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Messages by 8way


Does a list of 100% Complete chars & stages exist?

 August 19, 2010, 01:05:34 pm View in topic context
 Posted by 8way  in Does a list of 100% Complete chars & stages exist? (Started by 8way August 19, 2010, 01:05:34 pm
 Board: Requests

Just wondering if such a list exists. I don't see it as sticky so im guessing not. If not i think it would be something useful to create.

Re: Removing Mini Image

 August 18, 2010, 01:52:56 pm View in topic context
 Posted by 8way  in Removing Mini Image  (Started by 8way August 17, 2010, 06:11:37 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

There will be somewhere, possibly in state -2 or the .cmd where a helper is created. Find that helper creation and turn it off. If you turn on clsn's the helper MIGHT be named, and you can search for the name to make things easier.

Thank you, that really helped me out. It was actually a state -3 in the  cns, and found it by name when turning on clsn's. Im just starting with MUGEN so all this is new to me. Im trying to learn it all, so maybe in the near future i can contribute something. Anyways thanks again for the help.

Removing Mini Image

 August 17, 2010, 06:11:37 pm View in topic context
 Posted by 8way  in Removing Mini Image  (Started by 8way August 17, 2010, 06:11:37 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

How do i remove this 'mini image" from this character? Its E. Honda by Yayutto.

Re: Spiderman by Seth Zankuten

 August 13, 2010, 02:34:15 am View in topic context
 Posted by 8way  in Spiderman by Seth Zankuten (Started by DownFighter August 12, 2010, 04:49:48 pm
 Board: Requests

Really, were? All i can find is v2.0. Do you mind sharing were you got him?

Re: Spiderman by Seth Zankuten

 August 12, 2010, 05:55:09 pm View in topic context
 Posted by 8way  in Spiderman by Seth Zankuten (Started by DownFighter August 12, 2010, 04:49:48 pm
 Board: Requests

Has it been released?

Re: Street Fighter II E. Honda & Chun-Li

 August 12, 2010, 05:04:11 pm View in topic context
 Posted by 8way  in Street Fighter II E. Honda & Chun-Li (Started by 8way August 08, 2010, 02:19:40 pm
 Board: Requests

Yeah thanks but i really have no use for the MK Chun-Li. Now the by yayutto is very nice, its like a 6in1 Honda(SF2,SF2ce,SF2ceT,SF2hack,SSF2,SSF2t). Thanks Nico for the upload. I have come across him before, but passed him up because from the screen shot it looked like SSF2 version. One question about him, is it possible to disable the little picture thing in the upper left side?

Re: Street Fighter II E. Honda & Chun-Li

 August 10, 2010, 01:45:08 pm View in topic context
 Posted by 8way  in Street Fighter II E. Honda & Chun-Li (Started by 8way August 08, 2010, 02:19:40 pm
 Board: Requests

Looks like im having the same problem with SF2 E.Honda. If someone has them please e-mail them to me. Thanks.

Re: Alex (SF_MX) update

 August 10, 2010, 03:05:56 am View in topic context
 Posted by 8way  in Alex (SF_MX) update (Started by lifido9999 July 31, 2010, 06:46:54 am
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen

You need to open up the CMD and comment this out :

[State -1 ,    pause]
Type = Helper
Trigger1 = NumHelper(10001) = 0
trigger1 =command = "start"
trigger1 = var(25) = 0 || var(26) = 0
Name = "Pause"
ID = 10001
Pos = 0, -600
PosType = Back
StateNo = 10001
KeyCtrl = 1
OwnPal = 1

I think. XD

Thanks, but i dont see anything like that. This is what it looks like:

Name = "waza1_light"
Command = ~D, F, x
Time = 9
Name = "waza1_middle"
Command = ~D, F, y
Time = 9
Name = "waza1_hard"
Command = ~D, F, z
Time = 9

Name = "waza2_light"
Command = F, ~D, DF, x
Time = 20
Name = "waza2_middle"
Command = F, ~D, DF, y
Time = 20
Name = "waza2_hard"
Command = F, ~D, DF, z
Time = 20

Name = "waza3_light"
Command = ~D, B, a
Name = "waza3_middle"
Command = ~D, B, b
Name = "waza3_hard"
Command = ~D, B, c

Name = "FF"
Command = F, F
Name = "BB"
Command = B, B

Name = "a"
Command = a
Time = 1
Name = "b"
Command = b
Time = 1
Name = "c"
Command = c
Time = 1
Name = "x"
Command = x
Time = 1
Name = "y"
Command = y
Time = 1
Name = "z"
Command = z
Time = 1

Name = "start"
Command = s
Time = 1

Name = "fwd"
Command = F
Time = 1
Name = "back"
Command = B
Time = 1
Name = "up"
Command = U
Time = 1
Name = "down"
Command = D
Time = 1

Name = "holda"
Command = /$a
Time = 1
Name = "holdb"
Command = /$b
Time = 1
Name = "holdc"
Command = /$c
Time = 1

Name = "holdfwd"
Command = /$F
Time = 1
Name = "holdback"
Command = /$B
Time = 1
Name = "holdup"
Command = /$U
Time = 1
Name = "holddown"
Command = /$D
Time = 1

Name = "recovery"
Command = a+b+c+x+y+z+s
Time = 0

[StateDef -1]
[State -1];—³Šªù•—‹r
Type = ChangeState
Trigger1 = (Command="waza3_light"||Command="waza3_middle"||Command="waza3_hard") && (StateType!=A||(Var(13)&&!Var(10))) && (Ctrl||(Time<2&&StateNo=[200,399])||Var(6)>0||(Var(12)=-2&&MoveType=H&&HitShakeOver&&Pos Y<=0)) && Var(30) != 1 && RoundState = 2
Value = IFelse(Command="waza3_light", 1200, IFelse(Command="waza3_middle", 1201, 1202))
[State -1];‹ó’†—³Šªù•—‹r
Type = ChangeState
Trigger1 = (Command="waza3_light"||Command="waza3_middle"||Command="waza3_hard")&&StateType=A&&(Ctrl||Var(6)>0||(Var(12)=-2&&MoveType=H&&HitShakeOver&&Pos Y<=0))&&Pos Y<-55&&Var(10)&&Var(30)!=1&&RoundState=2
Value = IFelse(Command="waza3_light", 1203, IFelse(Command="waza3_middle", 1204, 1205))

[State -1];¸—´Œ
Type = ChangeState
Trigger1 = (Command="waza2_light"||Command="waza2_middle"||Command="waza2_hard") && (StateType!=A||Var(13)) && (Ctrl||(Time<2&&StateNo=[200,399])||Var(6)>0||(Var(12)=-2&&MoveType=H&&HitShakeOver&&Pos Y<=0)) && Var(30) != 1 && RoundState = 2
Value = IFelse(Command="waza2_light", 1100, IFelse(Command="waza2_middle", 1101, 1102))

[State -1];”g“®Œ
Type = ChangeState
Trigger1=(Command="waza1_light"||Command="waza1_middle"||Command="waza1_hard")&&!NumProjID(1)&&(StateType!=A||Var(13))&&(Ctrl||(Time<2&&StateNo=[200,399])||Var(6)>0||(Var(12)=-2&&MoveType=H&&HitShakeOver&&Pos Y<=0))&&Var(30)!=1&&RoundState=2
Value = IFelse(Command="waza1_light", 1000, IFelse(Command="waza1_middle", 1001, 1002))

[State -1];“Š‚°
Type = ChangeState
Trigger1 = StateNo = 20 && (Command = "y" || Command = "z" || Command = "b" || Command = "c" || (Var(10) = 2 && Command = "a")) && P2BodyDist X<(65*Const(Size.XScale)) && Var(30) != 1 && RoundState = 2
Value = IFelse(Command = "y", 504, IFelse(Command = "z", 500, IFelse(Command = "b", 510, 514)))

[State -1];—§‚¿ƒpƒ“ƒ`ŒnUŒ‚
Type = ChangeState
Trigger1 = (Command = "x" || Command = "y" || Command = "z") && StateType = S && (Ctrl||(Var(12)=-2&&MoveType=H&&HitShakeOver)) && Var(30) != 1 && RoundState = 2
Value = IFelse(Command="x", 200+(P2BodyDist X<(35*Const(Size.XScale))), IFelse(Command="y", 210+(P2BodyDist X<(42*Const(Size.XScale))), 220+(P2BodyDist X<(46*Const(Size.XScale)))))
[State -1];—§‚¿ƒLƒbƒNŒnUŒ‚
Type = ChangeState
Trigger1 = (Command = "a" || Command = "b" || Command = "c") && StateType = S && (Ctrl||(Var(12)=-2&&MoveType=H&&HitShakeOver)) && Var(30) != 1 && RoundState = 2
Value = IFelse(P2BodyDist X>(29*Const(Size.XScale)), IFelse(Command = "a", 230, IFelse(Command = "b", 240, IFelse(P2BodyDist X<(45*Const(Size.XScale)), 251, 250))), IFelse(Command = "a", 231, IFelse(Command = "b", 241, 251)))
[State -1];‚µ‚Ⴊ‚ݍUŒ‚
Type = ChangeState
Trigger1 = (Command = "x" || Command = "y" || Command = "z" || Command = "a" || Command = "b" || Command = "c") && StateType = C && (Ctrl||(Var(12)=-2&&MoveType=H&&HitShakeOver)) && Var(30) != 1 && RoundState = 2
Value = IFelse(Command = "x", 300, IFelse(Command = "y", 310, IFelse(Command = "z", 320, IFelse(Command = "a", 330, IFelse(Command = "b", 340, 350)))))
[State -1];‹ó’†ƒpƒ“ƒ`
Type = ChangeState
Trigger1 = (Command = "x" || Command = "y" || Command = "z") && StateType = A && (Ctrl||(Var(12)=-2&&MoveType=H&&HitShakeOver&&Pos Y<=0)) && Var(30) != 1 && RoundState = 2
Value = IFelse(Command = "x", 400, IFelse(Command = "y", 410, 420))
[State -1];‹ó’†ƒLƒbƒN
Type = ChangeState
Trigger1 = (Command = "a" || Command = "b" || Command = "c") && StateType = A && (Ctrl||(Var(12)=-2&&MoveType=H&&HitShakeOver&&Pos Y<=0)) && Var(30) != 1 && RoundState = 2
Value = IFelse(Vel X = 0, IFelse(Command = "a", 430, IFelse(Command = "b", 440, 450)), IFelse(Command = "a", 431, IFelse(Command = "b", 441, 451)))
[State -1];“¯Žž‰Ÿ‚µƒXƒyƒVƒƒƒ‹
Type = ChangeState
Trigger1 = Command = "a" && AnimElem = 2,>1 && (Command="x"||Command="y"||Command="z"||Command="holdup") && ((StateNo=231&&Command="holddown") || (Command!="holddown"&&StateNo=330)) && RoundState = 2
Value=IFelse(Command="holdup",40,IFelse(Command="holddown",IFelse(Command="x",300,IFelse(Command="y",310,320)),IFelse(P2Dist X<60*Const(Size.XScale),IFelse(Command="x",201,IFelse(Command="y",211,221)),IFelse(Command="x",200,IFelse(Command="y",210,220)))))
[State -1];ŽãUŒ‚˜A‘ŏˆ—
Type = ChangeState
Trigger1 = (Command="x"&&((StateNo=[200,201])||StateNo=300)&&AnimElem=2,>1) || ((Command = "holddown" || P2Dist X < 60*Const(Size.XScale)) && Command = "a" && ((StateNo = 231 && AnimElem = 2,>1) || (StateNo = 330 && AnimElem = 2,>1)))&&RoundState=2
Value = IFelse(Command="x", IFelse(Command="holddown", 300, IFelse(P2Dist X>59*Const(Size.XScale),200,201)), IFelse(Command="holddown", 330, IFelse(StateNo=330||P2Dist X<60*Const(Size.XScale), 231, 230)))


Re: Alex (SF_MX)

 August 09, 2010, 01:37:39 pm View in topic context
 Posted by 8way  in Alex (SF_MX) update (Started by lifido9999 July 31, 2010, 06:46:54 am
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen

oh well, people will never learn that a movelist menu in a char totally breaks other mugen chars :(
Can you please tell me how do you disable it?
:( any botton but S  :-\

??? not sure what you mean, but the problem im having is with some of my characters the the movelist menu will just pop up for no reason and lock up the game, and all i can do is hit esc to end the game. Im looking for the code to delete, but im not sure what im looking for.


Re: Worst Games you've ever played?

 August 09, 2010, 02:56:37 am View in topic context
 Posted by 8way  in Worst Games you've ever played? (Started by StormEX August 04, 2010, 05:11:17 pm
 Board: Gaming

Bubsy 3D PS1.

Re: Street Fighter II E. Honda & Chun-Li

 August 09, 2010, 02:32:04 am View in topic context
 Posted by 8way  in Street Fighter II E. Honda & Chun-Li (Started by 8way August 08, 2010, 02:19:40 pm
 Board: Requests


Re: Alex (SF_MX)

 August 08, 2010, 07:02:35 pm View in topic context
 Posted by 8way  in Alex (SF_MX) update (Started by lifido9999 July 31, 2010, 06:46:54 am
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen


Street Fighter II E. Honda & Chun-Li

 August 08, 2010, 02:19:40 pm View in topic context
 Posted by 8way  in Street Fighter II E. Honda & Chun-Li (Started by 8way August 08, 2010, 02:19:40 pm
 Board: Requests

Hi, im looking for original version of SF2 E. Honda & Chun-Li. All links i find are dead.
A working link or send to would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.