
The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"  (Read 75958 times)

Started by Sean Altly, March 16, 2020, 10:24:29 pm
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The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#1  March 16, 2020, 10:24:29 pm
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So while we've been having to stay inside, and while I wait on Kamekaze to finish optimizing the game, I got bored and started messing around with The Specialist and his sprites. When I first started talking about SHADEs 3 and I was looking for advice optimizing movesets, I got some feedback that Specialist would need a pretty big overhaul, plus his sprites at this point are the oldest ones that I haven't really updated (save for when I added more shading/anti-aliasing to the SHADEs 1 characters while working on SHADEs 2). This is kind of what factored into him not being in the game, but the more I thought about it, the weirder it is to have Elle in there with a story that revolves around a character who isn't even present.

So I sat down and planned out a new moveset for him that would require 50-60 more sprites to be added, and then I looked at ways to improve the shading/details on his sprites (like I did with Zenith). Here's the moveset I came up with (feedback welcome):

Added two frames to his stance, and more detail to his face, but now that I'm looking at it his head may be too big, lol


-Joker's Knife - Specialist uses a small blade in the tip of his boot to stab his opponent in the gut, then he knocks them away with a jumping kick

-Undercurrent - Specialist does a low slide kick that sends the opponent up and over to the other side


None for now


-Enemy Mine - QCB+P - Specialist sets a small mine on the ground in front of him
   -Tactical Shift - HP or LP after setting mine - Specialist performs his forward or backward evasive roll in order to get on the other side of the mine or distance himself from it
   -EX Version - The mine he sets down pops a couple of little legs out and crawls along the ground towards his opponent

-Silenced Baretta - QCF+P - Specialist pulls out a silenced handgun and fires a straight shot. HP fires directly, LP is a crouching shot.
   -EX Version - Instead of a handgun, he pulls out an Uzi for a short burst that has longer range and less recovery.

-Drop Shot - D,D+P - Specialist drops flat to his stomach with his handgun drawn. Pressing HP again on the ground fires the gun. Pressing LP brings him to his feet. If nothing is pressed, he will automatically get up after about 3 seconds.
   -EX Version - Not sure yet
   -Up Shot - U+HP will make him roll onto his back and fire directly upward to catch opponents trying to jump over him while prone

-Gut Shot - HCB+K - A command throw where Specialist pulls his opponent close and fires his handgun into their gut at very close range. Low damage but the opponent is left briefly stunned afterwards, leaving them open for a combo or follow-up. Kind of like Makoto's command grab
   -Center Mass - HP or LP after grab - if you'd rather go for quick, sure damage, instead of a combo you can just pop off two quick shots to the chest
   -EX Version - Automatically performs the follow-up with an extra shot

-Assassin Cutter - DP+K - Specialist performs a jumping slash kick with his boot blade out.
   -EX Version - Does a fast, low slide attack with the boot blade out, flipping the opponent overhead and high into the air. Basically the EX version of his old kick special, Undercurrent

I've actually sprited this one already:


L1 - Killer Elite - QCFx2+P - Specialist dashes forward and if he comes into contact, he unleashes a quick auto combo that finishes with a close-range shotgun blast

L2 - No Time to Bleed - QCFx2+K - Specialist produces a huge Predator-style minigun and unleashes a flurry of bullets on his opponent.

DM - The Shot That Takes You Down - QCFx2+S - Specialist turns invisible for a short period of time. During this, you can either utilize his invisibility to fight your opponent with an advantage, or you can get close and press QCFx2+S again. If that attack hits, the opponent will be knocked down for a second. When they stand, the camera will cut to a shot of Specialist on a rooftop with a sniper rifle, then cut back to them as they are hit with a killshot. Because of the difficulty of hitting this move successfully, I want to make it the strongest in the game (like 450-500 damage).

Let me know what you guys think or if it'd even be worth it to add him to the game. I was thinking I'd add him and maybe the regular version of Byrne. It depends on if Kamekaze has time in his schedule to work on them, which I don't anticipate until after he puts out his main project, TMNTxJL.

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Last Edit: April 27, 2020, 08:58:42 pm by Sean Altly
Re: The Specialist - Maybe "DLC?"
#2  March 16, 2020, 10:27:58 pm
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I assume you're doing the good old 'bringing back fan favorites' thing?
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Re: The Specialist - Maybe "DLC?"
#3  March 16, 2020, 10:47:40 pm
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Well honestly I've never really had anyone tell me they like Specialist much, but people do seem to like Byrne (or at least his gameplay) so kind of I guess. I'm trying to make The Specialist more interesting to play as, in the last two games he's pretty much just 10 different gun specials/supers and also a mine and a slide.

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Re: The Specialist - Maybe "DLC?"
#4  March 16, 2020, 11:08:46 pm
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TBH I kinda dig Specialist as a zoner. He was the guy I spent the most time with in SHADEs 1.

Maybe could crib from MvC2 Jill and have the gunshot counter?
The Roasted Pheasant voice acting company is open for business. PM me, and I'll be glad to help.

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." -Mike Tyson
Re: The Specialist - Maybe "DLC?"
#5  March 16, 2020, 11:37:24 pm
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Well honestly, the way I'm restructuring his moveset would make him less of a zoner. I thought about the counter since his sprites are based on Jill's but I figure it's too close to Det. Laurel's counter special.

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Re: The Specialist - Maybe "DLC?"
#6  March 17, 2020, 12:03:59 am
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That's pretty cool, I like the new moveset. Specialist was one of the characters I enjoyed the most in S1. Like the new details too.
Previously known as;
Mugen-Ninja 2011-2014.
The Street Fighter 2014-2021.


Re: The Specialist - Maybe "DLC?"
#7  March 17, 2020, 09:36:14 am
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I'd miss his Anti-air Gun Manifestation (maybe combine into Riot Gun LP?) and Undercurrent. Other changes are all for good. So yeah, glad of his return :thumbsup:
"Where greyness prevails, the black always take the power." (c) "Its Hard to be God" - brothers Strugatskie.
Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 08:34:22 am by ExL
Re: The Specialist - Maybe "DLC?"
#8  March 17, 2020, 03:36:01 pm
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I'm glad to read from you again, and that you keep updating the game Sean!
Re: The Specialist - Maybe "DLC?"
#9  March 17, 2020, 03:49:22 pm
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Same ^

SHADES is by far my favourite Mugen game. Every time I see an update, it makes me happy :D
Re: The Specialist - Maybe "DLC?"
#10  March 26, 2020, 03:52:30 am
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Here's his run animation:

And rather than create a whole new topic for "DLC" I figured I'd just post this here, some first sprites for some possible additional characters (zoomed 2x to see better).

From left to right:

-The Evangelist - A petty criminal turned street preacher with the ability to heal with his touch - for the right "donation." His fighting style would consist of many dirty street-fighting moves (i.e. Yamazaki), needle projectiles, and a healing super (or DM).
-The Renaissance Man - A mysterious older gentleman with true photographic memory and the ability to perfectly mimic any skill or fighting style he sees. He would be a style-switch character, like Gen or Zeku. Also, he's based on my dad, who passed away in 2014.
-Hymn and Gospel - A best friend duo looking to spread the good word. Hymn can produce supersonic waves with his voice, while Gospel can create and manipulate electricity. Gospel would be the main player character but Hymn would factor heavily into gameplay as an assist character.
-Layla - Member of The Dark Nation. Layla has enhanced reflexes, strength, speed, and flexibility, along with pin-point accuracy with knives. I actually got 50-60 of her sprites done before I pulled back to reevaluate whether I really wanted to make her individually, as I think it might take away from Dark Nation a bit.

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Last Edit: March 26, 2020, 04:08:30 am by Sean Altly
Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#11  March 26, 2020, 05:59:33 am
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You could sort of switch around what you did for Dark Nation: Make it so that Layla is the main playable character and Cyril is the assist character. This way both characters feel unique without necessarily taking away from the other or, for lack of a better term, intervening with one another.
Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#12  March 27, 2020, 04:23:47 am
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That's a good idea, have Cyril be by her side in intros and winposes like she is for him, and he could be part of a super or maybe have an assist attack like he used to (originally he had a special where she would appear and throw a knife at the opponent but a couple of different people told me it felt tacked on and unnecessary).

In fact I might cut the Dirty Deeds special from my plans for Specialist and use it as a special for Layla. I was also mapping out a moveset for Evangelist and came up with the idea of him using a crowbar in specials like the Joker, he could even throw it and lose it and have to pick it back up.

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Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#13  March 27, 2020, 09:27:31 am
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The Renaissance Man and Layla seems interesting choices. Indeed the duet of Layla and Cyril would be interesting  with minor assists. Though that will make Hymn and Gospel bit redundant. As for taking out Dirty Deeds from The Specialist - I wonder, could it be replaced with leg shot(with silenced beretta) forcing crouch state?
The Renaissance Man can change stance with taunt, though it will be a lot of work, like making 2+ characters. Kinda like normal and EX version of character in one, surely it'll make him unique.
"Where greyness prevails, the black always take the power." (c) "Its Hard to be God" - brothers Strugatskie.
Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#14  March 28, 2020, 10:08:25 am
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RenMan seems like a bit of a Gen, which I'm always down for.
The Roasted Pheasant voice acting company is open for business. PM me, and I'll be glad to help.

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." -Mike Tyson
Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#15  March 28, 2020, 10:44:28 am
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Looks good !!

Sorry, but I cannot "unsee" K' for the The Evangelist.
It's nealy signature pose...

For the others, it's OK!
Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#16  March 28, 2020, 10:29:55 pm
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The Evangelist's design makes me think of Rage of the Dragons. Interesting to see where that could go.

The Renaissance Man looks badass. Gen is by far one of my favourite moveset's from fighting games, so I'm always down for something as dope as that, and I also think it's impressive how you base some of these on people you know.

Hymn looks pretty dope, and Gospel looks fine. These designs also reminds me of Rage of the Dragon lol.

Layla looks unique and like a lot of fun that can be created by that stance. Good luck on whatever you decide to do!
Previously known as;
Mugen-Ninja 2011-2014.
The Street Fighter 2014-2021.
Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#17  April 20, 2020, 02:13:58 am
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Updated Specialist's movelist, decided to keep his Baretta shots and removed Dirty Deeds (I think the concept of it works better for Layla or The Evangelist). I added Drop Shot, which I sprited and implemented today:

I also may switch his L3 Super back to his RPG. It was the last part of his DM in SHADEs 2 but I changed his DM completely and I think the animation is better than the Minigun anyway.

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Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#18  April 20, 2020, 07:11:58 pm
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I am for the RPG has a standalone Super. I feel it would be more satisfying in contrast to the Gatling Gun.
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Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#19  April 26, 2020, 06:40:45 am
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Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#20  April 27, 2020, 01:43:03 am
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Edit: Also is that first Afterimage a Tristan Samroy reference?
The Roasted Pheasant voice acting company is open for business. PM me, and I'll be glad to help.

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." -Mike Tyson
Last Edit: April 27, 2020, 02:34:47 am by chris20855
Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#21  April 27, 2020, 08:55:17 pm
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Those palettes are really good man, I'm going to link to this pack in the main thread of that's cool.

Also I updated Specialist's moveset again, I think he's pretty much done now. Added the ability to fire upward during Drop Shot to catch opponents trying to jump over him. It requires some precision but I liked it as an option.

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Last Edit: April 27, 2020, 08:59:27 pm by Sean Altly
Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#22  April 28, 2020, 05:44:30 am
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Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#23  April 28, 2020, 12:36:05 pm
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EX Drop Shot could become the slide which knocks 2P upwards, which is when you can use the Up Shot effectively.
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Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#24  April 29, 2020, 12:46:54 am
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Great idea, I just implemented it. You press U+HP when the EX Slide hits and he shoots them in the air, it looks really cool. Thanks!

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Re: The Specialist and others - Maybe "DLC?"
#25  May 03, 2020, 03:50:46 am
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I love the idea of The Renaissance Man. Whether it's switching into quick stances like Exile or Elle, or a whole fighting style like Gen.

Really like the look of Gospel and Hymn too.

Heh, who am I kidding? I'd be happy with more SHADEs regardless. :)