
STREET FIGHTER III 4th Assault - Future of Fighting (Read 2676373 times)

Started by Mastertkof, January 07, 2017, 12:32:10 am
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Re: STREET FIGHTER III 4th Assault - Future of Fighting
#641  May 14, 2024, 08:06:30 am
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  • I can take'em out with my fists
Eagerly awaiting release this Sakura look phenomenal.
Re: STREET FIGHTER III 4th Assault - Future of Fighting
#642  June 13, 2024, 04:29:13 am
    • USA
Hi there!  I'm new to the scene and stumbled into this thread.  The spritework here is really cool! 
At 33 pages on this thread, though, I'm having trouble following what characters Masterkof has released and what is still being worked on.   Scrolling through the pages it is not imminently obvious.  Can someone provide some guidance?
Re: STREET FIGHTER III 4th Assault - Future of Fighting
#643  June 28, 2024, 07:04:49 am
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    • Brazil
Eagerly awaiting release this Sakura look phenomenal.

thanks, she already rendered, depends only of coding fixes

Hi there!  I'm new to the scene and stumbled into this thread.  The spritework here is really cool! 
At 33 pages on this thread, though, I'm having trouble following what characters Masterkof has released and what is still being worked on.   Scrolling through the pages it is not imminently obvious.  Can someone provide some guidance?

this is still work in progress, nothing playable at now, at least no betas, just closed alphas

updating shader to new blender 4.1 version, that was alot of new possibilities, so, i wanna update it

Last Edit: July 26, 2024, 07:52:46 pm by Mastertkof
Re: STREET FIGHTER III 4th Assault - Future of Fighting
#644  June 28, 2024, 11:50:41 am
  • *****
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  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Eagerly awaiting release this Sakura look phenomenal.

thanks, she already rendered, depends only of coding fixes

Hi there!  I'm new to the scene and stumbled into this thread.  The spritework here is really cool! 
At 33 pages on this thread, though, I'm having trouble following what characters Masterkof has released and what is still being worked on.   Scrolling through the pages it is not imminently obvious.  Can someone provide some guidance?

this is still work in progress, nothing playable at now, at least no betas, just closed alphas

updating shader to new blender 4.1 version, that was alot of new possibilities, so, i wanna update it

Nice progress.
It's even more accurate and detailed now.
You should really make a tutorial about it. I think it would encourages many non spriters creators to make characters faster.

I hope Lucia can have this update as well !
Hope Lucia sprites will be ok to manage in term of colors, so she can be used for SF3 srpites AND CVS style!

My suggestion about shadding.
Adding some projection of shadding from clothes.
KOF is very good for that, but it actually exists in EVERY game.

Re: STREET FIGHTER III 4th Assault - Future of Fighting
#645  August 02, 2024, 08:40:49 am
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  • me
  • a guy who makes art
    • Brazil
Nice progress.
It's even more accurate and detailed now.
You should really make a tutorial about it. I think it would encourages many non spriters creators to make characters faster.

I hope Lucia can have this update as well !
Hope Lucia sprites will be ok to manage in term of colors, so she can be used for SF3 srpites AND CVS style!

My suggestion about shadding.
Adding some projection of shadding from clothes.
KOF is very good for that, but it actually exists in EVERY game.

thanks! she don't have raytraced shadows, only a 1~2 pixel shadow of the skirt over the legs, like makoto/ryu gi
Lucia is a freebie, idk if i will recreate her shader, since it tooks a bit of time
all the tutorials and tools that i use is free and anyone can download and try on internet, also, theres some people doing some experiments with this methods, so, i think that's no necessary to tutorials, also, the tool that i use is a custom scene that is closed source at now, so, the tools is free, and my setup is personal.

Sakura directionals beta frames done:
Re: STREET FIGHTER III 4th Assault - Future of Fighting
#646  August 02, 2024, 06:27:13 pm
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Here's hoping your previous sprites get the same love & care as Sakura.
Re: STREET FIGHTER III 4th Assault - Future of Fighting
#647  August 12, 2024, 05:53:46 am
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  • me
  • a guy who makes art
    • Brazil
Last Edit: August 20, 2024, 01:54:42 am by Mastertkof
Re: STREET FIGHTER III 4th Assault - Future of Fighting
#648  August 25, 2024, 01:50:11 pm
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    • Spain
I know you said you wouldn't do any tutorials but I've been learning Blender for months. I've done things with gooengine, 3D animations... But I'd really love to know how you've done that and I can't find a way.

At least if you could say the tools you use, some advice... Because it looks great on you, incredible. It's what I would most like to be able to do.