
Castle - Major Progress (Read 46010 times)

Started by Sean Altly, August 22, 2018, 11:05:39 pm
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Castle - Major Progress
#1  August 22, 2018, 11:05:39 pm
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My computer died back in January and my family has been going through some shit but I finally got another computer that I can comfortably sprite on. Progress since then has been fast, two weeks ago the only animations I had done for Castle was his walk and crouch. Since then I've done all of his gethit sprites, all basic actions (jump, guard, get up, etc.), and most of his normals. I'd say he's 50-60% done which is crazy to me. The yellow trim on his uniform will be done via color separation once all his sprites are done.

Short Bio: Ambrosio Castillón is the leader of a powerful private militia based in South America. Planning a huge coup, Castillón volunteers for the experiment to see if it can benefit his army and make them stronger. He is a man of honor and feels that he should volunteer first, since he would not ask his men to do something he would not. He gains the ability to render himself temporarily impervious to pain or damage of any kind. He decides to keep these powers to himself, and tells his men that he is invincible because he has been chosen by a higher power to lead them. He recognizes Obsydian and Kane as the only beings capable of stopping him, and arrives in NYC to dispose of them so that he can be free to conquer.
Abilities: Can temporarily enter a state where he feels no pain, and his skin is impervious to damage from almost any man-made weaponry. Appears to be undying. However, he is still susceptible to internal injuries and trauma.

Here's a bunch of animations:


Command Normals

-Not sure yet, at least two, probably an overhead and a rolling sobat kick using his Jumping HK animation


-Fortify - QCB+K - Strikes a strong pose and "fortifies" himself, adding one hit of super armor. Can stock three hits but the animation duration for the pose gets longer with each additional hit added. If any Fortify animation is interrupted, he loses all super-armor stocked. No EX version.
    -Piercing Shell - QCF+P (with at least one Fortify Stock)  - 1/3rd screen dashing strike that pierces the opponent. Requires at least one Fortify be stocked. EX Version travels faster and farther with less start-up but slightly more recovery.

-Undermine - QCF+K - Sliding low kick that travels about half-screen.
    -Launch Kick - Pressing HK right before the slide connects changes the attack to swinging low kick that pops the opponent up into the and opens them up for a juggle or Interceptor special (see below). EX Version hits with the slide then does the pop-up as well.

-Overthrow - HCB+P -Grabs his opponent, which he follows with a strong overhead slam. EX Version dashes forward first, similar to Laura's EX grab in SFV.
    -Coup de Grace - Pressing any K after the opponent hits the ground from Overthrow results in a jumping double stomp to the gut of the grounded opponent.

-Interceptor - DP+P - Anti-air grab that when connects results in a strong overhead slam.
    -Coup de Grace - Pressing any K after the opponent hits the ground from Interceptor results in a jumping double stomp to the gut of the grounded opponent.

-Assault Shell - DP+K - An arching overhead slash kick with different trajectories and properties based on what K you use. EX version has less startup, recovery and an extra hit at the beginning making it safer.

Super Moves:

L1 - Bastion - QCBx2+K - Strikes a pose that adds 4 hits of super armor all at once. After all hits of SA are used, no more can be added for the rest of the round.

L1 - The Hand of God - QCBx2+P - A fast, short-range overhead hammer fist that does slightly more damage than an average L1 super

L3 - The Castle Storms You - QCFx2+P - 2/3rd screen dashing blow, when it connects, Castle performs several overhead slams followed by a massive jumping slam punctuated by a jumping double stomp to the gut

DM -Indestructible - QCFx2+S - Castle automatically Fortifies and then grabs his opponent, holds them up near him, takes out a grenade, pulls the pin and says "Face this together, shall we?" The grenade explodes, doing massive damage to the opponent but nothing to him.

Opinions and feedback welcome.

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Last Edit: September 18, 2018, 01:40:12 am by Sean Altly
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#2  August 22, 2018, 11:42:26 pm
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It's looking good, Sean.
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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#3  August 23, 2018, 01:03:15 am
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Good to see you still kicking Sean! Castle is looking good man, hope things go well for you and your family.
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#4  August 23, 2018, 04:38:18 am
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The Roasted Pheasant voice acting company is open for business. PM me, and I'll be glad to help.

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." -Mike Tyson
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#5  August 24, 2018, 02:45:18 am
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Thanks guys, I'm pretty hype. Thinking about also updating the big SHADEs 3 Project thread but kinda defeats the purpose of having a sub-forum.

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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#6  August 24, 2018, 02:57:11 am
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Glad to see you around and on your stuff man. I can relate. Earlier this year, I was going through it myself and my PC died as well. Wasn't until several months ago I was able to get a new PC and everything mellowed out. That stuff aside, char is looking pretty fresh my guy. You've come a long way over the years. The quality of your work shows in each iteration of this. Anims are nice and fluid. Very befitting of him.

I skimmed over his moveset, though nothing jumped out at me initially. I'll look at it more indepth later. Good job though, keep on keeping on brother lol.
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#7  August 24, 2018, 05:11:04 am
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Thanks man, looking forward to the feedback!

Meanwhile here's four more animations (crouch HP, standard win pose, Fortify pose, Assault Shell):

Assault Shell with FX

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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#8  August 26, 2018, 03:07:26 pm
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Wow, he looks pretty dope!
Reminds me a bit of Bison, but only in the "dictator" manor, and some animations.
Edit: Actually, it looks like a cross between Bison and Urien.

I really like the design you are going for with this one. Really happy to see you back, kicking ass!
Previously known as;
Mugen-Ninja 2011-2014.
The Street Fighter 2014-2021.
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#9  August 26, 2018, 03:42:55 pm
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I like what I'm seeing so far. The 3rd animation screams Urien/Gill to me for some reason

I hope this doesn't come about as a bother or anything, but I made this sprite of Castle when I first saw him a while back. Consider it a sort-of present and what-not:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Keep up the good work m8.
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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#10  August 27, 2018, 04:18:03 am
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Wow, he looks pretty dope!
Reminds me a bit of Bison, but only in the "dictator" manor, and some animations.
Edit: Actually, it looks like a cross between Bison and Urien.

I really like the design you are going for with this one. Really happy to see you back, kicking ass!

Thanks, he's def inspired by certain characters.

I like what I'm seeing so far. The 3rd animation screams Urien/Gill to me for some reason

I hope this doesn't come about as a bother or anything, but I made this sprite of Castle when I first saw him a while back. Consider it a sort-of present and what-not:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Keep up the good work m8.

Whoa, that sprite is kick-ass. Always blows my mind to see people do stuff like that with my sprites/characters, it's awesome. I've been away and have fallen out of touch with the graphics section here, do you know anyone who is open for animation commissions? I need someone to animate his stance for me, I'm having a hard time. But yeah, that sprite is choice dude.

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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#11  August 27, 2018, 06:51:05 pm
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Hmm, unfortunately no. You could try the Spriter's Bounty Thread and see if anyone picks up. Alternatively, I could ask a friend if he's open to doing this.

Glad you like the sprite, was a ton of fun to do.

EDIT: Just talked to him, and he won't be able to do it. So the Bounty Thread is your friend at this point.
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Last Edit: August 27, 2018, 07:24:31 pm by Ho-Oh's Apprentice
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#12  August 27, 2018, 07:08:23 pm
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I started something in the past (about an year ago) but then gave up because the palette you used is messed up.

The blues were all linked to the hair and the shoes, I think. The change of palette in my gif should show the mistakes.

And speaking of wrong colours, why are the soles of the boots changing colours in all the animations? They're brown but then they switch to a darker brown.

The legs shouldn't get all that light, they should look more or less like in this gif:
Last Edit: August 27, 2018, 07:12:06 pm by AlexSin
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#13  August 27, 2018, 11:45:09 pm
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Hmm, unfortunately no. You could try the Spriter's Bounty Thread and see if anyone picks up. Alternatively, I could ask a friend if he's open to doing this.

Glad you like the sprite, was a ton of fun to do.

EDIT: Just talked to him, and he won't be able to do it. So the Bounty Thread is your friend at this point.

Yeah I've had a bounty up in there for a while but no bites yet.


Not sure why the palette is like that, the Sprite in my .sff doesn't have the colors from the outfit/boots linked like that. The boots should be the same color as his belt and the darkest shade of his gloves. Hmmmm. If I'd known anyone was working on it I would have sent the most up to date sprite. And I meant to change the boot soles in the original sprite to match all the animations, just haven't done it yet. Gonna fix it in post, as they say. That stance looks nice so far, if you'd like I can  send an up to date sprite and pay you to finish it. Regardless, thanks for the feedback!

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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#14  August 30, 2018, 07:46:46 am
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This looks good Sean..
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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#15  September 11, 2018, 05:12:35 am
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Here's a bunch of screenshots. I'll be posting a video soon. He's very close to done, just have to code his super armor, DM, and then color separate the yellow stripes/trim on all the sprites.

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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#16  September 11, 2018, 10:49:55 am
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That stance looks nice so far, if you'd like I can send an up to date sprite and pay you to finish it. Regardless, thanks for the feedback!

You're welcome.
And about finishing it, I don't have time to do that since I'm involved in another project, but if you want to use it (complete it/make someone complete it), you're more than welcome to do so.
I like the screenshots, especially the first one with the cool pose with crossed arms. :D
Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 12:28:37 pm by AlexSin
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#17  September 12, 2018, 12:23:20 am
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Hey thanks man, I appreciate it, that helps me a ton.

Here's the video I was talking about. There are a few glitches to work out still.

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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#18  September 12, 2018, 11:35:13 pm
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So, looking at the video now. Is it just me or is Castle a little big? Just eyeballing it, but it looks like Castle has a good 2-4 inches on Moses.
The Roasted Pheasant voice acting company is open for business. PM me, and I'll be glad to help.

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." -Mike Tyson
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#19  September 13, 2018, 01:06:58 am
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Yeah he's supposed to be close to 7 feet tall. He's playing the part of the big bruiser in this game.

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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#20  September 13, 2018, 02:58:34 am
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Alright makes sense.

Great job on the animations btw, nice and smooth. Big stomps for big boys.
The Roasted Pheasant voice acting company is open for business. PM me, and I'll be glad to help.

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." -Mike Tyson
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#21  September 13, 2018, 03:38:43 am
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Thanks man. He's about a week from being finished and then it's on to SHADEs 3's next new character... ;)

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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#22  September 13, 2018, 03:46:06 am
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Castle is looking awesome! I love how you’ve designed this character.
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#23  September 13, 2018, 06:13:32 am
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Hey I appreciate it, it took me a long time to get motivated and I'm glad people like him. Can't wait to share him with everyone.

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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#24  September 13, 2018, 08:15:28 am
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Glad to see you back, your projects always inspired me. Happy belated birthday btw... like really belated :X
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#25  September 13, 2018, 07:27:08 pm
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Thanks, I really appreciate that. Finding my motivation to work on stuff again has been crucial, gives me something to do that's free (I'm broke AF taking care of my mom). It's really satisfying to see stuff come together and I'm glad people still want to see it.

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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#26  September 13, 2018, 07:48:58 pm
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I really liked the work being done on Castle and all the characters you've done. I enjoyed using them when I first started MUGEN. Can't wait to see him in his complete state. Just take your time, no need to rush.
Beware the Dark Wolf once more!
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#27  September 18, 2018, 01:43:54 am
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Just finished spriting and coding his DM, I updated the first post to reflect that I abandoned the Militia idea and instead went with something more related to his powers. He basically grabs his opponent and takes out a live grenade, letting it explode right between them, doing a ton of damage to the opponent but none to him because of his powers.

He is basically done. Just need to find a voice actor and finish adding the stripes/trim to his sprites. Probably looking at a beta release soon.

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Re: Castle - Major Progress
#28  September 23, 2018, 07:54:17 pm
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Wow, those are great news.
Anything coming from you is a mainstay in a lot of my different Mugens.

You're creative, talented, and anything SHADES is amazing.
Castle, as said earlier looks pretty good, can't wait to play him, and to see your next SHADES project.
Previously known as;
Mugen-Ninja 2011-2014.
The Street Fighter 2014-2021.
Re: Castle - Major Progress
#29  September 23, 2018, 08:15:30 pm
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Just finished spriting and coding his DM, I updated the first post to reflect that I abandoned the Militia idea and instead went with something more related to his powers. He basically grabs his opponent and takes out a live grenade, letting it explode right between them, doing a ton of damage to the opponent but none to him because of his powers.

He is basically done. Just need to find a voice actor and finish adding the stripes/trim to his sprites. Probably looking at a beta release soon.

That's great! A soldier like him would do something like that. I can't wait to see if you can get a good va for him, and I wonder who are you going to work on next for the game.