
The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (Read 149074 times)

Started by Sean Altly, January 25, 2021, 04:12:15 am
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The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon
#1  January 25, 2021, 04:12:15 am
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^^^Q tattoo will be added later

Quavon Cannon
  -Country of Origin: Canada
  -Fighting Style: Pro Wrestling
  -Nickname: The Canadian King of the Ring
  -Bio: A brash, cocky pro wrestler who enters the tournament just to fight his rival, Sasuke Saito, to prove that he is the future of wrestling.



-None yet


-Shining Black - QCF+K - A quick forward dash that connects like a throw but can be blocked. If it hits, Quavon performs a step-up stiff boot to the face (base don a real wrestling move if you want to look it up on YouTube)
  -EX Version is unblockable

-Canadian Backbreaker - DP+P - An anti-air throw where Quavon catches his midair opponent and pulls them down into a backbreaker over his shoulder, followed by a forward toss.
  -EX Version adds a Death Valler Driver after the backbreaker

-Quavon Clutch - HCB+P - Quavon grabs his opponent and lifts them onto his shoulders and holds them for a follow-up. If he takes two long before he does a move or in between moves he toss the opponent away and they will land on their feet unharmed.
  -Move - Hold F or B during QC - Quavon walks slowly to the left or right while holding his opponent
  -Death Valley Driver - HP during QC -Plants the opponent straight down with a DVD
  -Widow Maker - HK during QC - Throws the opponent in the direction they were lifted. Can juggle or let them land for damage, or if near a wall, will cause wall bounce for extra damage
  -Quavon Crunch - Mash LP or LK in rhythm during QC - Quavon squeezes his opponent around his shoulders like a Torture Rack several times to add damage, but if you pres sthe buttons too fast or slow, the opponent will escape

-Trouble in Calgary - QCB+K - Quavon performs a spinning enziguri attack
  -EX Version is faster with less recovery


Offense Drive - Amityville Horror - QCBx2+P - Quavon performs an unblockable grab. If it connects, he lifts his opponent onto his shoulders, jumpss high in the air, and drops them with a sit-out bomb

Defense Drive - Nothing yet

Maximum Over Drive - Five Moves of Doom - QCFx2+P - Quavon runs at his opponent very quickly, and if he hits them, he performs a step-up knee, shoulder block, a Cannon Ball to the knocked down opponent, lifts them off the ground into a a Canadian Backbreaker, and finishes with a big tossing Fireman's Carry throw

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Last Edit: March 10, 2021, 05:29:26 pm by Sean Altly
Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon
#2  January 31, 2021, 03:13:11 am
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Have some WIP animations!

< Gotta fix some jumpiness in his balls region and on his arm, got a headache and gave up for a while

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Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#3  January 31, 2021, 03:22:02 am
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Loving those animation so far. Not sure if its something you planned for later but I do feel like his hair could use some movement in general.
Easily my favorite of the whole roster
Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#4  January 31, 2021, 04:22:12 am
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will he be a grapple like every wrestler in fighting games before him, or will he bring a new sort of flare to the ring.
Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#5  January 31, 2021, 04:24:51 am
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That's a good point, I spend so much time copying and pasting heads that I forget that hair moves sometimes. When I go back and add in the tattoo I will add that as well. Right now I'm making the sprites, and then going ahead and making the head swap for every animation.


A mix of both, I'm about to put up the planned movelists for both wrestlers to give folks an idea of how they'll be different despite being head swaps.

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Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#6  January 31, 2021, 04:32:23 am
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Dude looks like the superior Kofi Kingston lol. Really love his animations.
Previously known as;
Mugen-Ninja 2011-2014.
The Street Fighter 2014-2021.
Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#7  January 31, 2021, 09:49:09 pm
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Here's the Enziguri animation I just finished:

Not sure if I'll use this as his throw (like Alex in SFV) or if it will just be his standing HK.

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Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#8  January 31, 2021, 10:17:59 pm
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im hype for this
Follow me on twitter! @djhannibalroyce
Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#9  February 01, 2021, 12:07:08 am
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    • Canada
Canadian King of the ring...
Pink and Black uniform....

Do I sense a Brett Hart homage?
Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#10  February 01, 2021, 01:54:56 am
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Thats such a good animation. Love how smooth it is!
Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#11  February 02, 2021, 03:47:36 am
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Good to hear, I'm excited to have you voice him sir!

@Eric The Nihilist

Oh yeah, the pink/black/Canada stuff is def inspired by the Hart family. The rest of his design is a little Kofi Kingston, a little Xavier Woods, and a little Daniel Bryan.


Thanks man, I was surprised it turned out that way since the last few frames are recyvled from the Dropkick animation.

Here's his crouching HP:

Also his jumping HP:

All of his normals are now done, time to move onto his specials!


Also, have a powerbomb animation that I think turned out really good

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Last Edit: February 02, 2021, 10:09:01 pm by Sean Altly
Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#12  February 03, 2021, 09:57:19 am
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Holy shit these are so smooth I love em.
The Roasted Pheasant voice acting company is open for business. PM me, and I'll be glad to help.

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." -Mike Tyson
Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#13  February 03, 2021, 01:46:23 pm
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  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Good job!
Wrestlers are always in my fav characters list...
Yours looks great!
Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#14  February 03, 2021, 05:44:32 pm
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I love how the Clark base is barely discernible in all of these, and they look so natural on a wrestler character.

I just can't remember where this one comes from! :sweatdrop:
Here's his crouching HP:

Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#15  February 03, 2021, 06:25:39 pm
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Thanks my man!


I appreciate it, I'm a huge wrestling fan so I love giving characters wrestling moves.


That shoulder animation was actually the hardest. It's based on Alex's anim from SF3, but since they are wildly different sizes and proportions, I had to just draw my frames side by side until they looked right.

Fun fact: That enziguri animation from above is actually a couple of frames from Clark, Joe Higashi, and Ramon all blended into one animation, lol

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Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#16  February 09, 2021, 09:21:42 pm
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Looking for help, does anyone know of any characters that already exist for Mugen that have a kick animation that resembles Kofi Kingston's Trouble in Paradise finisher from WWE? It's just easier for me if I have a 2-D base to draw from or over. Here's a vid of this move for anyone unfamiliar with the move:

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Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#17  February 09, 2021, 09:24:53 pm
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  • I swear I've been working on Geese all this time.
  • Kind of POTS style editor, except not really.
Looking for help, does anyone know of any characters that already exist for Mugen that have a kick animation that resembles Kofi Kingston's Trouble in Paradise finisher from WWE? It's just easier for me if I have a 2-D base to draw from or over. Here's a vid of this move for anyone unfamiliar with the move:

Perhaps maybe Shingo Kick?
Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#18  February 09, 2021, 09:29:54 pm
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Man, your projects are awesome. I wish I had your skills for animating!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#19  February 09, 2021, 10:45:30 pm
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Looking for help, does anyone know of any characters that already exist for Mugen that have a kick animation that resembles Kofi Kingston's Trouble in Paradise finisher from WWE? It's just easier for me if I have a 2-D base to draw from or over. Here's a vid of this move for anyone unfamiliar with the move:

Perhaps maybe Shingo Kick?

YESSSSSS Thank you so much, I knew someone in KOF had a similar animation and it was driving me nuts!

Man, your projects are awesome. I wish I had your skills for animating!

Hey thanks, although most of my animations are base don existing ones, I'm not very good at animating from scratch! Always loved your stuff too.



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Last Edit: February 10, 2021, 03:24:03 am by Sean Altly
Re: The Canadian King of the Ring - Quavon Cannon (CURRENT WIP)
#20  February 18, 2021, 10:16:54 pm
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Progress video!

From the description:

Here's a little progress video for the next character for Last Bout, Quavon Cannon. He has a manager who appears in his intro and one of his win poses named Mr. Oh. No voice acting yet, as usual, so still Ryu's since that's what my template starts with. Quavon is one of two pro wrestlers in the game, and is a young up-and-coming superstar (the opposite of his rival, the aging Japanese legend Sasuke Saito). He has no big super yet (called Maximum Over Drives in this game), but he does have his Offense Drive (The Amityville Horror) and his Defense Drive (the anti-air super House of Pain). His main grab special lets you move around a bit and perform a handful of actions, but after a set amount of time or actions, the opponent will escape unless you do the Death Valley Driver to end it. As usual, lots of stuff still to work out and some bugs here and there, just wanted to show off progress.

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