
Diek Stiekem's Edits - Hayato Kanzaki edit released (Read 44326 times)

Started by Diek Stiekem, September 10, 2021, 11:32:58 am
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Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits
#21  May 15, 2022, 06:15:53 pm
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  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits
#22  May 15, 2022, 07:03:22 pm
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"Such Heroic Nonsense!"

Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits
#23  October 01, 2022, 04:36:50 pm
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Added an edit of Remy to the first post

Stealth update:
Character lacked Throw break/escape state
"Such Heroic Nonsense!"

Last Edit: October 01, 2022, 04:53:33 pm by Diek Stiekem
Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Remy edit released
#24  October 01, 2022, 05:11:48 pm
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  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Oh great idea! Very good choice and update!
A bit of feedback, I'm sure other memebers will make more advanced ones :)

Is the scalling ratio based on existing values? Seems like Remy is a wit too wide or short.
Also, looks like his offset is too low or something. giving the feeling he's in foreground. (it's ok for big characters like Zangief or Hugo, but strange here)

allignement/offset of some sprites is strange in LP, MP

Hop back animation seems to have a missing frame (not sure) it gives a frozen pose effect in mid air.
(seems to be displayed too long, and Remy goes through ground before to actually land from it)

Crouch LP, blurry part seems to be displayed too long compared to next frames.
Crouch MP is more correct.

close HP I'm not sure if the hit should occur during the blurry frame (someone can confirm it?)

I'm not sure "Cold Blue Kick" physics are correct. Perhaps using Remy by Umihei as a reference would be better (?)

Auto taunt after "Light of Justice" Super art, should be removed.
I have not played Remy in the source game for a long time, but does the amount of hits looks ok in "Supreme Rising Rage Flash"? (seems very low)
Last Edit: October 01, 2022, 07:30:21 pm by Momotaro
Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Remy edit released
#25  October 01, 2022, 09:17:06 pm
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    • USA
try it and 1. I did REresized it as you resizing look weird to me. and 2. his hit anims also missing frames. 3. he had forced chain combos on his standing punches wich he does not had in the source 4. Spark of Light it also custom (and stolen from another char, the Sonic Hurricane super was stolen from JMorph's Gulie and Spark of Light is stolen from Chazzanova's Ash)
(edit: using Umihei's Remy to comper and the spirtes are biger comper to Umihei's, probably from MrPiffy's Remy) (also add more number parts to my feedback) (edit on the sprites feedback. Yep, they are MrPiffy's on memo's template's base anims, not on you tou just on Rabanzo) (same thing for the chain combos being Rabanzo's fault not yours) (also Momotaro yes he does not taunt at the end of Light of Justice in source, in source he just goes back to standing)
Last Edit: October 01, 2022, 10:05:11 pm by SwordmasterZack
Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Remy edit released
#26  October 05, 2022, 08:38:38 pm
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I'm assuming he's 1.1 only?  I cant seem to load him in 1.0
Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Remy edit released
#27  October 05, 2022, 09:03:51 pm
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    • Argentina
Oh Im seeing that people are talking about my Remy. Im glad you guys are fixing it, I wanted to do it but because of problems with my PC I could't, so I was hoping that someone else manage to do a better job than me.
Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Remy edit released
#28  October 15, 2022, 04:15:39 pm
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    • Netherlands
I'm assuming he's 1.1 only?  I cant seem to load him in 1.0

Yeah he is (Join the Ikemen Go army ;p )

Remy's is updated, redownload please.

<Diek Stiekem's Edit, update>
- Added frame to backdash
- Corrected animations on crouching LP and close HP
- Adjusted animation position of standing MP
- Removed taunt at the end of Light of Justice (MAX)
- Adjusted VelSet on Cold Blue Kick (LK, MK and HK version)

I'm currently using size:
xscale = 0.90
yscale = 0.90

Any suggestions to improve?
"Such Heroic Nonsense!"

Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Remy edit released
#29  October 15, 2022, 05:02:34 pm
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
I'm assuming he's 1.1 only?  I cant seem to load him in 1.0

Yeah he is (Join the Ikemen Go army ;p )

Remy's is updated, redownload please.

<Diek Stiekem's Edit, update>
- Added frame to backdash
- Corrected animations on crouching LP and close HP
- Adjusted animation position of standing MP
- Removed taunt at the end of Light of Justice (MAX)
- Adjusted VelSet on Cold Blue Kick (LK, MK and HK version)

I'm currently using size:
xscale = 0.90
yscale = 0.90

Any suggestions to improve?

I'm testing it!

About the scalling.
I use :
xScale = 0.81;   0.83333
yScale = 0.93;   0.96754
(I prefer my custom values for Remy to avoid him looking too tall)

Here, seems to be values used by some creators (I cannot remember)
x 0.83333
y 0.96754
These values looks good on muscular characters, but I still prefer mine.

You still can try what you prefer.


Plays better.
all these fixed elements make the character more polished.

2 aspects that still need fixes.

LP and MP still looks wrongly allignated. (Again, checking some alligned rips could help, or the actual source game)
for LP, I did some test : I think the correct allignement would be to have his "back" leg's heel, still.
If needed, I can upload the fixed SFF. (even as a reference)
For MP, I'm not sure I can fix it. I'm not sure about how this move axis would look in source game.

What you did for blurry stuff in close HP looks way better.
Some other moves have the same problem Far MP and some others (punches) I think.
Last Edit: October 15, 2022, 07:26:10 pm by Momotaro
Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Remy edit updated
#30  October 15, 2022, 09:36:06 pm
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As far as Cold Blue Kick I feel like maybe making it like they are in 3S where only the heavy and EX ones cause knockdown might be better for combos, as currently all versions cause knockdown, and something feels a bit off about the move. If you wanted to vary the EX version a bit I suppose you could add a wallbounce since it usually launches the person right into the middle/wall area. The EX version is also normally a multi-hit (2 hit) but it's just a single in your edit currently. The physics definitely feel a little strange and maybe it's too fast and easy to spam. I feel like the heavy version usually whiffs at close range more in the third strike, where it feels like it hovers slightly above and still hits most targets, I suppose looking at how it behaves yourself a bit more from either the source game or a 3S version of him for mugen will probably help.

He also seems to get stuck in mid-air if hit during the startup animation before it connects

 I feel like also maybe swapping the sprite for spark of light for something more like Guile's V-Skill or Jedah's spinning scythe to fit in more with the Light of Virtue specials

Examples in Spoiler.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I don't think in the original game you could link 2 Rising Rage Flash's together but I like this change whether intentional or not, and might even suggest adding the ability to continue it beyond just the 2, so maybe you could chain 2 into EX or Super possibly. I think reviewing the way his throws behave is also important, I'm not sure if they were like this before the edit but I feel like throw 1 launches the person too high and throw 2 doesn't have the verticality it normally has, so I'd suggest giving them a look.

Lastly I think this is mostly just personal preference but I think Blue Nocturne should either just become a level 2, and maybe create a level 3 out of Supreme Rising Rage Flash and/or Light of Justice, maybe like a combination super, or just a version with a bit more oomph, or at least giving him 1 offensive level 3 along with the level 3 blue nocturne counter, as it currently doesn't feel worth the meter for me.

I hope some of this is of help, but I also don't know if some of these things are intentional so that could also be fine depending on things
Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Remy edit updated
#31  October 16, 2022, 08:47:57 am
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...

Very good feedback.
I'm ok with 99,9% of that.

Also, I tried to customize Remy's palette into something CVS looking.
No file ready, I only worked in screencap. easier to me.
I can create the palette if needed, but It will take time.
Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Remy edit updated
#32  January 28, 2023, 04:49:01 pm
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    • Netherlands
Yes, I'm still alive :p

I made an update to Remy with some fixes, redownload from 1st post please :)

<Diek Stiekem's Edit, update>
- Fixed issue with Cold Blue Kick not working correctly if hit during it by the opponent
- Shiny new character select screen artwork courtesy of Felo_Llop!
- Slightly adjust his scaling per advice of Momotaro
- Made corrections to the hitstate of the opponent during both his throws.
"Such Heroic Nonsense!"

Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Remy edit updated
#33  January 28, 2023, 06:27:06 pm
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Yes, I'm still alive :p

I made an update to Remy with some fixes, redownload from 1st post please :)

<Diek Stiekem's Edit, update>
- Fixed issue with Cold Blue Kick not working correctly if hit during it by the opponent
- Shiny new character select screen artwork courtesy of Felo_Llop!
- Slightly adjust his scaling per advice of Momotaro
- Made corrections to the hitstate of the opponent during both his throws.

That's my buddy, still rocking :)
I was expecting an update after seeing your message with Felo's art.
I'll test the update this evening.
Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Remy edit updated
#34  January 28, 2023, 10:54:03 pm
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Good to see you working on this Remy yet, very good!

Small problem: In Lv3 Super, If P2 is crouched, Remy's blows miss him (even if P2 is in front).
Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Remy edit updated
#35  January 29, 2023, 03:56:42 pm
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    • Netherlands
Good to see you working on this Remy yet, very good!

Small problem: In Lv3 Super, If P2 is crouched, Remy's blows miss him (even if P2 is in front).

Thanks for pointing that out!

Link in 1st post is updated :)
"Such Heroic Nonsense!"

Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Remy edit updated
#36  January 31, 2023, 07:04:04 pm
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    • Turkey
I have some feedback about seth that my friend trololo gave to me when I was editing seth(I eventually gave up)hope its useful

-And we're off with weirdass dashes! Their movement speed isn't supposed to drop: it must be constant until snappy stop. Also, wrong sound use: check JMM'S Ken to see which sounds are supposed to have FWD and BCK dashes at the startup, but on landing it's supposed to be a basic step sound from run (I mean, it's a sliding dash, not leaping dash). (düzenlendi)
-I'm not sure here, since it's not something I follow myself, but aren't Light Attacks supposed to cancel into themselves?
-Not a feedback, but something to take a note for and check later: is his Crouching MP supposed to 2-hit? I mean, it IS functional, meaning it IS intended, but I'm not sure...
-Close Standing HK's hitpauses are too short. Even in 3-hitters they're supposed to have the same 12, 12.
And no, his Crouching HP 2-hits too. No rumble here too, because THAT I sure as hell know ow: it IS supposed to be like that.
-His Far HP has too much active frames, IMHO. You can catch enemy on jump with this crap. Gotta shorten the existence time of Red Hitboxes in this move.

Also, a good idea would be to make it thinner vertically, for the same reason. (düzenlendi)
Well, you could also check his framedata. If it IS like that in there, then maybe leave it like that, but I think these are wrong things for such move from the basic balance point.
-OK, this one clearly needs his hitbox reviewed too.

Don't need to make it EXACTLY like Ken's, but for a downward attack it isn't supposed to have hitbox this high, it must be aimed lower.

-One more not so fair hitbox. The same thing to do with Stretchy punch: thin it out vertically for it to have less upper range.

-I understand there might not be another way to go with THIS one, but I'm feeling it's somehow wrong... Maybe I'll get back to it later when I'll think of de wae.

-Shit, ALL of his Jumping attack has wackyass hitboxes! GO FIND A REFERENCE, THESE THINGS MUST NOT STAND!

A big example with the same Urien. Sure, the attack's direction is different, but sprite is the same and nothing says you can't use this hitbox.

-Review his Shoryuken: is THIS frame supposed to be the first active one?

Yeah,Jump is weirdly smooth. But that isn't mechanical error either, why I didn't say anything about it. Feel free to drop some frames out of it though, that WILL make it look better.
-Screw Piledriver: OR make it blockable, OR give it a Full Circle command back! Unblockable half of circle is OP!
-Also, WHAT'S WITH THESE HITBOXES? Why is his blue hitbox tiny now for the whole "Punish me!" part? Why is his red hitbox so huge vertically?
Granted, it does NOT catch the airbourne enemies, but it still looks ugly.
-Whole Success part of Screw Piledriver might need a recoding, if this grab is still relying on hitboxes.It needs custom states

Also, this uglyass hitbox will NOT be good if this isn't 1 on 1 match.
Everything after the initial grab and until piledriver itself.
I mean, it's a GRAB. Ad THIS point it ISN'T supposed to be a launcher based on hitboxes. Now it's supposed to be ALL Custom States.
Custom grab reaction, custom launch, ets.
-For the sake of beauty, positions of hitsparks in Hyakuretsukyaku's successful part could be randomized.
-Also, NEED SETH'S FRAMEDATA, but is Hyakuretsukyaku supposed to be positive on block? It's safe as hell.
-Sigh... Talking about hitboxes where are supposed to be Custom States again...

I mean, the move is successful AND visually directed. It shall NOT be interrupted by outside influence of potential partners. Need to make it custom states.
-Also, check the differences between LK, MK, HK and EX Hyakuretsukyaku in SF4. Are they REALLY supposed to have the same amount of hits and enemy's movement after the last hit? Because at this point EX version is NOT different from the basic versions but with extra HP taken.
Damn, his Yoga Teleport looks beautiful. Just decided to add that.
-Sigh... I'm useless here, but I bet that's NOT how the Tanden Engine is supposed to function. Yeah, I didn't play SF4 in ages, and even when I did play, it was ever Seth, so I don't know shit...
-Sigh... This system of vacuum sucks in Tandem Engine, but in Tandem Storm it makes the move outright f*cking ATROCIOUS. Gotta remake the way it all works, it sucks the enemy in too much!
-Tandem Typhoon could use the zone nerf.


-Tandem Stream could be done better, but it's overall functional, so no you can leave it like that.
In SF4 this damn super not sucks the enemy in right away, but, as long as it's in zone, moves him AWAY for some distance before starting to suck him.
-Glitchy flash in Super Cancel from the MAX Mode.

-Use Froz's Urien's scale parameters, it looks better like that.
-Wackyass animation again, this time Zero Counter.


Well, and misalligned spark too, but the problem here is the fact authors used THIS attack as a freaking counter attack! Not with its range, pal, pick another one! Maybe Shoryuken?

-I keep finding new problems now that I'm doing this Seth vs Seth: this goddamn Close HK actually TRIPLEHITS on the tall enemies! Fix that!

Well, I think that's all for me.
Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Hayato Kanzaki edit released
#37  June 16, 2024, 06:37:08 pm
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    • Netherlands
Something new in the first post ;)
I don't spend a ton of time on Mugen these days but I wanted to get some Star Gladiator love out there :)
"Such Heroic Nonsense!"

Re: Diek Stiekem's Edits - Hayato Kanzaki edit released
#38  June 16, 2024, 06:48:58 pm
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That's great to hear, I always hoped this Hayato would get an edit from someone, I'll definitely try it out.

I know the original was a bit weird because for some reason you had to hold down 3 buttons for the charge to work, but if you edited the commands to be just the Y/B it wouldn't work.