
Val Vultures KOF Gameplay w/Max Mode (Read 2091 times)

Started by AnimugenZ, September 18, 2021, 01:07:42 am
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Val Vultures KOF Gameplay w/Max Mode
#1  September 18, 2021, 01:07:42 am
  • ***
  • Mugen Editor
    • Ecuador
Re: Val Vultures KOF Gameplay w/Max Mode
#2  September 18, 2021, 09:45:30 am
  • ****
  • green tea
Aaah yes, the kunoichi who takes drugs during the fight.

I remember her how very disturbing was. Taking drugs during battle, my fullgame may things that are PG-13, but this one hits me the hards.

Aside from that, good that this character has been edited.
No breaks! No breaks!