wolf sent it to me.

Here is my idea for Zero
Re: Vs screen sprites
#23  December 01, 2015, 07:13:58 pm
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Who don't you have his entire team with him?
Re: Vs screen sprites
#24  December 02, 2015, 03:24:13 am
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Because that would make the VS screen sprite unnecessarily busy. Keep it as it is.

Re: Vs screen sprites
#25  December 04, 2015, 03:09:55 pm
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Adel - Kim kids recolor - 2nd benimaru - Griffon - Krizalid - Shermie i just add the lightnings I did them several years ago, since was hard to find portraits in the same style, i just eliminate them, and start to use character sprites on select screen. just frankenspriting of characters sff.  I'm happy you guys like it
Re: Vs screen sprites
#26  December 07, 2015, 07:16:17 am
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well again thanks for the ones you sent, they have been most helpful

did this one today, kinda simple but still not bad
Re: Vs screen sprites
#27  December 08, 2015, 01:45:07 am
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So I still need to comment here lol. Zero looks great. Makes me look forward to a Rugal with Panther. I like the idea of personality. Maybe Rock could sport shades or something to make the image stand out from his regular sprites? Maybe Goro Daimon with his kid? King with her waitresses or maybe with booze? Just throwing stuff out there. As nice as the Adel one is (looks very cool), I'd stay away from mixing characters that are playable in game for consistency's sake.

Great work so far. :)
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Re: Vs screen sprites
#28  December 08, 2015, 01:55:58 am
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So I still need to comment here lol. Zero looks great. Makes me look forward to a Rugal with Panther. I like the idea of personality. Maybe Rock could sport shades or something to make the image stand out from his regular sprites? Maybe Goro Daimon with his kid? King with her waitresses or maybe with booze? Just throwing stuff out there. As nice as the Adel one is (looks very cool), I'd stay away from mixing characters that are playable in game for consistency's sake.

Great work so far. :)

hmm, Rugal with is panther, thanks for the idea, probably will do that.

I can make the shades happen too, but remember that's K's gimmick and apparently the creator of K thought he would get in trouble because he looked a lot like Rock (the more you know)
again, I make that happen boss :)   
(I'm also considering having the sprites commissioned to be converted to KOF style from NGBC)

I can get the King one with the other waitresses.

the Goro one is a good idea too.

about Adel, yeah I wasn't sure how it would be received with Rugal actually being in the game but the sprite looked of him standing in his fathers shadow just was too good to pass up, I can make a different one if need be.

please keep throwing ideas around, it will send me in the direction you want the sprites to go.
Re: Vs screen sprites
#29  December 08, 2015, 03:40:49 am
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Hello, @Melcore, I took the liberty to edit a bit that Rock VS Screen Portrait you've made, I felt it still was having that CVS-ish feeling into it, I've tried to KOF-ize it, here it this:

Tell me how does he looks, can I improve something? Just tell me...
Re: Vs screen sprites
#30  December 08, 2015, 03:47:41 am
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Wow thanks, the jacket looks sooo much better (I got frustrated with it) thanks for cleaning that up, I'm somewhat new to spriting this style but would like to get better.
I see some touch ups on the hair too and skin.
thanks again, overall much better.
Re: Vs screen sprites
#31  December 08, 2015, 04:40:34 am
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You're welcome and I want to add another VS Screen Portrait to your collection:

I hope you like it, colleague!
Re: Vs screen sprites
#32  December 08, 2015, 07:10:29 am
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woah, thanks man!

would you like to get together and see what we can make?
Re: Vs screen sprites
#33  December 09, 2015, 02:16:04 am
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so Thedge is the best and his work comes at a great price.

totally worth every penny.

Re: Vs screen sprites
#34  December 09, 2015, 02:28:42 am
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Re: Vs screen sprites
#35  December 10, 2015, 01:27:22 pm
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He's a bee-oot alright. :) That Hotaru also looks great. Thanks a lot for your help all. :)
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Re: Vs screen sprites
#36  December 11, 2015, 08:35:18 am
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Here are the Yashiro options

Re: Vs screen sprites
#37  December 15, 2015, 08:45:51 am
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Thedge did it again, the detail is amazing.
Re: Vs screen sprites
#38  December 15, 2015, 12:12:30 pm
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Goddamn, that's great.

Re: Vs screen sprites
#39  December 16, 2015, 02:06:43 am
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Very sexy. Loving these sprites. :)
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Re: Vs screen sprites
#40  December 17, 2015, 06:21:35 pm
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Here leaving another VS Screen Sprite:

Any suggestion or comment is welcome...