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Messages by KillRilla


Re: Ikemen GO

 November 15, 2021, 01:05:53 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by KillRilla  in Ikemen GO (Started by K4thos May 26, 2018, 03:04:27 am
 Board: IKEMEN Releases

Hello, could anyone share with me the code lines that allows one to have Big Portraits
p1.face.spr = 9000,1
p1.face.anim = 0
Both work together.
Like for example the normal Big Port 9000, 1 is in its usual place on screen, but also have the sprite animation anim = 0 showing "infront" of it.
Definitely possible, I've seen it on YT if anyone wants me to link.
Its driving me nuts trying to figure this out. any help is appreciated
