
What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had? (Read 52840 times)

Started by JasonThePhoenix, November 06, 2023, 03:39:25 am
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What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#1  November 06, 2023, 03:39:25 am
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What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R lets you save Replays of your match, view the replays, pause the replays, and take over during your replay. It's an awesome way to recreate a situation that beat you and figure out what options can and cannot beat that.

I think if more games had this (and a Training Mode that works, and doesn't charge you extra for something basic like frame data or hitboxes, and a Lobby system that works for getting friends to play together while other friends optionally watch with no extra bells and whistles unless they're optional) fighting games would get solved faster and understood better, and Fighting Game Twitter would be less painful to scroll through as a result.

Replays are also the ultimate anti-cheater tool, because if your opponent cheats with a controller that automatically inputs defensive options upon detecting certain offensive actions from a foe within the correct distance, you can show people the replay to prove it.
Last Edit: November 08, 2023, 03:12:16 am by JasonThePhoenix
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#2  November 06, 2023, 05:55:09 pm
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I love the slow motion in Tekken... Not everyone in mugen like to do that for their characters... its just awesome
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#3  November 06, 2023, 05:58:58 pm
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Not necessarily fighting-related, but having an in-game notification telling you that a character update is available that redirects you to the character's downloadable site would be very convenient without having to check social media for news.
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#4  November 06, 2023, 06:13:50 pm
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someone has to create a program that is directly connected with the developer character somehow to update it without having to check social media for news.
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#5  November 06, 2023, 06:33:51 pm
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Not necessarily fighting-related, but having an in-game notification telling you that a character update is available that redirects you to the character's downloadable site would be very convenient without having to check social media for news.

Ngl I agree cuz tbh sometimes i always find it hard if that character is updated so i have to go to the mfg check the news then i get really confused sometimes XD
Real reason I'm Called "Dude" Cuz I watched Regular Show WOOOOOOAHH
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#6  November 06, 2023, 08:30:00 pm
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And maybe an option which unlocks something like Final Fight.
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#7  November 08, 2023, 03:09:40 am
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    • UK
Not necessarily fighting-related, but having an in-game notification telling you that a character update is available that redirects you to the character's downloadable site would be very convenient without having to check social media for news.

someone has to create a program that is directly connected with the developer character somehow to update it without having to check social media for news.

Remember that Browser SMS thing from years ago that would notify you when certain news websites or blogs updated?

Mugen could probably be updated to check for an internet connection at startup, check a website like Github for new versions of characters you've downloaded and set up the github links for, and put notification markers over the character select icons of characters that have new updated versions. Or there could be a notification icon on the main menu like in TF2, and selecting that notification icon lets you see which characters can be updated, and there could be an Update All button.

Automatic updating is something programs like Citra and FEBuilderGBA do almost every time I turn them on.


And maybe an option which unlocks something like Final Fight.

A mugen stage could probably add Tekken Ball mode and a Final Fight level that spawns enemies. I remember seeing Mario 1-1 in mugen. It really worked.
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#8  November 08, 2023, 03:24:33 am
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During the tournament sometimes we decide to have random stages, the problem is that sometimes we fight in the same stage twice or even more. Would be nice to have the random option but without the stages that already appeared.
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#9  November 08, 2023, 04:27:16 pm
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A Tournament Mode by default, where you even can get more than 2 players (maybe 8) to fight against each other or vs the CPU. In the ye-olde DOSM times, the MWC has this option, but was made artificially, it would be a great idea if MUGEN (or even IKEMEN) got this option as native as some fighting games (actuals and from SNES times) so we can compete with our chars against others in a competitive way
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#10  November 08, 2023, 06:18:08 pm
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  • Wandering....

-Arcade Mode with Coin-Op / Insert Coin Feature, that you can Continue
-Running Battle mode like in Pocket Fighters
-100 Kumite Mode like in STRevival GBA
-Survival Type Battle like in SFZ3 WorldTourMode
-Add Challenges on Arcade mode Fights like in SFZ3 WorldTour
-ArcadeMode style like SFEX3 where you can make your defeated opponent be your partner
-Bonus Game dedicated Fight Settings like having score system and timer. Something that Two Player can play at the same time.
-A wide screen mode for 10 player at a time like the fan game remake of Final Fight on YT

Most of this is I wanted a storymode feel on this on arcade mode that I could set the settings of each fight

Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#11  November 08, 2023, 08:36:11 pm
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The ability to use either the d-pad or the analog stick for movement at the same time without having to manually re-bind the button inputs for one or the other. Not even the newest IKEMEN versions have that, and it’s also something that bugs me about Fightcade. Technically you can do it wirh Joy2Key, but adding it officially would be nice.

I also think a 4-player free for all mode like Smash could be cool.
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#12  November 11, 2023, 03:17:34 am
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A button you can press on the main menu that remaps your controls would also be awesome, especially if it can also be triggered via controller. Even if your controller is incorrectly read by the mugen and needs remapping every time you turn the game on.

Better yet, when the mugen app is starting, bring up the menu for setting every button (like in DiveKick) if the game detects you holding any input during a specific time window during startup.

You know what I have to do to get mugen working on Batocera?

I load Mugen as a PC program (loading it through the mugen launcher following the youtube tutorial for this doesn't work) and I have to have both controllers disabled and the PadToKey Profile in Batocera interpret my controller inputs as key presses so Mugen reads this correctly instead of reading the inputs wrong.

It would also be amazing if you could name your Variables and Switches in Mugen. In Rivals Of Aether I could name a variable IsFlying or FlyTimer or 1MeansFacingLeft and know what it meant without needing a unique number with the variable's name placed near it with the info ;behind one of these.
Last Edit: November 18, 2023, 08:02:10 am by JasonThePhoenix
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#13  November 21, 2023, 04:35:50 am
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Frame data would be a cool quality of life feature. That, and a leaderboard so you can beat your own high scores in arcade mode. It sounds useless but I thought it would be fun.
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#14  November 22, 2023, 10:18:40 am
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Is there a mugen like engine that implemented multi lane system like Guardian Heroes and Realbout?

A multi lane system with 2vs2 simul would be great I think theres a  Indie Fighted based on that gimmick but has lock-in mode

Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#15  November 27, 2023, 05:27:33 pm
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actually is not a feat. I just wish warusaki3 remake the all roster of cvs2 (h's etc..), we could add extra things too, I don't know he could update his char and make ex version of terry, yuri, etc
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#16  November 27, 2023, 05:41:45 pm
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    • Portugal
Is there a mugen like engine that implemented multi lane system like Guardian Heroes and Realbout?

A multi lane system with 2vs2 simul would be great I think theres a  Indie Fighted based on that gimmick but has lock-in mode
Ikemen has already implemented Z movement. At least partially I think.

But Mugen can probably also make full games like that. Just not at the same level of craziness as Guardian Heroes.
You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
My Mugen and Ikemen content can also be found here.
Last Edit: November 27, 2023, 05:53:30 pm by PotS
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#17  November 27, 2023, 07:06:49 pm
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btw POTS any news about warusaki3 ? I asked because it seemed in the past that you had contact with him, still kept in touch with him ?
Like I was saying, Warusaki-san also could make some changes to his chars, make more like your(POTS) with ex moves, still waiting his version of Mr. Karate (Ryo version with black clothes), Nash version street fighter V, his Mai (this waited for so long that I lost hope), Mai normal and ex version (she has too many moves), for me he could make all cvs2 roster, I don't understand why he doesn't make his versions, nothing agaisnt H or rei, but I still prefer waru's version
Actually, with Ikemen go, he (waru) could make a full game, btw cvsW (I think os renevi his name) was too bright and strange, I still need a full game for waru, but I guess he's busy
I guess nobody understands why I liked waru's chars so much, is because it seems real, I really thought Jill V. was cvs2 char when I played mugen for the first time, also kusanagi, rasetsumaru, ingrid etc... he makes believable, since I didn't had video game (only PC) I believed that chars were from cvs2 universe (how stupid a human could be ?)
I hope he could come back this Christmas or the first day of new year in Japan (like he did many years ago), at least he could update his chars.
for some fun reason I still prefer play cvs2 mugen than original cvs2 game, I hate ratio thing about the original.
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#18  November 29, 2023, 12:22:20 am
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Even in a completely unrelated topic you're gonna beg for somebody to make content for you? C'mon man.
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#19  December 02, 2023, 06:33:37 pm
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Even in a completely unrelated topic you're gonna beg for somebody to make content for you? C'mon man.

I'm not begging, I'm suggesting, maybe exaggerating, like Waru is a God, I'll rethink about it, is just mugen was my childhood since I didn't have a video game, maybe I played too many waru's and POT'S chars when I was younger I wish I could make cvs2 chars, but I lack of knowledge of coding, I bought arcade stick (maybe 2 years ago and I didn't master it yet).
I wish there were a tutorial to start to finish how to make a POTS char on youtube, but there's not, since I'm stupid, I need something didactic, to start to finish.
I know POTS and waru are busy.
so if you found any good tutorial that explains to retarded like myself how to make cvs2 char or POTS chars, let me know (sprites, palette, coding, effects, etc...). Please, no chibi chars !
For some reason DGO learned by himself how to make cvs2 chars. However not everyone's badass !
To tell the truth I want to learn how to make a char, so I don't have to ask other creators to make it !
btw Falcon Rapper is criticized a lot, makes fear to be a creator
Last Edit: December 02, 2023, 06:38:40 pm by kamui 2.0
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#20  December 03, 2023, 02:59:56 pm
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  • Wandering....
Additional on Arcade mode setting

-On Simultenous and Tag mode - Have an option to set a battle in a particular stage that the player can recruit beaten opponent and swap to current partner like SFEX3

-Have an Option to a particular stage that can SF33S that allow you to select path in a particular stage

-Team Building Mode you may build team recruiting defeated enemy, you may recruit up to 5. if you reach max you replace one of the five.

So its not all battle but individual stages

Last Edit: December 03, 2023, 03:12:04 pm by The Shakunetsu
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#21  December 04, 2023, 01:33:52 pm
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    • Brazil
Even in a completely unrelated topic you're gonna beg for somebody to make content for you? C'mon man.

I'm not begging, I'm suggesting, maybe exaggerating, like Waru is a God, I'll rethink about it, is just mugen was my childhood since I didn't have a video game, maybe I played too many waru's and POT'S chars when I was younger I wish I could make cvs2 chars, but I lack of knowledge of coding, I bought arcade stick (maybe 2 years ago and I didn't master it yet).
I wish there were a tutorial to start to finish how to make a POTS char on youtube, but there's not, since I'm stupid, I need something didactic, to start to finish.
I know POTS and waru are busy.
so if you found any good tutorial that explains to retarded like myself how to make cvs2 char or POTS chars, let me know (sprites, palette, coding, effects, etc...). Please, no chibi chars !
For some reason DGO learned by himself how to make cvs2 chars. However not everyone's badass !
To tell the truth I want to learn how to make a char, so I don't have to ask other creators to make it !
btw Falcon Rapper is criticized a lot, makes fear to be a creator

Like they say, learn to walk before you run.
Take your time to read the documents that comes with mugen to understand the basics, start by editing KFM, learn what each sctrl does (they are already pretty easy to understand and self explanatory). As I said in my other post, there are plenty of tutorials here and on youtube (for general characters), you just need to use that and convert to the style you want.
About your fear of being criticized, this is unavoidable. The moment you put something out on the internet, you're subject to criticism. But that's not a bad thing, as you can LEARN from your mistakes, and make your characters better. Of course it's up to you how you'll accept it. No one was born with knowledge, we get it with dedication over time.
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#22  December 07, 2023, 12:07:23 am
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Like they say, learn to walk before you run.
Take your time to read the documents that comes with mugen to understand the basics, start by editing KFM, learn what each sctrl does (they are already pretty easy to understand and self explanatory). As I said in my other post, there are plenty of tutorials here and on youtube (for general characters), you just need to use that and convert to the style you want.
About your fear of being criticized, this is unavoidable. The moment you put something out on the internet, you're subject to criticism. But that's not a bad thing, as you can LEARN from your mistakes, and make your characters better. Of course it's up to you how you'll accept it. No one was born with knowledge, we get it with dedication over time.

Thank u for being nice, I was expecting harsh reply ( I was afraid for being lazy), but I decided that I'm going to stop asking creators to make chars for myself, this is kind pathetic way of living (now I realized), also I'll stop thnking waru is a God ( I've doing this so long).
anyways, thank u Deathcythe, btw I like your work too, have a wonderful Christmas.
Thank u again for being kind with the words
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#23  March 14, 2024, 09:36:46 pm
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    • Brazil
Category/Groove/Style select alongside the character select screen. Or just the ability to have a different roster depending on the mode you choose from the main menu.
Re: What fighting game feature do you wish Mugen also had?
#24  March 16, 2024, 01:45:29 pm
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Being able to "unlock" characters. I know it supposed to work with IKEMEN, but I don't understand coding for shit. But as a feature, I'd love that. I'm a huge fan of feeling like I'm progressing and that the "entertainment value" gives me a goal.
Previously known as;
Mugen-Ninja 2011-2014.
The Street Fighter 2014-2021.