
Double Release - Dodge Ball (Scott Pilgrim) and Overworld (Super Mario World) (Read 6983 times)

Started by GarfieldfanMUGEN, June 26, 2021, 06:52:46 am
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Double Release - Dodge Ball (Scott Pilgrim) and Overworld (Super Mario World)
#1  June 26, 2021, 06:52:46 am
  • **
  • This looks like a job for... the Caped Avenger!
  • All-Out Gamer and Garfield fan
    • USA
I kindly ask these stages not be uploaded to MUGEN Archive.
Thank you in advance.

(note: the Ramona character is for display only)

Back on my bullshit again, I made two stages. The Dodge Ball minigame from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game and my take on one of the overworlds in Super Mario World. Both have looped music and animation, and they work on 1.0 as well as 1.1 (albeit in Overworld's case, limited with the regular DEF compared to the 1.1 DEF).

Download: Dodge Ball - Overworld
"Heh. The Garfield strip's funny today."

Sprites in avatar by Wlan Productions