
Warner's Krusty the Clown Re-sprited by Lord Enemil (Read 2818 times)

Started by Lord-Enemil, December 10, 2024, 02:59:12 am
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Warner's Krusty the Clown Re-sprited by Lord Enemil
#1  December 10, 2024, 02:59:12 am
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  • Jesus died for our sins... one more won't hurt
    • Spain
Krusty the Clown

Hi, I'm Lord Enemil. I'm mostly known here to do Mugen stages. However, I got inspired by an abandoned Warner character remake project that was started by Aperson98, I wanted to give Krusty a needed upgrade on his sprites, feeling that the palette color was underused and adding some other funny stuff, with the help of Jenngra//

Hola, soy Lord Enemil. Soy conocido aquí principalmente por hacer Stages. Sin embargo, inspirado en un abandonado proyecto de rehacer personajes de Warner el cual fue una empezado por Aperson98, senti que Krusty necesitaba un lavado de cara y actualizar sus sprites, sintiendo que la paleta de colores estaba bastante inutilizada y de paso añadi algunas cosas por diversion, con la ayuda Jenngra.

What's new?//que es nuevo?:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Original credits for the char goes to Warner Cortez/Tochix. If Warner Is somehow reading this, I highly encourage to add some of my edits into your creation.
// Los creditos del char original son para Warner Cortez/Tochix. Si Warner esta leyendo esto, le recomiendo que vea mi char y añada los edits en futuras actualizaciones de Krusty.

You have total freedom to edit this edit, as long as there is credit.//
Tienes total permiso para editar este edit, siempre que tanto Warner y yo sean acreditados.

If this goes well I may plan to try to improve other Warner chars to learn how to do mugen chars and perhaps this may lead it up to my creations in the future.

Download Link//Link de Descarga:
Re: Warner's Krusty the Clown Re-sprited by Lord Enemil
#2  December 10, 2024, 03:26:40 am
  • *****
  • Super Mario Fighters 3 resurrected.
    • USA
Thank you very much for this, was always in the line of thought that Warner makes strong starts in projects but they only need a slight bit of more polishing from a second party. Literally a miracle.
Re: Warner's Krusty the Clown Re-sprited by Lord Enemil
#3  December 10, 2024, 11:39:51 am
  • **
  • Jesus died for our sins... one more won't hurt
    • Spain
Minor update to fix an error with hop backwards and other sprites.
Last Edit: December 10, 2024, 11:59:53 am by Lord-Enemil
Re: Warner's Krusty the Clown Re-sprited by Lord Enemil
#4  December 10, 2024, 12:09:11 pm
  • ***
  • music rules
  • hi
    • USA
Warner would love this.