
Roster (Read 25512 times)

Started by Sean Altly, January 10, 2018, 11:56:24 pm
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#1  January 10, 2018, 11:56:24 pm
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The game will feature the return of all of the SHADEs 2 characters except for The Specialist. That list is as follows:

-Det. Laurel
-Kane Kelly
(now completely transformed into Obsydian)
-Moses Maddigan
-Chad In Black

The game will feature a minimum of 5 New Characters, with the possibility of more being added later as free "DLC" (it's all technically DLC but you get what I'm saying). Those 5 are:

-Dark Nation (who is already completed but was never officially added to SHADEs 2)
-Castle - a South-American dictator with the power of extreme endurance and unbreakable skin and bones
-Elle - An English bounty hunter with expert combat prowess whose arrival in Manhattan sends The Specialist into hiding
-AfterImage - a young runaway with the ability to duplicate himself who owes his life to Maddicorp
-The Monolith - A towering member of Dark Nation who acts as a sub-boss and is an edit of my Mr. X sprites

Characters that I may add later are, in order of likelihood:

-The Renaissance Man - a former college professor with photographic memory, extreme intelligence and super-human athleticism
-Gospel - a religious zealot with lightning-based powers who was driven insane by the experiment
-Relay - An overly competitive high-school-aged girl with the power of super speed

I'm also most likely going to include two characters named Lynch and Cronyn, who will be edits of the Specialist/Solid Snake sprites and assets. They will be the game's Collection Agency representatives.

I'll be posting more character details soon. Be sure to give me any ideas or opinions you may have.

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Last Edit: March 31, 2019, 07:00:51 am by Sean Altly
Re: Roster
#2  January 11, 2018, 12:43:55 am
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So you are keeping Wyldestar after all?  What are you plans for her gameplay and story role?

As for Chad in Black, maybe one of the newcomers could inherit her gameplay without affecting the story.  I always felt that she had a playstyle that stands apart from the cast, tho a bit too good.
Re: Roster
#3  January 13, 2018, 01:22:00 am
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Cool to see you back, my guy.
Slow and steady wins the race, but there is a darkness... growing inside of me...

And if you provoke it...

I will slay you all.

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Re: Roster
#4  January 24, 2018, 08:12:20 am
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So you are keeping Wyldestar after all?  What are you plans for her gameplay and story role?

As for Chad in Black, maybe one of the newcomers could inherit her gameplay without affecting the story.  I always felt that she had a playstyle that stands apart from the cast, tho a bit too good.

Gameplay will mainly stay the same but her projectile is gone, replaced with the slash-type move her EX version has. Storyline wise, she's the one who causes Byrne to fully transform into Obsydian which sets the "City of Chaos" plot into motion.

I had considered a new character called Sketch (or Etch, undecided) who could draw things that come to life, and her gameplay would be very similar to Chad In Black's, but it all depends on how much time I have and how long it takes to sprite the other, more essential new characters (Castle, Elle, and After Image). I may also just include CIB as a "bonus" character who canonically isn't present in the story but is still playable.

Cool to see you back, my guy.

Thanks man!

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Re: Roster
#5  March 31, 2019, 06:59:45 am
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Updated the first post. Kamekaze and I decided a while back that Chad In Black should be in the game because of her unique playstyle. He's looking forward to doing some crazy stuff with her gameplay and AI. Also added The Monolith, who is completed.

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Re: Roster
#6  March 31, 2019, 07:17:41 am
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AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Miracles do happen! So are you retconning her ending, or something happens where she just comes back from Paris because somebody asks for her help?

Edit: Seeing all of this hype got me wondering why was there never a water based or a nature based experiment fighter in the roster?
Last Edit: March 31, 2019, 07:25:28 am by R565
Re: Roster
#7  March 31, 2019, 08:07:35 am
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A water-based character I think would just be too similar to Bloodtide. As far as nature-based the closest I came was a character I created (couldn't decide on Rift or Fracture for his name) who could manipulate earth/rocks. Never really considered like plants/trees or anything but it would probably be pretty cool.

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