Ok, so guessing luigi has learnt shit all. I give him another day before he's back to taking everything personally and being a twit.Edit: Ok, bladeart is back. Previously he was a violent proponent against KFM's views and caused some issues. Mostly leaping into any thread to pound in these views. Until he does that again he is not actually worthy of ostrasization which this forum indulges in far too readily. Let him dig his own grave IF he's going to. Otherwise treat him as any other user who doesn't exist.
I see some have found that pms still work, including angry ones. Unset the limit Also, I'm too lazy to code a frontend for this mod. Just tell me what people to limit to what post quotas and I'll make the necessary arrangements.
http://mugenguild.com/forumx/index.php?topic=111596.msg1057037;topicseen#msg1057037people dont report and then expect us to know whats going on!