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Messages by Byakko


Re: "stealing" creations

 September 25, 2007, 04:18:03 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in "stealing" creations (Started by [(_sourlucas_)]> September 13, 2007, 07:50:38 am
 Board: Feedback

until he steps in the ring of  C++.
That's not really relevant. Simple as Mugen coding might be, the process is still the same. And, you do consider those problems in communities centered around more developped languages ; someone who creates a copy of, random example, Solitaire, can't claim the "game" named Solitaire to be his own, but he can say the "code" is, for this particular edition. People just don't bother with it seeing how it's not really advanced coding. In the Mugen community specifically, people do react because the attitude of taking other people's stuff and call it your own is seen too often, and people decided it was lame and started reacting after a while.  That happened because it was still actually possible to enforce, what with the community being not really big and all. More people try to come in, but as copy-paste is still very present, the results are 99% shit.
Why do you even have to steal codes? that wouldn't make you a creator.
Creator or not isn't the matter, people who do that can easily be doing so for the result and not care about being called a creator as long as they have a flying SSJ25 Goku or whatever. It's a random explanation but just something that simple removes that argument you used. Yet, that's exactly the reason 99% of the creations are usually downright shit.

Re: Super Member/Star

 September 24, 2007, 12:15:03 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in Super Member/Star (Started by Jango September 13, 2007, 01:57:11 am
 Board: Feedback


Re: [FRENCH SPEAKING ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour !

 September 20, 2007, 12:38:04 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in [FRENCH ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour ! (Started by [SX] August 27, 2007, 11:41:58 am
 Board: International

OMG, les spanishs sont en effervescence en ce moment... j'ai pas envie d'aller voir, mais je suis sur qu'il doit y avoir au moins un post de "on fait la course avec les frenchies".
Même pas, ou alors j'ai pas trouvé. Par contre ça a l'air de bastonner sec depuis plusieurs pages.

Re: [FRENCH SPEAKING ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour !

 September 19, 2007, 06:21:48 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in [FRENCH ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour ! (Started by [SX] August 27, 2007, 11:41:58 am
 Board: International

Oui euh, "innocent", il l'a un peu fait exprès aussi, c'était son but...

Re: [FRENCH SPEAKING ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour !

 September 19, 2007, 02:45:05 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in [FRENCH ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour ! (Started by [SX] August 27, 2007, 11:41:58 am
 Board: International

Pas seulement (j'éditais mon post précédent).

Re: [FRENCH SPEAKING ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour !

 September 19, 2007, 02:37:43 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in [FRENCH ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour ! (Started by [SX] August 27, 2007, 11:41:58 am
 Board: International

Et cette section est totalement affranchie de ce genre de details, non ? :P
Tu crois que Castor s'est pris un ban d'une semaine pour quoi ? Bah non, pas seulement pour ce qu'il a posté en "public", j'en ai eu la confirmation.

Re: [FRENCH SPEAKING ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour !

 September 16, 2007, 11:16:15 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in [FRENCH ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour ! (Started by [SX] August 27, 2007, 11:41:58 am
 Board: International

Un point pour toi, j'imagine.

Re: [FRENCH SPEAKING ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour !

 September 14, 2007, 10:07:26 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in [FRENCH ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour ! (Started by [SX] August 27, 2007, 11:41:58 am
 Board: International

M'en fous, j'ai pas parlé :P

Re: [FRENCH SPEAKING ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour !

 September 14, 2007, 07:55:06 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in [FRENCH ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour ! (Started by [SX] August 27, 2007, 11:41:58 am
 Board: International

Ca part vite en plus cette saloperie, c'est pas resté 1 jour (encore moins pour Vince). Encore un truc qui sert à rien apparemment, tiens, juste à faire poster des topics. (m'a fait sourir quand Jango a carrément posté un topic comme si ça le faisait flipper d'avoir cette étoile)

Re: [FRENCH SPEAKING ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour !

 September 14, 2007, 03:13:16 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in [FRENCH ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour ! (Started by [SX] August 27, 2007, 11:41:58 am
 Board: International

Jo, ce à quoi je faisais référence, c'est qu'ils ont fait tout un foin à ce sujet alors que tout le monde savait que ça servait à rien de rendre la section staff publique, à part pour faire les malins à la jouer "pas de secret" uniquement pour les petits nouveaux (ce qui ne sert à rien non plus).

Re: [FRENCH SPEAKING ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour !

 September 14, 2007, 01:31:16 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in [FRENCH ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour ! (Started by [SX] August 27, 2007, 11:41:58 am
 Board: International

Chai pas, apparemment le staff la fait circuler entre les membres sans dire à quoi elle correspond - un membre à la fois. Et en fait, je m'en fous un peu (par contre, si le staff est au courant, ça veut bien dire qu'ils en ont discuté, et où, pas dans une section publique en tout cas, c'est marrant j'avais cru comprendre qu'ils faisaient semblant de jouer la carte de la transparence)

Re: Super Member/Star

 September 14, 2007, 01:12:19 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in Super Member/Star (Started by Jango September 13, 2007, 01:57:11 am
 Board: Feedback

Oh, Bia had it. That must ruin my hypothesis then.

Re: Super Member/Star

 September 14, 2007, 01:08:58 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in Super Member/Star (Started by Jango September 13, 2007, 01:57:11 am
 Board: Feedback

Golden, Sourlucas, Jango, DavidGee, and me (wouldn't have noticed it if E and Ichierzen hadn't said it). Hovering over the star says "Super Member!". Logic would tell me to try to figure out the common point between us, but I can't think of anything that either of us would agree with... I could say loudmouth, annoying or fathead but I don't know Golden and Sourlucas much.
Well whatever, it's not like I'm going to make a topic about it as far as I'm concerned.


 September 13, 2007, 10:15:27 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in SAMUS ARAN (Started by Reu July 20, 2007, 11:22:03 am
 Board: Projects

sicne this is a 2d character
Reu creates a 3D model then slap it to 2D. If he adds textures on the model, they remain visible on the 2D version.
A help that person could give would be tips regarding what feel the texture should have, even if the texture itself is copyrighted.

Re: "stealing" creations

 September 13, 2007, 09:49:07 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in "stealing" creations (Started by [(_sourlucas_)]> September 13, 2007, 07:50:38 am
 Board: Feedback

TDS, Al is speaking about how you said "can you even call that code" and "stealing from a screenpack isn't worth flaming" (which is understandable and correct enough, although badly worded). Actually you can call that code, but what it was supposed to sound like is "it's easy enough for someone who is doing it seriously to not need to 'steal' it from others" and "stealing from screenpacks can only be small things, so nobody would flame for that". Basically. Do I translate right ? Well, you saying "you can't even call that code" and "nobody would care enough about screenpacks to flame" is what Al reacted to, as he took that for disrespect. Which can easily be understood, frankly.

Re: [FRENCH SPEAKING ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour !

 September 13, 2007, 02:47:07 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in [FRENCH ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour ! (Started by [SX] August 27, 2007, 11:41:58 am
 Board: International

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Re: [FRENCH SPEAKING ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour !

 September 13, 2007, 01:05:07 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in [FRENCH ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour ! (Started by [SX] August 27, 2007, 11:41:58 am
 Board: International

C'était quelqu'un qui m'avait appelé "renard à 3 pattes".

Re: [FRENCH SPEAKING ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour !

 September 13, 2007, 12:25:30 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in [FRENCH ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour ! (Started by [SX] August 27, 2007, 11:41:58 am
 Board: International

"On a avancé de 15 pages avec x nombre de posters" est pas impossible non plus.
(note que j'en sais rien de ce qu'il voulait dire, je parle juste de possibilité, et de toute façon c'est faux aussi alors bon)

Re: [FRENCH SPEAKING ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour !

 September 13, 2007, 12:09:26 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in [FRENCH ONLY] Amis francophones bonjour ! (Started by [SX] August 27, 2007, 11:41:58 am
 Board: International

15 pages à 2, 15 pages faites par 2 personnes - mais comme le 2 ne correspond ni au nombre de pages, ni au  nombre de posters, va falloir l'attendre pour voir de quoi il parlait.

Re: cvs holy ken, cvs holy ryu and cvs holy akuma

 September 13, 2007, 12:05:52 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by Byakko  in cvs holy ken, cvs holy ryu and cvs holy akuma  (Started by mark masters September 13, 2007, 05:37:29 am
 Board: Projects

Akuma in japanesse doesn't mean demon?
The thing is that his name isn't Akuma.