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Messages by Toni


Re: Midnight Bliss and Shock Project

 December 03, 2022, 02:32:14 am View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in Midnight Bliss and Shock Project  (Started by Xenomic April 27, 2008, 12:56:53 am
 Board: Sprite Projects

Yeah, he made some POTS-styled SF1 characters. I'm not sure if you can still find Geki, but Mike and Lee can be found in the Mugen 1.0 releases.

About the ideas, I definitely don't mind reading them, but I won't make any promises that I'll actually make them. :sweatdrop:

Re: Midnight Bliss and Shock Project

 December 02, 2022, 07:05:02 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in Midnight Bliss and Shock Project  (Started by Xenomic April 27, 2008, 12:56:53 am
 Board: Sprite Projects

Some more MB sprites inspired by Rabano's recent SF1 releases.


Re: Morrigan (P.O.T.S), but with MvC stuff

 November 14, 2022, 05:05:00 am View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in Morrigan (P.O.T.S), but with MvC stuff (Started by Toni November 12, 2022, 10:25:19 pm
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

Small update for Morrigan:
- Fixed sound bug with Soul Eraser (hitsounds should now play throughout the entirety of the move).
- Reduced Soul Eraser damage (after all, you can mash attack buttons for extra damage).
- Slightly reduced Silhouette Illusion range (just enough to not reach the entire width of the screen).
- Fixed mistakes in the in-game movelist.
- Fixed Shell Kick using the wrong hit sparks.

Mostly nerfs, I'm afraid, aside from bugfixes. Still, I hope you enjoy. Link in the first post has been updated.

Re: Morrigan (P.O.T.S), but with MvC stuff

 November 13, 2022, 07:05:09 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in Morrigan (P.O.T.S), but with MvC stuff (Started by Toni November 12, 2022, 10:25:19 pm
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

Thank you, and of course I don't mind. Take whatever you like. :) Just be mindful of the CS I added (but of course you can use the new CSed sprites as a whole if you like them enough).

About the movelist, you are just talking about the Shell Pierce and Shell Kick commands, right? Or did I miss anything else?

Regarding the dust effects for the aerial Shadow Blade... yeah, I know they don't make much sense, but the move looks a bit bland without them, so for the time being, I'll keep it like that. Still beats adding MvC style after images to them, right? :sweatdrop:


Re: Morrigan (P.O.T.S), but with MvC stuff

 November 13, 2022, 06:22:33 am View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in Morrigan (P.O.T.S), but with MvC stuff (Started by Toni November 12, 2022, 10:25:19 pm
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

Thanks for the feedback. I'll definitely keep that in mind once I go back to updating/fixing her.

I don't see a reason to disable stun though, as that is already toggleable in the config.txt, or am I misunderstanding something? And I currently have no plans for an Ikemen update since, well, I barely have any experience with that engine (and none actually coding for it). :sweatdrop:

Morrigan (P.O.T.S), but with MvC stuff

 November 12, 2022, 10:25:19 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in Morrigan (P.O.T.S), but with MvC stuff (Started by Toni November 12, 2022, 10:25:19 pm
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+


This is an edited version of Morrigan by P.O.T.S. (with shameless use of code-snippets from MH Styles' MvC Morrigan) adding elements from her appearances in VS-styled games.

The idea was to create what I think a Morrigan who has unlocked her full potential after fusing with Lilith might be like, yet still keeping her somewhat balanced gameplay-wise. The result... is surprisingly not that different from POTS' Morrigan, I think, which is probably for the best.

Spoiler: "Changes from POTS' Morrigan" (click to see content)

More colors (SFF is compatible with classic POTS Morrigan. Just add the new palettes.)

More power

More Lilith

Spoiler: "Ramblings" (click to see content)

I hope you enjoy. :)
Last updated: 2023-04-15

Re: Random animations for practice.

 November 05, 2022, 06:40:57 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in Random animations for practice. (Started by Rabano October 29, 2022, 12:22:34 am
 Board: Graphics

This looks very nice. All of your latest animations have been pretty impressive.


 October 31, 2022, 09:07:53 am View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in SF1 Lee CVS/POTS (Started by Rabano October 25, 2022, 09:12:27 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

There's another small bug with Graphite. If Lee is hit out of the attack, he may stand in mid air. Change the type of the statedef from S (standing) to A (air) to make him fall back to the ground when he's hit.


 October 30, 2022, 05:42:27 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in SF1 Lee CVS/POTS (Started by Rabano October 25, 2022, 09:12:27 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Okay, I took another look at his code, specifically the first hitdef in state 3510, and while I can't claim I fully understand it, the problem seems to be this trigger
trigger1 = !var(16) && var(15) < 1
Assuming that this trigger wasn't really needed at this point as this part of the attack is a continuation of the attack's first strike, I just commented it out. And sure enough, now the other attacks hit fine... at least in theory. Further adjustments had to be made to the velocity of airborne opponents so they don't just fall out of the attack. I also added a D to his hitflag so the super still hits even if the opponent falls out of it and also changed Lee's x velset on animelem=2 from 0 to 2 to keep Lee moving forward.

All still very rough, but here is what I got after some experimentation:

This could obviously still be improved, but I think that even now it looks and feels a bit better than it used to, at least in my opinion.

Here's the full first hitdef (with adjustments in bold) in case you want to take a look at it.

[State 1000, HitDef 1]
type = HitDef
;trigger1 = !var(16) && var(15) < 1
trigger1 = AnimElem = 2 || animelem = 5 || AnimElem = 9 || animelem = 13 || animelem = 20 || AnimElem = 25 || animelem = 29
attr = S,HA
hitFlag = MAFD
guardFlag = M
priority = 4, Hit
damage = ceil(ifElse(fvar(11) * 34 < 7, 7, fvar(11) * 34)), 15
getPower = 0,0
givePower = 10, 10
pauseTime = ifElse(var(20), 6, 12), ifElse(var(20), 6, 12)
guard.pauseTime = ifElse(var(20), 6, 12), ifElse(var(20), 6, 12)
animType = Hard
air.animType = Back
fall.animType = Back
ground.type = High
air.type = Low
ground.hitTime = 18 + 4 * var(9)
ground.slideTime = 17 + 4 * var(9)
guard.hitTime = 14
air.hitTime = 120
ground.velocity = -0
ground.cornerPush.velOff = 0
guard.velocity = ifElse(var(20), -3.36, -6.52)
guard.cornerPush.velOff = 0
air.velocity = ifElse(var(20), -1.36, -2), -3.5 ;(formerly air.velocity = ifElse(var(20), -2.36, -4), -7.5)
air.cornerPush.velOff = 0
yAccel = ifElse(var(20),.5,.6)
air.fall = 1
fall.recover = 1
fall.recoverTime = 120
forceStand = 1
hitSound = -1 + 0 * (var(31) := 2)
guardSound = -1 + 0 * (var(32) := 0)
sparkNo = -1 + 0 * (var(33) := 8013)
guard.sparkNo = -1 + 0 * (var(34) := 8001)
sparkXY = -10 + 0 * (var(35) := 157), var(36) := -70
palFX.time = 12 * var(9)
palFX.add = 255, 255, 255
palFX.sinAdd = -255, -255, -255, 48
envShake.time = 14
envShake.ampl = 4
envShake.freq = 120


 October 30, 2022, 08:19:18 am View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in SF1 Lee CVS/POTS (Started by Rabano October 25, 2022, 09:12:27 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

The close MK has a pitiful range. It will whiff against most characters if they are not at point blank range, and some characters won't be hit even then:

His lv3 is still not all that useful against airborne characters as the strikes after the first attack seemingly miss the opponent, making it possible for them to simply block the rest of the attack:

Other than that, he does feel more solid than before, and it's definitely nice that you keep improving him. :)


 October 27, 2022, 09:25:33 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in SF1 Lee CVS/POTS (Started by Rabano October 25, 2022, 09:12:27 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

No worries. :)


 October 27, 2022, 05:56:01 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in SF1 Lee CVS/POTS (Started by Rabano October 25, 2022, 09:12:27 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Sorry if this is something obvious but I dont know where I should add that Trigger.
:mhmm: ... okay.
First, a small correction: I've looked into the code and saw that the fireballs are handled by a helper, so you'd use NumHelper instead of NumProj.

So, go into your cmd-file, search for all of the states that start his fireball moves and add
triggerAll = NumHelper(1305) = 0
to make sure that the moves can only activate when there are no fireballs on screen.

The states you are looking for are [State -1, Yoga Fire], [State -1, Sonic Boom] and [State -1, EX Sonic Boom].

Also, if you are unsure of how to do certain things, why not show your characters in "Projects" to get some feedback first instead of putting them directly in "Your Releases"?


 October 26, 2022, 05:37:24 am View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in SF1 Lee CVS/POTS (Started by Rabano October 25, 2022, 09:12:27 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

If you use 1.1, Lee can't be used in Mugen 1.0. We talked about this for Mike.
If your character doesn't use features specific to 1.1 (as seems to be the case for Lee), use 1.0.

As for the fireballs, there are triggers like NumProj or NumProjID that you can use to check how many projectiles are out.


 October 25, 2022, 11:07:25 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in SF1 Lee CVS/POTS (Started by Rabano October 25, 2022, 09:12:27 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

It's kind of weird that his lv3 doesn't work against airborne opponents. Even if it hits, he doesn't do the rest of the attacks.
His fireball seems very OP. It comes out very fast, barely has any cooldown and you can have multiple ones on screen at the same time.

And again, if you don't mean to make the character 1.1 exclusive, please save his sprites in the correct format.

Re: The Final Fight (SFA 2), but with SF5-ish Abigail

 October 15, 2022, 05:29:38 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in The Final Fight (SFA 2), but with SF5-ish Abigail (Started by Toni October 10, 2022, 03:41:35 am
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

An enhanced version like that would be interesting, but I have no experience coding stuff for Ikemen.

Re: The Final Fight (SFA 2), but with SF5-ish Abigail

 October 13, 2022, 11:09:43 am View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in The Final Fight (SFA 2), but with SF5-ish Abigail (Started by Toni October 10, 2022, 03:41:35 am
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+

Thank you :)

The Final Fight (SFA 2), but with SF5-ish Abigail

 October 10, 2022, 03:41:35 am View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in The Final Fight (SFA 2), but with SF5-ish Abigail (Started by Toni October 10, 2022, 03:41:35 am
 Board: Edits & Addons 1.0+


Re: DC vs MARVEL 8 bit

 September 30, 2022, 08:18:25 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in DC vs MARVEL 8 bit (Started by isela May 16, 2021, 07:09:29 am
 Board: Projects

For Batman, that should be "source of his powers".

Re: Mike (CVS/POTS)

 September 29, 2022, 02:37:12 am View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in Mike (CVS/POTS) (Started by Rabano September 23, 2022, 08:01:30 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+


What I do is open the character In Fighter Factory 3 and click on "sprites" > "save as" in the menu. A window will pop up asking you for the format the sprites should be saved in. Choose "M.U.G.E.N. 1.0", click OK and save the sff as usual.

Re: Mike (CVS/POTS)

 September 29, 2022, 12:52:40 am View in topic context
 Posted by Toni  in Mike (CVS/POTS) (Started by Rabano September 23, 2022, 08:01:30 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

The d,b+P special is still way too save and even combos into itself.
Sprites are still saved in the Mugen 1.1 format.

On the plus side, at least he now has a kick throw. That's nice.