
Tekken, Street Fighter, Virtua Fighter, Mortal Kombat DoA chars making and more (Read 1808886 times)

Started by chuchoryu, October 16, 2012, 02:32:35 am
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Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#421  April 27, 2013, 04:35:25 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
@Chuchoryu: New updates for your chars. coming soon

now back to the show:
- long time ago on MFG when I was downloaded his characters the first thing what I saw is:
bad CLSN's and animations
then I was decided to work with his characters.
also I have done some sprites to his characters like heihachi,I was give to him a demon breath special atack...
also to paul a speech sprites
here if you don't belive to me:

What did you do to paul? i cant understand what you wrote.

improve speech sprites you can see if you download this my ver. of character

Just the sound files? Anyway i tried him out, not bad im thinking of mabey converting him to CvTW
if he gets some more attacks, if its cool with chuchoryu also.
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#422  April 27, 2013, 04:45:36 pm
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no sound a sprites when he is in winpose I gave to him a mounth understand?
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#423  April 27, 2013, 04:50:27 pm
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Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#424  April 27, 2013, 05:07:22 pm
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Basically, Duck did nothing important to Paul whatsoever.
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#425  April 27, 2013, 05:14:03 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#426  April 27, 2013, 05:58:20 pm
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  • a.k.a DuckSS
ok I will update chuchoryu's chars. for some hour stay cool.
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#427  April 27, 2013, 10:42:24 pm
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If he wants to keep releasing betas, let him.  This is obviously the way intends to work.
Most of you guys sound like a broken record honestly.


I... never thought of it like that. TRUEMicah, you just gave me better insight to all of this. Whoa...

I still don't like him though. That ain't changing!!
All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#428  April 27, 2013, 10:58:11 pm
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Yea man, It sucks.  :no:
I wish creators such as chuchoryu would listen to feedback and polish their works accordingly.
It's such a pity, especially since he has so much potential!
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#429  April 27, 2013, 11:03:45 pm
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Yea man, It sucks.  :no:
I wish creators such as chuchoryu would listen to feedback and polish their works accordingly.
It's such a pity, especially since he has so much potential!

::steps up on to personal Mugen soapbox::

You see, that's the thing: He is his own worst enemy. He does not listen to our feedback, nor does he complete anything. And all of his works have potential!! If you want to release betas, keep that up. That's just fine and dandy if you're into that type of thing. As I have said before (I'm being too lazy to quote myself here), his Kazuya is at least halfway decent because he is somewhat, you know, finished. Imagine if he continually improved his releases and refined his coding?? We'd have greatness on our hands!!

Yeah. Exactly. Keep imagining it. It ain't gonna ever happen. And that's my complaint. And a very valid one at that.

::steps back off of personal Mugen soapbox and tucks it back under my desk::
All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#430  April 27, 2013, 11:33:34 pm
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Ogre's grab move actually makes the opponent fly away from him b4 Ogre can land the last hit. The only place you can completely execute the move is in the corner. Also when the opponent gets shot off by the attack they stand up in an awkward dizzy state. I hope that makes sense and u can fix that
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#431  April 28, 2013, 02:07:45 am
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i wish the link wasnt dead for that young Hiehachi

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Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#432  April 28, 2013, 10:29:21 pm
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    • Mexico
Well I no read all fro this reason: I go to work in the weak and I no have Internet to read each time as I nedd, I need to go to some places in Mèxico called "Cafe Internet" for rent Internet one hour for $10.00 mexican pesos. I know some people hate me and some admire me (I no give names) I can only say that anyone can be critic and others are part of stage I try to make good chars heach time but my job prevents me, there are times where I have to wait days to be able to use internet one hour in a week (Ahumio Kahn knows this) many of you have internet at home or X BOX 360, I no have house I let alone a X Box 360 to play, I have a computer (I foun for years of work model 2004) and even I do not use the computer to much time as I need, so I ask you, your understand my situation?

Some will understand and other some just want perfection the first life like many others is not easy, in my case I just got out of a demand of two years ago, I was locked in the place where I live and nobody could tell anyone at all come to see me, I was about to go to jail a year ago, want to hear more?

Contact me if you want a mugen stuff or if you wanna give a donation I appreciate.
Nintendo 3DS friend code: 1307-0181-1655
Name: chuchoryu
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#433  April 28, 2013, 10:34:34 pm
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Well I no read all fro this reason: I go to work in the weak and I no have Internet to read each time as I nedd, I need to go to some places in Mèxico called "Cafe Internet" for rent Internet one hour for $10.00 mexican pesos. I know some people hate me and some admire me (I no give names) I can only say that anyone can be critic and others are part of stage I try to make good chars heach time but my job prevents me, there are times where I have to wait days to be able to use internet one hour in a week (Ahumio Kahn knows this) many of you have internet at home or X BOX 360, I no have house I let alone a X Box 360 to play, I have a computer (I foun for years of work model 2004) and even I do not use the computer to much time as I need, so I ask you, your understand my situation?

Some will understand and other some just want perfection the first life like many others is not easy, in my case I just got out of a demand of two years ago, I was locked in the place where I live and nobody could tell anyone at all come to see me, I was about to go to jail a year ago, want to hear more?

Damn dude. That's rough. Outside of the sore spot I have for you in Mugen, your internet situation sucks. I feel ya.

And honestly, if you only improved your stuff technically because tons have told you to do it, and then you do not, you wouldn't be getting the stiffened approach all of us, me included, are giving you.

Either way, I hope your net solution improves.
All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#434  April 28, 2013, 11:15:17 pm
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    • Brazil
Well I no read all fro this reason: I go to work in the weak and I no have Internet to read each time as I nedd, I need to go to some places in Mèxico called "Cafe Internet" for rent Internet one hour for $10.00 mexican pesos. I know some people hate me and some admire me (I no give names) I can only say that anyone can be critic and others are part of stage I try to make good chars heach time but my job prevents me, there are times where I have to wait days to be able to use internet one hour in a week (Ahumio Kahn knows this) many of you have internet at home or X BOX 360, I no have house I let alone a X Box 360 to play, I have a computer (I foun for years of work model 2004) and even I do not use the computer to much time as I need, so I ask you, your understand my situation?

Some will understand and other some just want perfection the first life like many others is not easy, in my case I just got out of a demand of two years ago, I was locked in the place where I live and nobody could tell anyone at all come to see me, I was about to go to jail a year ago, want to hear more?

Man, i understand you, this situation is like many other that i know ,some times we just forgot that every body have a real life!
It's Just the life are 'hard' to some people in the wolrd, expecialy in coutry's like your's,mine and much others...
i have hard life to not like many other's but have to work to, put food in my house, i not rich!
You just prove that the Human being can make mystake's, nobody is perfect, the world is not perfect...
You have proved that behind of every avatar exist a real person with a real life, not a Robot!
And most of all, you prove your love to M.U.G.E.N!!! :kugoi:
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#435  April 28, 2013, 11:26:10 pm
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I know some people hate me and some admire me (I no give names)

Don't play the victim. People doesn't hates you because they give constructive critiques to your work. Saying to change the CLNs or something specific is for you to improve your work, is not hate.
If people says: give credit to the author of those sprites is not people going against/hating you, it's for your own good.

Not because people doesn't says "woah, nice +1" means they hate you. Maybe it's because people sees that your work have potential and need to be improved, that's all.
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#436  April 28, 2013, 11:26:53 pm
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    • Mexico
Well I no read all fro this reason: I go to work in the weak and I no have Internet to read each time as I nedd, I need to go to some places in Mèxico called "Cafe Internet" for rent Internet one hour for $10.00 mexican pesos. I know some people hate me and some admire me (I no give names) I can only say that anyone can be critic and others are part of stage I try to make good chars heach time but my job prevents me, there are times where I have to wait days to be able to use internet one hour in a week (Ahumio Kahn knows this) many of you have internet at home or X BOX 360, I no have house I let alone a X Box 360 to play, I have a computer (I foun for years of work model 2004) and even I do not use the computer to much time as I need, so I ask you, your understand my situation?

Some will understand and other some just want perfection the first life like many others is not easy, in my case I just got out of a demand of two years ago, I was locked in the place where I live and nobody could tell anyone at all come to see me, I was about to go to jail a year ago, want to hear more?

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Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#437  April 28, 2013, 11:47:53 pm
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Don't play the victim. People doesn't hates you because they give constructive critiques to your work. Saying to change the CLNs or something specific is for you to improve your work, is not hate.
If people says: give credit to the author of those sprites is not people going against/hating you, it's for your own good.

Not because people doesn't says "woah, nice +1" means they hate you. Maybe it's because people sees that your work have potential and need to be improved, that's all.

Very well said. Let's hope you get through to him.

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All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#438  April 29, 2013, 02:34:35 pm
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    • USA
Not because people doesn't says "woah, nice +1" means they hate you. Maybe it's because people sees that your work have potential and need to be improved, that's all.
^This so much.  Far too many creators don't get this.
This is how you recognize a character is polished or not : when small details are taken care of to provide the best experience possible.
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#439  April 29, 2013, 06:08:25 pm
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    • Bangladesh
I know some people hate me and some admire me (I no give names)
Some people hat you?!!! I suck to see this. Their is no body who hate you. Because You win our minds by your works. :)

Sig 1: I am nobody... Neither you... We won't be any matter just after a few years later when we die. Enjoy the happiness and sadness for now.

Sig 2: When someone or, a bunch of people makes fun of you. The total time they invested in making fun of you, is the time they couldn't manage to stay focused on their work or, development. If you care about them, let them know. If you don't, then don't bother. Stay focused on your own business.

Sig 3: You did a mistake and then you simply admit it after realizing your fault. This is one of the coolest things ever you can do in your lifetime.
Re: Tekken and Street Fighter 4 chars making
#440  April 29, 2013, 06:54:23 pm
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Seriously? -_-
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