
IKEMENGO Compiliation (SF3 vs. MOTW) (Read 6366 times)

Started by BeastwithFriends, December 24, 2024, 11:18:36 pm
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IKEMENGO Compiliation (SF3 vs. MOTW)
#1  December 24, 2024, 11:18:36 pm
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Hi! I made a simple SF3/MOTW compilation for my friend for Christmas and I felt like sharing it.

I made few bug fixes and edits to a few characters using the advice of people on this forum, so it plays a little more smoothly now.

It features full rosters from both 3rd Strike and MOTW. Everyone has stages, AI, move lists, victory quotes, and endings.

After some light editing, all of the characters work in tag modes now too, though the way their super meters work varies, so it’s super unbalanced/chaotic.

I adjusted the x/y scales for all characters to look closer to the arcade games, and I made the Garou cast taller so that they’d be more in line with the SF3 cast.

For stages, I adjusted zoomin/zoomout, topz, x/y scales, vertical flow, and floor tensions based on my preferences. I did look at reference screens and videos for inspiration.

It doesn’t have a slick new SF3/Garou screenpack, but I did modify this old Jmorphman screen pack to have IKEMEN features.
There’s a change log and credit list below. Enjoy!

(I looked up forum rules for compilations, but couldn’t find any. I saw a few others post compilations recently, so I thought it was okay. If I’m breaking any rules, let me know.)

Link HERE:

Why Third Strike and Mark of the Wolves?
Street Fighter III: Third Strike and Garou: Mark of the Wolves are two of the best fighting games ever. They both have fluid animation, thoughtful game design, and super fun advanced defense mechanics. They also have similarities from a lore perspective, jumping ahead in time from their previous games to introduce a new cast.
I thought it would be fun to combine the two into an IKEMEN compilation.

Why IKEMEN GO 98.2

I have a lot of SF3 characters by Umihei in this build. Their integrated super meters don’t display properly in the latest versions of IKEMEN GO or Mugen 1.1, but they look great in IKEMENGO 98.2. That’s the main reason I’m using this older version of IKEMEN.

Actions/Change Log
•   (Bug fix) Rock Howard can now throw from the corner and swap positions with opponent. (Thanks ODB 718 for the solution!)
•   (Bug fix) Edited all of GM’s characters to deal damage during Tag mode (code from P.O.T.S. on Mugen Guild Forum).
•   (Bug fix) Edited GM’s Ryu, Ken, Gouki, Ibuki to deal throw damage to all of Umihei’s characters (guidance from ODB 718 and Lyrica). They weren’t dealing any throw damage to these characters before.
•    (Bug fix) Edited crouching medium kick for Dudley by Kamekaze to resemble Tin’s Dudley. Original code was causing Umihei’s characters to float infinitely.
•   Turned off arranged and 2nd impact modes for Kamekaze’s Dudley so that it’s strictly 3rd strike mode now.
•   (Work around) Fixed NHK’s Makoto kara through. Don’t know if it’s because IKEMEN, but weak and medium kara throws would always whiff. Changed the command file to always perform heavy kara throw regardless of what button you use, since kara throws are all the same to my knowledge.
•   (Known Issue) – The game stalls when AI Ryu wins by Ex-Donkey Kick. I believe this started happening after I added the grading system to the screen pack. I’ve been using hotkeys to skip forward to the next round when this happens.  I believe you could also comment out the grading system in the system.def.
•   (Known Issue) – Flam’s B. Jennet has a different button map than all of the other garou characters. Remap doesn't work with IKEMEN 98.2. Don’t know how to fix this.
•   (BUG FIX) I got IKEISLEGEND to help edit Remy by Homura to run on IKEMEN 98.2. His sonic booms were disappearing in the air prior to contact because of a Projcon issue. Some of them were dealing 50 percent damage on a single hit too. I haven’t had a lot of time to see if there are any other bugs, so I’ve included this Remy as an alternate. He’s commented out in the select.def next to umihei’s remy. You can swamp him in if you like to try him.
•   Turned of Homura’s Remy’s arrange mode.
•   Collected relatively source-accurate representations of characters and stages.
•   Included 3rd strike-style characters that did not appear in the original game (Bison, Evil Ryu, Sakura).
•   Edited characters’ and most stages’ Xscale and Yscale values to resemble arcade aspect ratios better. They were a bit stocky and short before.
•   Edited Xscale and Yscale values for characters so that their relative heights are represented appropriately across the different game series and in relation to one another.
•   Edited zoom values to stages to be dynamic, but not distracting. This isn’t consistent. I removed zoom entirely on some stages.
•   Edited floor tension so that camera feels a little looser and tilts up to follow action more frequently.
•   Added stage loop for Ryu stage.
•   Edited stage loop for Hotaru stage, removing the round-two mid-day phase, because I don't think that was in the actual game.
•   Included a mix of New Generation, 2nd Impact and Third Strike stages to represent Street Fighter.
•   Edited Umihei’s Ryu so that Evil Ryu mode is the default and is the only mode selectable. I tried to update the .sff for the select screen, but it seemed to be breaking some coding, so I ditched that.
•   Removed Umihei’s characters stun bars, because they looked unfinished.
•   Removed the selectable Makoto’s stun bar system when facing opponents that already have stun bars, so they don’t overlap. Used NHK’s prescribed method.
•   Made Sakura from Rei’s Twelve’s X-Copy selectable on start. She still has Twelve sprites present when tagging in and tagging out in team battle. I didn’t know what to do here, so I wrote dialogue in her victory quotes that hints that Sakura is actually Twelve in disguise. (probably not a big deal)
•    (Fixed) Updated intros for Freeman and Hokutomaru. Updated Dong Hwan winpose with Kim. I broke them when I changed the Xscale/Yscale values.
•   Removed special intro for Ryu/Ken. I broke it when I changed the Xscale/Yscale values.
•   Fixed flickering sprite issue on select screen for Grant and a few others.
•   Edited Screenpack to include IKEMEN-only features (animated stances, grading system, game modes, network play) and changed some music. Small changes everywhere.
•   AI patched all characters that were missing AI. This cannot be scaled from the options screen. You’d have to go into individual characters to change their difficulty, if that option is even present.
•   Replaced Marco portrait with appropriate portrait. It was Marco from Metal Slug for some reason previously.
•   Hid AI-only versions of characters/characters prone to auto-AI activation from select screen so players cannot select them accidentally using Random Select. Used “exclude” parameter so that AI-only characters do not appear in survival and 100 fight kumite, unfortunately.
•   Added Lasombra Demon water splash effect to Gato stage.
•   Replaced vanilla IKEMEN tag with P.O.T.S. Active Tag. It’s more fluid and compatible.
•   Changed default speed from 60 fps to 64 fps to feel a little faster.
•   Set Gill and Kain to appear as mandatory sub-bosses. Set Gouki to appear as final boss. And used “single” parameter so they appear solo in team modes.
•   Tried to distribute characters from SF3 and MOTW evenly across arcade mode stages.
•   Added move lists. These move lists are incomplete and I didn’t do a good job of proof reading them. If you’re really interested in a character, it’d probably be better to look up a guide online. Feel free to take them and update them.
•   Added all unique endings that I could find. For other’s, added generic CVS ending where Gouki is defeated.
•   Changed screen pack default victory quote.
•   Disabled screen pack victory screen for SF3 characters that came with built-in victory screen that resembles the arcade.
•   Disabled victory quotes screen for characters with broken victory quotes screen graphics.
•   Wrote victory quotes for characters that needed it, some based on the actual in-game victory quotes, some based on pop-culture references.
•   Something is triggering GM characters to pull from the screen pack victory quotes. I thought it was the Japanese victory quotes, so I commented those out. It’s still happening though. I’m not sure what it is.

Credit List
•   Alex by GM/Stage by/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   B. Jennet by Flam/Stage by Unsigned (duracelleur, I believe)
•   Chun Li by Muteki (AI by Umihei)/Stage by Unsigned (Neo Gouki, I believe)/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Dong Hwan by Tukemon (AI by M3)/Stage by Claudio Toxi
•   Dudley by Kamekaze/Stage by Unsigned (G.D.T. I believe)/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Elena by Umihei/Stage by Phirmost/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Evil Ryu by Umihei/Stage by GDT (using 2nd Impact Gouki stage)
•   Freeman by Ikaruga/Stage by LyNCH
•   Gato by GM/Stage by Claudio Toxi (Stage loop implemented by Lasombra Demon) (Splash effect by Lasombra Demon)
•   Gill by GM/Stage by betochac/Manuz/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Grant by Abuhachi/ Stage by Claudio Toxi
•   Griffon by GM/Stage by Unsigned (Crosscat, I believe)
•   Gouki by GM/Stage by xWagnerPlaguesx/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Hokutomaru by M@ppy (AI by Ran)/Stage by Unsigned (duracelleur, I believe)
•   Hotaru by GM/Stage by Claudio Toxi (Stage loop implemented by Lasombra Demon)
•   Hugo by GM/ Stage by/Ending by Dany the Dog, edited by Leon72
•   Jaehoon by Tukemon (AI by M3)/Stage by Claudio Toxi
•   Ibuki by GM/Stage by Dark Savior/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Kain by Abuhachi/Stage by Claudio Toxi
•   Ken by GM/Sean NG Stage by Phirmost /Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Kevin by NHK/Stage by Claudio Toxi (Stage loop implemented by Lasombra Demon)
•   Kevin by M@ppy (AI by DaMarioMemer) (Only appears in Arcade mode)
•   Makoto by NHK/Stage by Manuz (edited by Carmell)/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Makoto by NHK/Creamy Goodness (Only appears in Arcade mode)
•   Marco by Kn (AI by Seizi)/Stage by Claudio Toxi
•   Necro by Rajaaboy/Stage by Manuz/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Oro by Umihei/Stage by MIMCHOU/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Q by Umihei and Violin Ken/Stage by Dany the Dog/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Remy by Umihei/Stage by Dany the Dog/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Rock Howard by Kn (AI by Keln)/Stage by Claudio Toxi/ending by hector arhuata
•   Ryu by GM/Stage by/Round 1 Stage by Dark Savior/Round 2 stage by Unsigned (G.D.T., I believe)/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Sakura by Rei/ Ken Stage by  Unsigned (xWagnerPlaguesx, I believe)
•   Sean by Muteki (AI by NEO NEO)/Stage by Dany the Dog (Edited by xWagnerPlaguesx)/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Terry Bogard by GM/Stage by Claudio Toxi (Stage loop implement by)
•   Twelve by Rei/Stage by Dany the Dog/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Urien by Rajaaboy/Stage by Unsigned (himazuke, I believe)/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Yang by Adamskie/Stage by DarkZemx/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Yang by Intense MC (AI by vwo) (Only appears in arcade mode)
•   Yun by Umihei/Stage by Unsigned (G.D.T., I believe)/Ending by Dany the Dog
•   Vega/Bison by Umihei/ Yang Stage by Dany the Dog
•   Intro to Akuma/Generic Ending by Lupe121283
•   Build compiled by BeastwithFriends
Last Edit: December 24, 2024, 11:34:12 pm by BeastwithFriends
Re: IKEMENGO Compiliation (SF3 vs. MOTW)
#2  December 25, 2024, 01:30:00 pm
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I remember years ago, I did a compilation of this for my own  :8): but I changed my mind because most garou characters weren't in high quality standard like gm and abuhachi at that time lol, the same goes for sf3's characters as well. At that time, I was waiting to hope rajaaboy might create all sf3 characters :mlol: then I might think of re-compile it  :P but I am glad to see you compiled one here  :8):

(Bug fix) Edited crouching medium kick for Dudley by Kamekaze to resemble Tin’s Dudley. Original code was causing Umihei’s characters to float infinitely.
I remember telling it to violin ken about it when he made an edit of umihei's q: I am glad the issue was fixed  :8):

Umihei has a gouki where his Shin mode resembles more like cvs2 version compared to gm's version, there is also a hidden hilarious mode in umihei's gouki where there were lots of dictators and rose in his intro, you might want to consider having him as like a special boss or something and having his stage: Shin Gouki stage (game bug) by Cybaster in here: unsure if this stage is release which I don't think so

It is cool to see this compilation that I attempted to compile years ago :8):

My real life is coming soon........!
Re: IKEMENGO Compiliation (SF3 vs. MOTW)
#3  December 25, 2024, 04:27:45 pm
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Thanks for the kind words oraora?! I'm glad you like all of the bug fixes. I've been reading a lot of tutorials and asking questions, and I'm glad I could contribute something finally.

 I was pretty late to the game, but I remember finding a copy of Rajaboy's old website or old threads saying he was working on Q and Strider. I would have loved to see those!

I'll check out Umihei's Gouki. I didn't know it had a Shin mode. I remember testing all of this stuff trying to find the best versions over the years. That Gouki is really good too!

I'm debating continuing to work on this. It might be kind of expensive, but I'm looking into commissioning people to edit Rage of the Dragons/Matrimelee/Last Blade characters to be MOTW style. The MOTW side of the roster is a little thin compared to the SF3 side and I thought it would be fun beefing up that side a little. Thanks again for checking out the compilation!
Re: IKEMENGO Compiliation (SF3 vs. MOTW)
#4  December 26, 2024, 12:03:24 am
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I just gave it a try and holy shit, playing on arcade was a ride to hell, CPU characters have a counter for each move you do, they can combo and cancel into a super, not to mention if you miss a punch or kick, they will combo in, both garou and sf3 characters are insanely hard, good luck if you manage to beat one of them, this isn't your friendly pick up and play crossover, heck even for a fighting game veteran as myself lol
Re: IKEMENGO Compiliation (SF3 vs. MOTW)
#5  December 26, 2024, 02:27:58 am
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Thanks for playing! Yeah, it's hard for sure. I playtested it alot and got better playing through it, but it still takes me a while. .... I can only get to the final boss (gouki) but I haven't been able to beat him, but he's the only one. It's GM's Gouki, so I know he didn't make him unbeatable and I'm working toward taking him out haha!

I did go through most of the patches I found and dialed them back a few notches on difficulty. It's probably set at just above normal for everyone, with a few exceptions toward the end where it really ramps up. I added the 100 fight Kumite, so everyone can see everything without having to fight through arcade mode.

I think, when I started making this, I was watching a lot of Justin Wong Youtube it's hardcore for sure :)
Re: IKEMENGO Compiliation (SF3 vs. MOTW)
#6  January 16, 2025, 09:15:34 am
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I'll check out Umihei's Gouki. I didn't know it had a Shin mode. I remember testing all of this stuff trying to find the best versions over the years. That Gouki is really good too!
He has a hidden mode, now I remember, it was psycho gouki with psycho power :P from what I could remember, he needs to be configure in a config file to enable him, tin made a gato with ex mode like what you did to umihei's ryu and in sf3 hitspark and sound effect, one of my best favorite gato back then :8): you might want to consider him if you want and named him Gato Ex or something

I'm debating continuing to work on this. It might be kind of expensive, but I'm looking into commissioning people to edit Rage of the Dragons/Matrimelee/Last Blade characters to be MOTW style. The MOTW side of the roster is a little thin compared to the SF3 side and I thought it would be fun beefing up that side a little. Thanks again for checking out the compilation!
This reminded me, I saw Ikaruga's twitter in one of his tweet, he mentioned about deciding to make Kaede from Last Blade series in Mark of the Wolves style, but he seems to be inactive for like two years

My real life is coming soon........!
Re: IKEMENGO Compiliation (SF3 vs. MOTW)
#7  February 04, 2025, 11:57:59 pm
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He has a hidden mode, now I remember, it was psycho gouki with psycho power :P from what I could remember, he needs to be configure in a config file to enable him, tin made a gato with ex mode like what you did to umihei's ryu and in sf3 hitspark and sound effect, one of my best favorite gato back then :8): you might want to consider him if you want and named him Gato Ex or something

I didn't know about this Gato from Tin! I'll look him up. That would be worth including for sure! Thanks for the info!...I looked up Psycho Gouki on Youtube...He's pretty hilarious haha

This reminded me, I saw Ikaruga's twitter in one of his tweet, he mentioned about deciding to make Kaede from Last Blade series in Mark of the Wolves style, but he seems to be inactive for like two years

I love Ikaruga's characters. He's really good at retrofitting different mechanics onto different assets. He's a creator I'd love to see come back!
Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 12:04:10 am by BeastwithFriends