
Elle - New Character (Read 20499 times)

Started by Sean Altly, May 19, 2019, 07:32:49 am
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Elle - New Character
#1  May 19, 2019, 07:32:49 am
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Real Name: Ellodie Shayle
Abilities: Peak intellect and physical conditioning, expert hand-to-hand combatant, mastery of dual custom-designed, non-lethal stun batons named Cardiac and Lavender

Elle is the last of the main new characters for SHADEs 3 (along with Dark Nation, Monolith, Castle and After Image). She's a former MI6 agent turned bounty hunter from England. She was once obsessed with capturing the assassin known only as The Specialist, but following the experiment, he dropped off the map (because of his duties as head of The Collection Agency). After that, she became famous within her profession for always capturing the highest-profile bounties using only her bare hands (and the occasional cattle-prod). After the events of SHADEs 2, despite being very careful, The Specialist is caught in a photo with Moses Maddigan and it is widely circulated, eventually getting back to Elle. The price in her home country for his capture is incredibly high, so she decides to come to New York to capture him, hoping to retire afterwards. The Specialist knows that she is a genius strategist, expert martial artist and his equal in pretty much every way, so he goes into hiding until he can decide how best to confront her.

(she's missing the tail of the scarf in several images because I haven't yet decided if she's wearing a scarf or if it's the collar of her coat since I've seen coats like that before, lol)



-Orchid Heel - F+HK - an overhead spinning heel kick


-Lilac Wing - DP+P - Elle performs a vertically-ascending spinning palm attack. LP sees her rise in place, while HP causes her to dash about a third-screen forward before ascending. Holding down when the she lands out of the air will transition into Deadly Nightshade Pose

-Violet Wing - QCB+P - Elle performs an attack similar to Lilac Wing, but it moves horizontally and the rotation is reversed, making it a multi-hit pressure attack. Holding down when the she lands out of the air will transition into Deadly Nightshade Pose

-China Aster - QCF+P - A fast horizontal slicing attack. If HP is used, Elle sprints towards her opponent and transitions into the attack when close enough to guarantee contact

-Deadly Nightshade - B+LK+HK- Enters a low stance/pose that dodges most standing attacks/projectiles that can be followed up with several attacks
   -Morning Glory - HK - a sharply-angled flying kick
   -Foxgloves - HP - A very fast, short ranged double palm attack that causes hard knockdown
   -Canterbury Bells - LK - Launches into the air in a tight roll, making her a small target, then extends into a multi-hit toe-tap style kick
   -Cancel - LP - Cancels the pose
   -Evasive Roll - She can perform the standard evasive roll, forward or backward, out of this move as well


-L1 - Lily of the Valley - QCFx2+K in air - Performs a diving knee attack towards the opponent that passes through them when it connects, stunning them long enough for Elle to perform a huge jumping kick from behind that sends the opponent flying

-L1 - Lilac Angel - QCB+P during Deadly Nightshade Pose - A combo consisting of a long-range Violet Wing ending in a vertical Lilac Wing that's punctuated by a descending slash

-L2 - Ode to Pity - QCFx2+P - A ranbu-style super that ends with an Orchid Wheel/Foxgloves combo

-DM - Cardiac & Lavender - QCFx2+S - Elle finally busts out her unique dual stun batons, Cardiac and Lavender, and attacks several times with them, finishing with a sweep into a brutal extended electrocution of her grounded opponent


So far all of her basic actions and gethits are done, and I'll be starting her attacks soon. Still trying to figure out what her L2 super should be.

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Last Edit: June 23, 2019, 04:21:56 pm by Sean Altly
Re: Elle - New Character
#2  May 19, 2019, 03:01:51 pm
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I think it'd be a lot better if she did have the scarf. It's something that could be added on at the end.
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Re: Elle - New Character
#3  June 06, 2019, 03:19:25 am
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A bunch of animations!

Standing LP

Standing HP

Standing LK

Standing HK

Crouching LP

Crouch HP

Crouch LK

Crouch HK

Jumping LP

Jumping HP

Jumping LK

Jumping HK

Orchid Wheel

Deadly Nightshade

Morning Glory


Lilac Wind

Violet Wind

Lilac Gail

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Last Edit: June 06, 2019, 03:24:14 am by Sean Altly
Re: Elle - New Character
#4  June 06, 2019, 03:31:04 am
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Looking good. I like that you seem to have decided on a scarf for her. Helps her animations pop out more with extra stuff like that. SNK did that a lot, like with Rock's jacket. Looking forward to seeing her in action.
Re: Elle - New Character
#5  June 06, 2019, 04:58:50 am
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Thanks man, honestly I was just being lazy when I considered making it her collar, I thought it would be more annoying to animate but it's been fine. She's coming along very quickly, just needs her L2 super which I still haven't decided on, her DM, and her personal stuff (taunt, intros, win poses).

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Re: Elle - New Character
#6  June 07, 2019, 09:43:02 pm
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The classical designer has struck again. I will certainly be keeping, my eyes on her progress. Keep it rocking my man.
Re: Elle - New Character
#7  June 08, 2019, 12:32:21 am
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I think I've found my main for Shades 3! Loving the look of Elle.

Just as a thought, for her L2 Ode to Pity, how about a short ranbu style super starting with a Violet Wind, a few quick hits, ending in a Orchid Wheel > Foxglove with a bit of a dramatic pause.
Re: Elle - New Character
#8  June 10, 2019, 06:04:20 am
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I decided to go with that idea for her level 2 super, I updated the first post. I will be sure to give you credit. I also changed the concept of a cattle prod into dual stun batons called Cardiac and Lavender individually. She's very close to being finished!

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Re: Elle - New Character
#9  June 10, 2019, 10:35:02 am
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  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
I like the fact you dind't took just reference to Ingrid.
The other references make her moves more original.
Nice work.
Re: Elle - New Character
#10  June 20, 2019, 04:19:12 am
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Check her out in action!

Her audio is unfinished so she has some default Ryu voice (it's part of the template I use). I need a voice actor for her soon, she is pretty much finished. This is just a general showcase of her moveset and other stuff. The computer I'm doing stuff on right now is old so it lags pretty bad while recording, which messes with my inputs sometimes. Ignore these damage values, they're using the old damage dampener which has been replaced by Kamekaze. Also, I realized after uploading that her motorcycle intro sprites aren't layering correctly, whoops. Hope you enjoy!

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Last Edit: June 20, 2019, 04:35:14 am by Sean Altly
Re: Elle - New Character
#11  June 20, 2019, 04:36:03 am
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That's a seemingly masculine voice, or is that just Adamas getting hit?
Nvm just saw the edit when I posted this.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: Elle - New Character
#12  June 22, 2019, 03:16:26 am
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Also, added gloves!

Moveset and design-wise, she makes me think of a hawk. Lots of open handed strikes with swinging arms, and the hairstyle too. I dig it.
The Roasted Pheasant voice acting company is open for business. PM me, and I'll be glad to help.

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." -Mike Tyson
Re: Elle - New Character
#13  June 23, 2019, 05:42:47 pm
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Yeah her hands were always color separated and once I decided on an intro where she's riding a Ducati I figured gloves would look cool. I matched them with her boots.

I added a new special to the first post and adjusted some move descriptions and commands. She's pretty much done, just one more win pose to sprite and waiting on a voice actor (using VAC again, already had a couple of auditions, also going to replace Castle's voice finally). Can't wait to share this character with everyone!

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Re: Elle - New Character
#14  June 25, 2019, 09:13:39 am
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  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
looks nice!
I'm really impressed how fast and good you can work!

Perhaps its just an impression, but the hitposes seems really short.
It girves the feeling the attacks don't actually hit.
Re: Elle - New Character
#15  June 26, 2019, 03:44:23 am
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I'm assuming you're trying to get a VA with a British accent? Hope you either find an actual UK VA, or find a lady that can pull it off really well. Looking forward to her release.

EDIT: Forgot to mention: For her DM, I suggest making only the final portion where she's shocking p2 on the ground, able to kill(KO). Gives it a more dramatic effect with combination supers like that.
Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 03:49:47 am by DW
Re: Elle - New Character
#16  June 26, 2019, 07:30:08 pm
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Yup! New Main for sure! Really like what you've done for Ode to Pity, the final hit looks and feels meaty. :)

Really looking forward to getting to play with her.
Re: Elle - New Character
#17  September 24, 2019, 06:33:58 pm
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heres my playthrough/walkthrough with this new character.
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Hahahah fuck you photobucket.