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Messages by Burning_Typhoon


Re: Move + Release 2 buttons?

 August 23, 2013, 01:39:11 am View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in Move + Release 2 buttons? (Started by Sheng Long August 22, 2013, 03:34:24 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Dude, I'm using a PS3 controller, you're not getting all those inputs to work on a keyboard unless it's a special gaming keyboard, or something.  And If I do use keyboard, I use number-pad, which isn't going to be on a laptop.  Some have them... most don't.

EDIT:  Okay, so it doesn't work at all on the numberpad..  But, on the keyboard, it works on 2P side (WASD, GHJ-TYU-I)  Which means it should work on yours because this is no special keyboard, lol.

POTS' style Ruby Heart

 August 23, 2013, 01:34:52 am View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in POTS' style Ruby Heart (Started by Burning_Typhoon August 23, 2013, 01:34:52 am
 Board: Idea Engineering

I've been thinking about the idea for a few days now.  Just need a bit of motivation, and some help.  Nothing big, I just need to figure out how to make high res effects for her sublimation, and I'm not using Kyosuke's electric pillars for that.

I'll get started on it as soon as I can devote time to editing sprites.  There's something weird about her MvC2 sprites.  I know her sprites were intended for a different game, and maybe they were down-scaled and edited for MvC2 after it was canceled?  I want to touch them up a little bit, add some color to them, and make them shine.

I've got joo's mvc2 frame data and will be using that where I can, but, she wont get all her air combos because no super jumps.  Once I figure out how my edited sprites will look, I'll probably give her some new moves.  Thinking about it, she doesn't need any more special moves..  What would they do? lol

As far as EX moves go, that's what I may need help with.

What I have in mind for sublimation is just faster start-up and tracking, ghost that tracks, and perhaps disable meter useage, (does mugen even support that?)

One thing I dont want to do is her air-ship super, unless she leaves the screen like Jin does.  I just doesn't look right with her standing next to her ship and that has always bugged me.

Perhaps her command grab can be an EX while the chain throw is the regular move..  I don't know, just some ideas.

Once I start editing, I'll figure out something to do with running animation.  Maybe a teleport move, or something.  I do want a custom roll, because I dont think her current floor rolling animation will look to too great if used as a command.

If someone has an updated ruby heart sprite to use as reference for me to edit, let me see it.  Otherwise, I'll just try a few things with a basic stand, see what I like, and go from there.

Ideas?  Questions?  Suggestions?

Re: Who's your best mugen character(s)

 August 22, 2013, 11:35:33 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in Who's your best mugen character(s)  (Started by SuliOfTheNerdVaid Suli August 12, 2013, 03:35:54 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

Going to have to say POTS' Morrigan, (I gave her drill kick, and EX drill kick, among other changes.)
POTS' Ryu (gave him some of infinite's edit moves)
Infinite's Chun Li edit, (After I rebalanced her.)
I'd say POTS' Shin Akuma, but that's only because he's insanely easy to use.  I edited him to have life leech, high attack damage and really low health (550) compared to my average (1400).  I think the most for a character right now is 1550 (Zangief).
Also, Maki (Edited by Infinite) and again rebalanced by myself.
I gave Zangief high damage output and changed his commands to something more usual for him and took away things like air dashes, slowed down his normals a bit, no blocking in mech mode, etc..  All that, and I suck at doing 720 motions on a controller, so I can't use him too well.
I used to be good with Infinite's Jin edit, but I was just testing the waters editing him and need to re-download him and start over (I think I made him even more broken, lol).

I refuse to play with Ruby Heart until I get around to editing her.  If I want to play her, I'll just go for MvC2.  But, due to MvC2, I am somewhat good with her.

Re: Move + Release 2 buttons?

 August 22, 2013, 10:35:52 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in Move + Release 2 buttons? (Started by Sheng Long August 22, 2013, 03:34:24 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

No, wait, I've got it!!

[State -1, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = statetype!=A
triggerall = Command="BirdCharge"
trigger1= command = "rlsy" && command = "rlsx"
trigger1= ctrl
value = 1012
ctrl = 0

It works!  I removed it from state 0 and put it in -1 with

Still doesn't work for me. :P

Maybe I should try variable activation? Like for example, Set Var(2) when command =  "QCB", then after Var(2) is set, use command = "rel_x" && "rel_y" to change state? Just thinking of some alternatives. :S

Actually.... I just tested with just using "rel_x" && "rel_y" alone by itself (without command = "qcb"). It still doesn't work. I think that mugen won't register anything else if 2 buttons are held down for whatever reason.

The issue can't be with that, because it works for me.  I've even tried holding down 1 button and doing the same command.  It didn't work.  It only works if I do QCF and release x and y as specified.  I really doubt that I'm somehow having dumb-luck, because everywhere else, besides this command, spinning bird kick is a kick move, not a punch move.

So, when I release x and y, and see the move working, I know it's right.

Um...  Did you try just making the attack command 1 button?  If it doesn't work after you press one button, then the issue isn't with the command.  If you don't feel like using 1 button, try the "drill claw" command "x+b".

Wait... what happened to the rest of my post from above?  It dropped off mid sentence.

Could you link me to the character, or post the cmd?  If you link it, I'll have it fixed for you.

Re: Roster Showcase

 August 22, 2013, 10:09:49 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in Roster Showcase (Started by Saohc October 14, 2009, 08:46:02 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

Not stopping until I get 120-130 characters.  I'm just going to have to do a lot of editing on the ones I have to balance them all out first, then I'll get some more after that process is completed.  Honestly, the only edits I'm comfortable with are Ryu and Maki.  It's a shame most people try to make their characters a broken, over-powered mess.  Just means I have to go in and balance them out a bit

The only character not shown is the zombie M.Bison (Dictator)  and a second version of Shin Akuma I edited to be a sort of boss character.

I'm also going to change up things like screen packs, display pictures, and stuff.. For now, I just want balance.

Re: Show me your favourite stages

 August 22, 2013, 08:31:46 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in Show me your favourite stages (Started by Fireskull19 August 19, 2013, 07:50:57 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

I had to take some stuff out because my computer can't run the stage at full speed with all the effects and buildings.  While I'm at it, I have this... set as the stage's background music.
A friend of mine made it.  Not for a fighting game, and couldn't imagine why I'd want to use it in a stage for mugen... until he saw them together.

I kinda like the stage without the extra glare, though.

That's the only building with no lights.  I accidentally removed them with the other stuff, but left it, because it looks like a building that's closed for the night.

Re: Move + Release 2 buttons?

 August 22, 2013, 07:50:06 am View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in Move + Release 2 buttons? (Started by Sheng Long August 22, 2013, 03:34:24 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

No, wait, I've got it!!

[State -1, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = statetype!=A
triggerall = Command="BirdCharge"
trigger1= command = "rlsy" && command = "rlsx"
trigger1= ctrl
value = 1012
ctrl = 0

It works!  I removed it from state 0 and put it in -1 with

Re: Move + Release 2 buttons?

 August 22, 2013, 07:22:28 am View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in Move + Release 2 buttons? (Started by Sheng Long August 22, 2013, 03:34:24 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Wait.... You actually have to put it inside statedef 0? Why, wha's the purpose of that? what if I was in crouch state, or walking state, or landing from a jump state? Would I have to add the chanegstate into those states, or can't I just use something like "triggerall = StateNo >= 0 && StateNo <= 20"? Though I think trigger1 = Ctrl would have done that anyway.

Well, I'm kinda still new at this.  I don't care about it being efficient yet.  As long as it works, I'm happy.  But, yeah, ctrl probably would be the way to go.  I forget things sometimes, lol.  I'll try not to forget that.

But, does this mean you have it working? 

Re: From now on I'm not ExShadow anymore, I'm Vibrant

 August 22, 2013, 06:19:17 am View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in From now on I'm not ExShadow anymore, I'm Vibrant (Started by ExShadow August 20, 2013, 11:17:27 pm
 Board: All That's Left

Well, I'm just going to stop in here to say welcome to the community, Vibrant.  I hope you enjoy your time here on the boards..  In my 8 years of being a member, I'm now deciding to be a somewhat regular member here without popping up once or twice a year for five minutes.  Maybe I should change my name too!

gives a whole new meaning to "and i shall form... THE HEAD!"

That's Voltron, not power rangers.

Re: 2 issues: enshake coding / Sprites shadow

 August 22, 2013, 06:02:00 am View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in 2 issues: enshake coding / Sprites shadow (Started by Joulz August 22, 2013, 05:41:37 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

2/how do you fix those damn shadows? is there a way to make them actually connect to each foot?

How would you do that without stretching the image?

Remember, mvc characters had a little black dot under them as a shadow.  Remember, when you have sunlight directly in front of you, your shadow from behind will be taller that you; it's stretched.

Maybe you could lower the X axis on the character?  That's the only thing I can think of, but it's not going to be perfect without going through too much effort.

As for the super jump, since one works for both, why not use an if else?

Re: Move + Release 2 buttons?

 August 22, 2013, 05:43:58 am View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in Move + Release 2 buttons? (Started by Sheng Long August 22, 2013, 03:34:24 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Still doesn't seem to work. This is what I have:

name = "QCF"
command = ~D, DF, F
time = 100  ;<----- Just in case, for testing.
buffer.time = 100 ;<----- Just in case, for testing.

name = "QCB"
command = ~D, DB, B
time = 100  ;<----- Just in case, for testing.
buffer.time = 100  ;<----- Just in case, for testing.

name = "rel_x"
command = ~x
time = 100  ;<----- Just in case, for testing.
buffer.time = 100  ;<----- Just in case, for testing.

name = "rel_y"
command = ~y
time = 100  ;<----- Just in case, for testing.
buffer.time = 100  ;<----- Just in case, for testing.

[State -1, Fast Kung Fu Blow]
type = ChangeState
value = 1220
triggerall = AILevel <= 0
triggerall = command = "QCB"
triggerall = Command = "rel_x" && Command = "rel_y"
triggerall = power >= 330
trigger1 = var(1) ;Use combo condition (above)

This is just testing with an edited KFM I made, or making anyway. I tested with those commands triggered like so, and it does not work. :P

just remove the var 1 if you're just doing it for testing purposes.  and the power >=300 for the same reason.  Make sure you changed to the correct VALUE, which I doubt is exactly the same as bfdm's chun-li.  Nevermind, that part's not the same.

But, remove that stuff and set relx and y to trigger 1.  And since the command is QCB, go to your common states, and stick that change state under the standing state for KFM (Probably state 0)

; Stand
[Statedef 0]
type = S
physics = S
sprpriority = 0

[State 0, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = Command="BirdCharge"
triggerall=time>=2 && command = "rlsy"&&command = "rlsx"
value = 1012
ctrl = 0

Is what I have, and yes, eventhough it says birdcharge, it's actually QCF.    Make sure you're pressing x and y and not y and z like I was just doing, lol..

Also, QCF is missing from the triggers.  (command="QCB"||command="QCF")

Re: Move + Release 2 buttons?

 August 22, 2013, 03:46:49 am View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in Move + Release 2 buttons? (Started by Sheng Long August 22, 2013, 03:34:24 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Have QCF as it's own command.
Have Release x as it's own command.
Release y as it's own command.

In the attack's state, use them together.  I did something similar with bfdm's chun li....

[State 0, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Command="BirdCharge"
trigger1= command = "c"
value = 1012
ctrl = 0

Bird charge is nothing more than the direction only.  You just need to add the action button in as separate releases and it should work.

[State 0, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Command="QCF"
trigger1= command = "rlsx"&&command = "rlsy"
value = 1012
ctrl = 0

EDIT:  I was about to get angry, lol.  I was testing that to make sure it worked, (worked yesterday), and it wasn't;  I changed the command to QCF, but the change stage was for crouching, which obviously wont happen if you have to press forward.  But, yeah, that requires you to release both buttons.

name = "rlsx"
command = ~y
time = 1

name = "rlsy"
command = ~x
time = 1

command = D,DF,F

Is what I have.  You  can also make it a bit more strict by doing this.

[State 0, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
triggerall= Command="QCF"
trigger1= time>=2&&command = "rlsx"&&command = "rlsy"
value = 1012
ctrl = 0

Personally, I felt the other way was a bit too easy to pull off.

Re: The Finish My Project Thread

 August 22, 2013, 03:36:47 am View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in The Finish My Project Thread (Started by StormEX August 21, 2013, 07:53:56 pm
 Board: Projects

this just sounds like it will be used as an excuse for people to be lazy. i can respect not having time, but...

Can you or someone finish my cvs style ruby heart? (including sprites)?  It's actually around 0% completed as I haven't actually started yet, but, if you can at least do that for me and let me know when it's done, that would be awesome, thanks.

Lol, I'm kidding.  Actually, I'm going to keep my eye on this thread.  I'm bummed about updating MB-02 and being asked not to release it to you guys, so next time I update something, or work on it at all, I'll talk to the original author before starting.

Re: Help with Explode, stays on screen unless i repeat attack

 August 21, 2013, 10:15:31 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in Help with Explode, stays on screen unless i repeat attack (Started by Memo August 21, 2013, 09:20:00 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Um, that's because your new state isn't told to erase the helper, but the special is.

Find where it says remove explode in the special move's helper, and copy and paste that to whatever attack she's canceling from.  Here's an example from Infinite's Zangief Edit that I balanced out a bit.

In SFIV, and many other games, he can use his banishing hand to anchor himself to throw.  I wanted him to do that.

I did, but, the blue effect wouldn't disappear and would stay on screen if i performed a grab at the end of the attack.  So, make it look something like this...
;Spinning Piledriver
[Statedef 1300]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 0
velset = 0,0
ctrl = 0
poweradd = 72

[State xxx, RemoveExplod]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 =  time=0
id = 1110
ignorehitpause = 1

The important thing is to take note of the ID.  If it's on screen, it will disappear  But, the spinning pile driver isn't the attack that spawned it.

So whatever her next state it.  It may or not be an attack, make sure it has a remove explode there.

EDIT:  I'm sorry, but, I don't understand your description and I'm not sure how King works in cvs2 and I've yet to pick her in that game.  If you have some way of showing me how the attack looks when working properly, please let me see it.

EDIT2:  Okay, so I've just found a video on how it should look.  However, your hit def says trigger=animelem=4 and your remove is set to animelem=5.  That's your problem. 

Re: M.U.G.E.N Screenshots V2

 August 21, 2013, 05:47:18 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in M.U.G.E.N Screenshots V2 (Started by Titiln April 08, 2009, 08:11:07 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

One squad appears to have full health, despite the chaos.  lol.

Re: How to create a special move with FF3

 August 21, 2013, 07:20:16 am View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in How to create a special move with FF3 (Started by kingman1 August 14, 2013, 03:19:37 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

It is an animation with no effects. Simple thrust forward.

I'm going to assume you have your sprites handy.

In fighter factory 3, get the sprites alligned correctly and apply how many ticks you want each frame of animation to be.  Don't go crazy with with this, because adding too many ticks to a frame will make the animation look bad.

Next is to add collision boxes and hit detection.  Be very careful with this.  It doesn't have to be exact, just a rough estimate.  Use the blue collision boxes first.  When adding the the red ones, since this is a thrust forward, make sure the red box is over an arm, or back, stomach, or whatever it is the character is trusting forward.

Go to your cns for attacks with the number of your animation.

Oh, I forgot, you may want to separate the starting animation from the attacking animation and the landing.  I'm assuming his feet will leave the ground.

; [Statedef STATENO]
; type = ?      S/C/A/L  stand/crouch/air/liedown
; movetype = ?  I/A/H    idle/attack/gethit
; physics = ?   S/C/A/N  stand/crouch/air/none
; juggle = ?             air juggle points move requires

You want...
[Statedef (whatever number you chose that isn't being used)]
 type = S      S/C/A/L  stand/crouch/air/liedown
 movetype = A  I/A/H    idle/attack/gethit
 physics = S   S/C/A/N  stand/crouch/air/none
anim = (The number you gave your start-up animation)
 juggle = 0             air juggle points move requires
ctrl = 0
velset = 0
sprpriority = 1
poweradd = 0
facep2 = 1

Click change state.  Or, ignore this part and go right down to the hit def if it's all one animation.

[State (same state as above), 2nd]
type = changestate
trigger1 = !animtime  ;will play after the last animation completes.
value = (The 2nd part of the animation's ANIMATION NUMBER; not state.  Don't put anything other than a number here.)
ctrl = 0 ;if you press any button, you wont cancel the attack and regain control.

[State (same state as above), 3nd]
type = changestate
trigger1 = !animtime
value = (the 3rd part for the landing.)
ctrl = 0 ;if you press any button, you wont cancel the attack and regain control.

Click the VELSET (not varset).

[State 0, VelSet]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = this really depends on if your character is going up, and what not  it would be helpful to know what this dash attack looks like..
x = 0  ;this will make your character move forward.
y = 0  ;up, obviously.

After all of this, on the right, directly below the code, click "hit def."

[State 0, HitDef]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = the part of the attack that has the red hitbox should go here.  An example would be anim=555&&animelem=4
attr = S,NA        ;SCA,NA,SA,HA,NP,SP,HP,NT,ST,HT
hitflag = MAF        ;HLAFD+-
guardflag = MA         ;HLA
Click change state again.

[State (same state as above), 3nd]
type = changestate
trigger1 = !animtime
value =Your standing state
ctrl = 1 ;you are standing and want to regain control now.

then, finally, go to the command file.

name= "Whatever you want to name it, but make sure it's in quotation."
command= (Just make sure directions are capital, and buttons are a,b,c,x,y,z [lowercase])
time= number of ticks to do the attack  15 should be strict enough, but, for special attacks, don't make it more than 30.  Even that may be too much.

Go down to your -1 states for the last part.

[State -1, Forward Thrust Attack]
type= changestate
value= state from before.  not the animation  Just have a number here.
triggerall= command = "command you named above"
triggerall= roundstate = 2 && statetype != A
trigger2= If this is an attack you can combo into, put the state of those attacks here, stateno=punch(Just an example, use a number)&&animelem=3; another example.  Things look better if you can't can't cancel out of something the moment the attack starts.

Re: juggle control variable

 August 21, 2013, 06:18:49 am View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in juggle control variable (Started by Borghi August 19, 2013, 06:53:39 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

But if I do that I'll be forced to use the same vel on both attacks and that's no super good.
I'm using the exact same code for the moment only to check why the hell isn't working on some circumstances.

Not if you use an "if else" for the attack.

Let's say one is -6, and the other is -5.  (I thought they both were negative 5)

Anyway, if you want negative -6, and one to be -5 the first time they hit, and the 2nd time, you want them both to be -4

air.velocity = ifelse(var(45)>=1, -4, -5), -??(forgot what you said you wanted this to be and I'm not going back to see)

and, for the other attack.

air.velocity = ifelse(var(45)>=1, -4, -6)

If that doesn't work, do you mind if I took a look at it?

Re: Uno Tag System ver. 2.5 - (now working with ver. 3.0)

 August 20, 2013, 11:35:37 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in Uno Tag System ver. 2.5 - (now working with ver. 3.0) (Started by Uno August 26, 2012, 09:18:29 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

This thing patched my characters with "\" instead of "/"!!


Oh well, I'm only trying it with two characters for now.

Re: juggle control variable

 August 20, 2013, 04:27:17 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in juggle control variable (Started by Borghi August 19, 2013, 06:53:39 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

It is the exact same code. That's the weird part.

I guess it has to do with one of them being an aerial move...

Maybe I just needed some rest or something, but, why not make variable 45 the air velocity itself?  Make variable 45 =-5.  Then, on move hit, make it = to -4 until the enemy recovers.

About above, it seems to work for me when I do it that way.  Only difference is I'll disable a move entirely.  Maybe I should quit doing that, though.  If you push a button at an inappropriate time, you should be punished for it...  oh well. 

For the air vel line, just use var (45) and have it change on hit.

Re: What is a good character for beginner?

 August 20, 2013, 09:16:05 am View in topic context
 Posted by Burning_Typhoon  in What is a good character for beginner? (Started by Rayfa August 20, 2013, 01:49:54 am
 Board: Introductions and Guides

May I suggest different MvC styled characters that are source accurate instead? Kamikaze's are really fun and have easy combos.

Source accurate & mvc?  I've personally only seen one to come close in all my time with mugen..  Noyubuki's Magneto.  The rest, while they play similarly, play nothing like mvc1 or mvc2.

Maybe perhaps you know something I don't?