
Been working on a new MUGEN Iceberg as of late... (Read 16737 times)

Started by RagingRowen, November 09, 2024, 05:57:37 pm
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Re: Been working on a new MUGEN Iceberg as of late...
#21  November 28, 2024, 08:44:38 pm
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Hello! It's me colobucci again, I return to this post to comment on something VERY BUT VERY interesting.

-There is (or was) a Zero (The one from SvC) Which was a "prototype" of the Pots Style. but this was never released to the public, and the only ones who saw it were Pots Himself (Phantom.of.the.Server) and Akito-San.

I know this information thanks to Akito-San Me sharing it on a Discord server, and he told me that if you ask PotS about it he can confirm it for you.

Re: Been working on a new MUGEN Iceberg as of late...
#22  December 15, 2024, 07:40:11 am
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Kakuge Yaro and how one creator (I wanna say Silent Storm) tried to pass off one of the characters as his own original creation before getting caught
-The great Japanese Mugen collapse: I don't believe a proper name was ever established for this, but the shutdown of Geocities, Yahoo Japan and InfoSeek (and probably some other hosts I've forgotten) resulted in many, many, many, MANY Japanese Mugen creators losing their hosting.  I seriously cannot emphasize enough how scary this was at the time, because the Japanese community hadn't really adopted file sharing sites for their content the way we did in the West.  Some of them did eventually start using things like OneDrive and other uploading services (and still do to this day) but many others would be lost if not for the Wayback Machine and people having already downloaded their content.  We narrowly avoided a digital Library of Alexandria burning.
Related to this, but the losses of Megaupload and Mugen China/MugenBR (along with Infoseek, as mentioned) resulted in a TON of stuff being gone. So when this situation happened with Geocities and Yahoo Japan the community was much better prepared for it via archiving of every kind possible. Helps unlike the former examples those two sites let it known they were shutting down so people could get everything they could.

might as well shill:
the streams are here: